I’ve often pondered why I write, and what does it mean to be a writer. Sometimes I labor over my writing when I have an assignment due or a deadline; editing and re-writes are plentiful. Sometimes I have moments of inspiration when the words pour effortlessly onto the page.
You know what I’ve discovered? The best messages are those I write as me, not as what I think others expect of me or what I think might be the “perfect” message. I have my own style, my own way of phrasing things, and my own personality. If I don’t share as me, God’s message loses something in my forced translation.
I also discovered that when I put my hands on the keyboard and give my God time, He provides the words.
Writing is about growing our relationship with Jesus (spending time with Him), and obedience to write what He tells us to write. There’s no formula. There’s no perfect time to write. There’s no perfect message.
There’s only one perfect Jesus who uses imperfect vessels to make Himself known.
No matter what or how we write, our calling as writers is to use our God-given gifts and talents to:
- advance the Kingdom of God on this earth. Some of us share truth through stories, some of us share through Bible studies and real-life experiences, and some of us are gifted to do both.
- write truth as the Lord reveals it, and be ready for anything that comes our way as a result. We live in a culture where Biblical truth is increasingly hated and mocked. We need to pray over our writing and share courageously. We need to pray strength and protection for each other.
- use today’s technology to the best of our ability. Twenty years ago, who could have predicted that “going viral” would be a good thing! Our collective goal is to reach everywhere to make Him known.
We are all part of God’s army and He is our Commander in Chief. God has strategically placed us right where we are for His purposes. We all have messages to share. Some share testimony, some teach, some exhort, some inspire. We all have times of flowing words and times of laborious re-writes. We all have points of view, life experiences, and passions.
We all have a responsibility to share our words whether we reach one person or a million people; whether our message is hated or loved by one person or a thousand; whether we get no comments or hundreds.
We write as He leads.
That’s our calling as writers.
[bctt tweet=”The best messages are those I write as me… #calling #writer” via=”no”]
The image is from bing, “permission to share and use”, illuminatedlvg.com.
Great article. “We write as He leads” is my favorite line. That is the only reason I write. I have to confess, writing is so hard for me. When God gives me the words I am driven to write.
Yes, Cherrilynn, me too – some days I am compelled to write – can’t NOT write :-). And sometimes it’s hard to find words. Thank you for your comment, glad you were encouraged!