Developing Your Writer's Voice

One Way to Discover Your Writer’s Voice

“Do you have a unique voice?”

It’s one question agents and editors often ask writers during one-on-one interviews at conferences.

A “deer caught in the headlights” look passes over newbie’s faces while their tongues cling to the roof of their mouths. “Voice, what do you mean by voice?”

It’s been said that finding and developing one’s writer voice is at the top of the list of things aspiring writers find most intimidating.

There are many definitions of what constitutes a writer’s voice. I believe it’s a combination of syntax, style, dialogue, diction and tone. It is the very essence of you that springs forth from the pages.

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My writer’s voice came quickly, which was not the case for the bane of my existence—the matter of show versus tell. We all have issues!

Each post I’ll share a tip on developing your writer’s voice along with advice I’ve gleaned over the years from seasoned wordsmiths. Hopefully, tackling this issue in small bites will make it easier to digest.

Today’s tip: Read. Read a lot. When you find new authors or revisit old favorites, try to determine what drew you into their story world. Listen for their voice. Read other books written by them to determine if you would know it was their writing, their voice, without seeing the writer’s names. This lesson might seem elementary but trust me; it will be a helpful exercise.

Consider this post for a moment. What is the voice of this post? What is its personality? Is it cozy, formal, or aloof?

Please leave comments concerning your struggles with voice with suggestions of how this blog can best serve you in the comment section.

I hope you come back to visit often.

By Dee Dee Parker - Developing Your Writer's Voice/The Writerly Cafe

Dee Dee Parker infuses wisps of Southern grace throughout both her writing and speaking. She is the author of a children’s book, Josie Jo’s Got to Know and has contributed to numerous anthologies, such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, God’s Provision for Tough Times, and Clothes Lines. Dee Dee writes for Christian Devotions, Guidepost books,, as well as Focus On the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. magazine. Her first Christmas novella has landed in the hands of her agent. Dee Dee lives snuggled among the NC Appalachian Mountains with her husband Jim, a retired minister, and their spoiled snoodle, Greta.

9 replies on “One Way to Discover Your Writer’s Voice”

Dee Dee, Great post. It seems like my voice is acrostics. I love them, they help me remember, and others like them too (most people anyway)

I also enjoy acrostics, Cherrilyn. I really like the ones at both the beginning and ending of lines. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

Diana,hope you will join me each month as we tackle this issue together. I always listen for the author’s voice as I read…hope this tip helps.

Dee, Dee, this is a great help for anyone who is trying to discover their voice. Can’t wait to continue following you and receiving tips. They are helpful to me also! 🙂 Thanks!!!!!

LOL…BETH! So happy you will join me as we discover the writer’s voice. Thanks for your comment.

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