Tabitha Caplinger is the author of The Chronicle of the Three Trilogy, The Wolf Queen and, most recently, The Wayward. I talked with her recently about her writing and about how authors can approach writing stories with Christian themes.
DJS: Writing novels can be a daunting task, and it can be hard to stay motivated. What inspires you to write for the young adult age group?
TC: I was a youth pastor for twenty years. I have such a heart for teens and young adults, and a desire to see them discover and live for their purpose on purpose. Stories have become a way to not just entertain, but challenge and encourage them to live chosen—to know God and make Him known.
DJS: Some novels are labeled inspirational or Christian, while other containing Christian themes are not. What do you feel makes a novel Christian?
TC: For me, it’s all about perspective. I don’t think a novel needs to be overt or preachy to share Biblical truth and point readers to the heart of Jesus. Jesus is the center of who I am and everything I do. I always say if our life is a pie, Jesus isn’t a slice of the pie, He’s the filling. Just like He flavors all parts of my life, He flavors my writing. Sometimes it will be a little more between the lines than others’ but I want His heart and values to shine through.
DJS: Tell me a little about your process. When you set out to write a novel, how do you discover the story’s core message?
TC: I start with the story first and let any themes or message happen organically. Whatever sparks my imagination, I begin to ask questions. Who is this about? Where do they live? What is the conflict they are facing? What journey will they take?
I research and outline until I have the main story points down.
Then I start writing. As I flesh out details and get inside my characters’ heads—learning their motivations, fears, strengths, and weaknesses. That’s when the message tends to emerge.
DJS: What are some key things authors should keep in mind when they feel they have a calling to deliver a specific message to their readers?
TC: I really believe that the story should come first. Readers are more likely to connect with the message if they are connecting to the characters. Do they feel real? Can I empathize with them? Do I care about what they are facing? Weave the message in through their emotions, thoughts, and actions. If we want the message to stick with readers we have to get it into their hearts, and we do that by connecting their hearts with the hearts of characters. Those emotional connections open us up to the deeper truths being presented, even subtly.
Thank you, Tabitha!
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Tabitha Caplinger is a lover of good stories and helping others live chosen. When she’s not writing book words, she’s reheating her coffee, binging a new show or teaching God’s Word to students. Tabitha, her husband and two beautifully sassy daughters desire to be Jesus with skin on for those around them. They live to love others…and for Marvel movies.

Donna Jo Stone is an award-winning author of young adult contemporary and adult historical fiction. She writes about tough issues but always ends her stories on a note of hope. Her novels are about common struggles and finding the faith to carry on through those battles.
The first book in Donna Jo’s young adult series is scheduled for publication in 2025.
Her short romance, A Wedding to Remember, released Feb 1st, and her adult 1960s inspy romance, JOANN: Apron Strings Books 5, releases May 15th.
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