Heard It Through The Hartline

Matchmaking and a Good Proposal

July 23, 2015

Agenting is a lot like being the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof. We have the job of searching for a suitable match between you, the author, and the right publishing house for your writing. A publisher that can provide a long-standing relationship where the author can flourish and mature.

As the publishing houses continue to recover from the economic changes the digital revolution brought about, it is more important than ever for authors to present an agent with a good proposal. Each portion of the proposal convinces the publisher to make a financial investment in you. For example, the competitive analysis helps an editor decide if there is a large enough reader-ship for titles such as yours that make their investment worthwhile. In the case of nonfiction titles, this list helps them determine if your book has something to say that has not been said before, or if it says it in a unique and marketable way.

[bctt tweet=”Agenting is a lot like being the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof. #agent #amwriting” via=”no”]

Be sure to take advantage of the writing conference schedules available in your areas, many of them offer great workshops on preparing a stellar proposal. A few of my favorite resource titles are; A Writers Survival Guide by Terry Burns, Author 101- Bestselling Book Proposals, Frishman & Spizman, and of course Terry Whalin’s Book Proposals That Sell.

Nonfiction authors must meet a large ‘platform’ challenge. With so much free online material and a plethora of blogs on every conceivable topic, having huge numbers of followers in their social media stats is very important. A publisher must be assured that the nonfiction author can help promote and sell their book through a strong network, and a speaking platform, where back of the room sales can take place.

When I am asked in reference to a nonfiction title, what should come first, the book or the platform, I encourage the platform. For without it, I will not be able to place your book with a publisher.

Romance novels continue to be an open door for new authors at Harlequins Love Inspired imprints. Authors must adhere to their submission formula or they will waste their time and receive a rejection. Many male authors are trying their hand at romance writing in an effort to get a published foot in the door.

Christian book sales continue to be good, although there are fewer slots open or titles being published, publishing houses are still buying. Be encouraged, God is in the process, and He is still on the throne.


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