Be Careful How You Live
Elaine Marie Cooper “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of…
August 18, 2016Elaine Marie Cooper “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of…
August 18, 2016We discussed the first three suggestion to overcoming writing obstacles in an earlier blog. Run, walk, exercise – stir…
August 17, 2016By Doug Peterson A funny thing happened on the way to learning how to write a screenplay. I wrote…
August 16, 2016Last month we discussed various methods of communication in a fantasy realm. The general idea was that you can’t…
August 15, 2016How we introduce our characters should be designed to create the reaction we want in our readers. Is the…
August 13, 2016The president of our seminary used to tell us that we needed over 1,500 books in our personal library…
August 12, 2016By: Terry Whalin Many people want to publish their writing. After working as a magazine editor for years plus…
August 11, 2016Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this…
August 9, 2016by Sandra Merville Hart Two months ago we talked about the author of Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White, and…
August 8, 2016by Laura L. Zimmerman I went for a swim at 6:30 this morning. Okay, not really, but in my…
August 6, 2016Flash Fiction Endings: Satisfy Me, Baby By: Teddi Deppner In fiction, readers are looking for a vicarious experience. Every…
August 5, 2016Here at the café, I’ve received several questions on what a writer’s muse is and where writers can find…
August 3, 2016For years daily rituals have fascinated me. Was there a secret to the creative energy found in writers, poets,…
August 2, 2016Welcome, Jerry. We are honored to have you partner with us. Can you share a little about your recent book?…
August 1, 2016Conferences: The Paid Critique So you’re thinking about attending a writers conference, or perhaps you’ve already registered for one.…
July 29, 20163-Step Plan for A SPEC-tacular Audience By now you have already noticed the play on words, and I’ll admit…It…
July 28, 2016Bush hogging helps me clear my head (no—that’s not hunting wild hogs in the bush). It’s a farm implement…
July 27, 2016The natural cascade soothed Mary and many days she walked by as she prayed and sought the mind of…
July 26, 2016The setting sold us. A property with mature trees and a creek running behind it. Even in March, with…
July 25, 2016Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second…
July 24, 2016Elaine Marie Cooper It was early summer and the New England Asters were lush with leaves. But a knowledgeable…
July 23, 2016A few weeks ago I enjoyed a lovely dinner with friends at a cool restaurant in Raleigh. The first…
July 22, 2016Once you’ve chosen the setting of your book—which we discussed in Part 1 of this series—it’s important to spend…
July 21, 2016Why Your Bio Isn’t About You by: Nichole Parks It’s not personal. It’s business. Think about it. A bio…
July 17, 2016Promote Your Book Like a Pro by DiAnn Mills Authors are in search of the holy grail of book…
July 16, 2016