After conquering the first challenging rock face, I paused to look down at the path we had just climbed. Quitting was not an option. Going backwards at this point felt like a death wish. Edging down the cliff on slick sandstone outcroppings with my bum knee that could go out any moment? No way. What choice did I have but to go forward? My son assured me we were nearly past the difficult part and beyond the next rise we would start the journey downward by a much easier route.
I wasn’t sure I could make the journey ahead of me, but I had gone too far to turn back now. I forged ahead and with much help from my family, I finished the hike, exhausted but happy.
As serious writers, we can set up circumstances in our lives that will, in effect, place us in a position of no turning back from our writing journey. Most of us feel pressure to meet certain expectations—either our own expectations or those placed upon us by others. Commitments, deadlines, and goal setting can provide accountability and lead us forward. We may have to stretch ourselves and ask for help from family and friends, but if we press on, a tipping point will come. It will become easier to keep writing than to quit.
Reverse Engineer Expectations
Someone discovers your talent for cooking or sewing or anything slightly unique, and from then on, they expect you to complete a certain task, whether you want to or not. Ever happen to you?
A trivial example from my life is baking pecan pie—well, okay, pecan pie is not trivial. Apparently, I make the best pecan pie of anyone on both sides of my extended family, so for years and to this day, it’s my job to bake the pecan pies for our family holidays. No one cares whether I might like to try chocolate pie or blueberry pie or any other dessert. I’m great at pecan pie and that’s what they expect from me, so I do it because— “Tradition!” (You should be hearing the theme from Fiddler on the Roof.)
The point is, for the most part, we do what is expected of us, and we can turn this to our advantage. What do we want people to expect from us? I desire to write regularly and to share with an audience to bless, encourage, and/or inform them in some way. How can I find a group or a person who will require my writing? Of course, we’d all love to have a publisher pay us, but until we get there, I have a few suggestions that will put good pressure on us to write regularly.
Join a Critique Group
Joining a critique group has many advantages over Lone Ranger writing. We may be introverts, but until we reach Stephen King status, most of us need the help of others to keep growing and stay energized.
Critique groups, like authors, come in many different shapes and colors. Search the web for local writers’ critique groups or ask around in your online writers’ groups until you find one that fits your personality. I was happy to find a group requiring a certain level of commitment. As a kid in school, I always did my homework, so if a group is requiring a submission from me each month, I will complete the assignment. This is one way to reverse engineer the kind of pressure you want for the sake of motivation.
Find a Deadline, Submit, and Start Small
Once you have a critique group, you can get help with submissions to publishers. Using the Writer’s Market Guide or online research, find deadlines listed by publishers for submissions. Some accept freelance submissions year-round, others have submission periods certain times of the year, and contests have definite deadlines. Allow plenty of lead time before any publisher or contest deadlines and ask your critique group to give you feedback on your future submissions.
If you’re an unpublished beginner, start with short submissions for devotions or magazine articles and volunteer to write for church or non-profit publications. It’s wonderful to receive pay, but in the early stages of your career, being published is valuable in itself.
Set Goals
In addition to the requirements of a critique group or publishers, we need to create our own goals and expectations. It’s easier to fulfill the expectations of others, but I am praying for the self-discipline to achieve my personal goals. List your goals and keep track of them; for example, I plan to have at least twelve submissions out at all times. As soon as I receive a rejection, I send out another submission.
If twelve sounds daunting, set a lower number. Plan your days and set word count goals, submissions goals, or simply commit to spending a certain number of hours per day writing. Ultimately, while God is in charge of our destiny, we are in charge of our daily decision-making. Like my rock-climbing experience, once you make it to a certain level in your writing journey, it becomes easier to keep moving forward than to turn back.
What helps you stay motivated to write? Do you tend to meet the expectations of others more than your own? I’d love to hear your comments.

In 1996, Susan E. Brooks moved to Mozambique, Africa, with her family where she taught art and English at an international high school and started journaling about her adventures. Her stories of struggles and victories in Mozambique are now published on her blog in a series entitled “Mozambican Odyssey.” She has since lived in Portugal, Ghana, and Cyprus, as well as in her home state of Kentucky, USA.
Meanwhile, nine grandchildren have come along, and she is inspired to write and illustrate a children’s book for each of them. Susan has self-published four children’s books so far.
In recent years, her stories have been published by Peace Catalyst International and in an anthology entitled Prayer Warrior Confessions. Follow Susan’s adventures and her art on her websiteL, Facebook susanbrooksart, and on Instagram @sebrooks81.
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