Kids Lit

More Meantime…

August 16, 2022
Kids Lit

Things are getting more exciting for fall – real conferences in person with live editors taking pitches. But until then it is easy to fall into the summer slump since no one…seems…to be…doing…anything.

Don’t waste the opportunity to build PLATFORM! (Pause for loud groans and eyeball rolls.) That has been my attitude, too. Clicks, Likes, Tweets, and Followers just build up numbers to get a book contract. 

Ok – now that is out of our system, here is a different way to look at the platform.

Shift the focus from “How much we can gain in potential sales?” to “What can share with others who may not have time to do the research?” Start with what we know and want to write about: kids and books. Can we say 15-30 seconds about:

Babies – Board books, soft books, novelty. 

Seasonal, holidays, bedtime, birthday. 

Mom, dad, grandma, neighbors. 

New titles, old classics. 

Your favorites, your kids/grandkids/kid next door favorites. 

Preschoolers – pictures and novelty books.

Transportation, food, homes, holidays, new baby, pets. 

Classic fairy tales and the spin-offs. 

Books you love to read and read again.

Books from your religious tradition.

Early grades – picture books and beginning readers, books in series.

Appealing characters, diversity.

World exploration, cultures other than your own, holidays.

School and family stories – new and classics.

Funny books, sad books, poetry.

Middle grades – chapter books, novels, graphic novels.

Banned books, books tackling issues.

Magazines, special interests.

New books, relevant classics.

Fantasy, science fiction, time travel.

Tip 1: Check books out of the library. Show the cover to the camera/screen as if you were sharing it with a friend. (Don’t read the entire book since it is copyrighted.) Talk for 15-30 seconds about why you like it. 

Tip 2: Choose ONE medium – Instagram Reels and TicTok are big now, but that can change. Where are the people who could benefit from your knowledge? And where are you comfortable?

BONUS: Whatever books you choose to share become comp titles for your next proposal!

DOUBLE BONUS: You helped some parents pick the right next book for the kid they love!

Award-winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, during library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! She hopes How to Dress a Dinosaur appears soon on one of YOUR lists! How to Dress a Dinosaur – Familius.com Shop

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