Late in 2024, I became extremely unsatisfied with my writing vocation. After spending six years focusing on sales, conversions in the content and copywriting space, I kept feeling drawn back to my roots.
Before pursuing writing as a career, I spent almost 20 years in production/manufacturing and industrial safety sectors. I began working in manufacturing during college where learned the grind and lingo of being a production worker.
However, at this point in my life, I don’t see myself returning to the physical labor or long shiftwork in the manufacturing sector. So, after prayer plus research, I decided to put my experience and analytical mind to work by venturing into technical writing; it was a no-brainer for me.
Technical writing isn’t necessarily that complex. It’s actually the opposite of what most people think. The goal of technical writing is to break down complex ideas or processes into simpler terms using the three Cs of technical writing.
- Clarity
- Concision
- Coherence
The term “technical” writing is a scary way to describe writing that is simplified, focused, and teaches or instructs others. This niche isn’t just for manufacturing, software, or engineering fields, it can be applied to any type of subject that needs to be explained or broken down into layman’s terms.
After my accident, a TBI changed the way my thought process works. I have to slow down, examine things differently compared to most people. I actually have to change my thought process to better understand most things. It is like watching an action movie in slow-motion so that you can see each movement and its purpose. Needless to say, I am excited about this new direction in my writing career.

New Direction
Most of us don’t like change, TBI survivors are encouraged to stay active and try new things and explore new hobbies, because changes in activity stimulate our brains which help develop new neural pathways.
There is no need to fear change. A new adventure in life is a good way to bring about change. After my accident, life as I knew it had to change because of my disability. I couldn’t do most of the things I used to do anymore.
I had trouble thinking and focusing, so returning to college wasn’t an option. My daily activities needed to change so I could live a better, healthier lifestyle. Some of those changes meant I need to get more sleep, drink more water, avoid excessive caffeine, stop bad habits like drinking and smoking.
These changes were tough at first, but as my brain and body adjusted, I enjoyed the new direction of my life. Now I feel the same way about my writing career.
Writing Life
The writing life has numerous opportunities and possibilities for writers to earn an income. I am not just talking about fiction or nonfiction markets; I’m referring to the niches within each genre.
As writers, we put words together like a puzzle to tell a story, teach, or communicate an idea. We often tend to stay within our comfort zones or preferred niches because we find success and enjoyment in them.
However, it is good to keep pushing ourselves. We can keep learning the craft, honing our skills and becoming versatile as we grow in our writing life. Below are a few ways we can become more versatile.
- Read
- Study different writing styles
- Experiment with different genres
- Sharpen your skills
- Develop a strong foundation
- Emulate different writers
- Adapt to the medium
- Get feedback
- Refine your style
- Nurture growth and adaptability
As I mentioned earlier, change can be exciting. I’m excited about the new direction of my writing career. I have enjoyed learning a new writing approach on how to better communicate complex ideas. I also like using my past experience to communicate clear but simple prose. My new thought process due to my TBI has also given me a new option to write about.
After my accident, I believed my options in life were limited due to my limited abilities, but after adapting to my disability, I learned my options were broader than I thought.
Technical writing is not just limited to manufacturing or tech industries, it is used in a variety of areas to help communicate instructions and simplify crucial information. Those who write for the technical genre don’t have to be experts to write in this niche. You primarily need to be a good communicator. There are various markets for technical writers; medical, fitness, engineering, science, computer science, manufacturing, and production. Even if you have limited experience in one of these areas, if the subject interests you enough, you can research and learn it. There are three main qualities of technical writers.
- Enjoy research
- Concise writing
- Structured thinker
Our brains are amazing tools that are never too old to learn new things and can be rewired for the challenges we face in life. After recently celebrating a milestone birthday, I am grateful to have made it this far in life.
I am excited to keep learning new things. I am enthusiastic to see what doors open in the new year and I am hopeful about my options. In what ways can you challenge yourself by going in a new direction?

Martin Johnson survived a severe car accident with a (T.B.I.) Traumatic brain injury which left him legally blind and partially paralyzed on the left side. He is an award-winning Christian screenwriter who has recently finished his first Christian nonfiction book. Martin has spent the last nine years volunteering as an ambassador and promoter for Promise Keepers ministries. While speaking to local men’s ministries he shares his testimony. He explains The Jesus Paradigm and how following Jesus changes what matters most in our lives. Martin lives in a Georgia and connects with readers at and on Twitter at mtjohnson51.
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