
Miraculous Moments

She experienced some miraculous moments.

Her name is Betty Killian. For years this precious woman raised children and helped her husband who served as the pastor of Baptist churches. I met the Killians during his semi-retirement when he worked as the Minister to Senior Adults at my home church.

Betty walked with God. A woman of God’s Word and a woman of prayer, she was a follower of Christ who tried to be sensitive to the presence and voice of the Holy Spirit of God inside of her.

After walking with the Lord for many years, she sensed the Spirit challenge her to self-publish a book about the ways God worked in her life and the life of her family. In the prologue to her book Miraculous Moments, she writes, “We are told over and over to tell the wonderful works of the Lord and make His deeds known. This is why I have endeavored to share some of the ‘miraculous moments’ of my life. God is very much alive and active in the everyday affairs of His children.”

Though she never expected her book to become a best-seller nor for a major publishing house to offer a contract, Betty was obedient to what she believed was the nudging of the Lord. Feeling the urge to write detailed accounts of God’s activity in her ordinary life, she obediently wrote and pursued the task. In 1992 Betty’s book became a reality.

Regarding the book’s outcome, she shared, “I am unaware of what God’s ultimate purpose is regarding these shared experiences. I am aware that rejection and ridicule may be in store. The desire to walk in obedience renders such opposition of no importance.”

Mrs. Killian’s books arrived in boxes and were distributed to local outlets. Her church, school, and area bookstores made them available. At the time, I was a young college student. My mother edited the book for Betty, so I had a keen interest in the project. That year I read Miraculous Moments from cover to cover, enjoying the practical, poignant, and sometimes powerful illustrations of the Lord’s intervention in the life of the Killian family.

Betty’s testimonies revealed an ordinary woman who walked closely with God, believed His promises, heard His voice, and obeyed Him. No, this was not a famous Christian hero like Kay Arthur, Anne Graham Lotz, or Corrie ten Boom. This was a regular pastor’s wife, mother, and grandmother from Greenville, South Carolina, who had an extraordinary walk with God.

Betty’s stories challenged me during that impressionable season of life to develop an intimate relationship with Christ marked by prayer, faith, and obedience. To this day, almost twenty-five years later, I still have a copy of Miraculous Moments on my shelf and refer to it yearly.

The book was never a bestseller. And today, Betty still has boxes of her book in her closet at home.
But, Betty experienced a close walk with Jesus through the years. And in her senior years, the Lord challenged her to write down some of those experiences and share them with other people. Betty was obedient, and I was one of the recipients of that blessing.

The scope and reach of your writing is ultimately the Lord’s to determine. He may want to use your words to touch millions, thousands, hundreds, or a few dozen. It is our job to do our best and be obedient.

What if God’s purpose for your writing is to only touch a dozen? If so, like Betty, you may have an incredible opportunity to deeply impact a few lives for God’s kingdom.

Jesus impacted twelve people, and that blessing is felt today across the world.

Be obedient, do your best, and trust God.

By Rhett Wilson - A Word in Season

Rhett Wilson has loved reading and writing since his childhood when he won first place in a statewide short story contest. He is a family-man, pastor, and award-winning author. Rhett's blog, "Faith, Family, and Freedom," can be found at He enjoys doing life with his wife Tracey and their three children. The Wilsons explore waterfalls in the Carolinas, tube down mountain streams, and look forward to March Madness basketball every year. For fun, Rhett likes reading legal thrillers and Southern fiction, writing, and listening to wholesome country, classical, and Broadway music. He and his wife Tracey have released two CD’s: Lead Me On and Offered Praises. Rhett's byline has appeared in HomeLife, Thriving Family, Leadership Journal, and The Old Schoolhouse magazines as well as The Upper Room devotional.

One reply on “Miraculous Moments”

I love this post! Thanks, Rhett! It’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers. Worrying about how many will see/read our work can steal the joy right out of the process. Thanks for the reminder to simply be faithful and obedient to His call.

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