A STRANGER IN MY HEART (Thomas Garet series)
Local stations went agog with the news. A stranger in town gunned down by Ellicott City resident, Charles Taylor.…
April 18, 2016Local stations went agog with the news. A stranger in town gunned down by Ellicott City resident, Charles Taylor.…
April 18, 2016Lots of time we hear verbal patterns that may be acceptable (to some people) in speech, but they are…
April 17, 2016Practice makes perfect. I believed this mantra for years until a music teacher changed my mind. “Perfect practice makes…
April 15, 2016What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. Perhaps…
April 13, 2016Savannah asked, “Do you have any tips for people who are new to blogging or would like to start?”…
April 12, 2016What do children’s publishers want? That is the question that all children’s writers long to have answered. What is…
April 11, 2016By all accounts, it was a productive year. Articles were accepted for publication. A book contract hung on my…
April 10, 2016One of my favorite television shows of all time is the classic Odd Couple from the 1970s (not the…
April 9, 2016I enjoy blogging about the Appalachian mountains where I live. My blog speaks to the traditions, faith, lifestyle, and…
April 8, 2016Setting Goals for a Conference Hello, my fantastic reader. It’s come to my attention that the season of writing…
April 7, 2016By Doug Peterson In the Oscar-winning movie, Braveheart, the hero William Wallace of Scotland falls in love with Isabella,…
April 6, 2016In honor of National Poetry Month (April), I thought we could take a few moments to explore writing a…
April 5, 2016“My last point about getting started as a writer: do something first, good or bad, successful or not, and…
April 4, 2016Last month we talked about military technology and how it can be just as important in a fantasy book…
April 3, 2016“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are…
April 2, 2016Good content is critical for a writer but how that content is presented is also important. In Brand Basics…
April 1, 2016I traveled to Hyderabad, India recently and we had one day of sightseeing and shopping in the city. This…
March 31, 2016I recently downloaded Sara Groves’ excellent album (CD? What do we call it these days?) Floodplain, and one of…
March 27, 2016Like me you are probably trying to build a support team for your writing — a reading group, a…
March 26, 2016My husband Don is starting his Appalachian Trail (AT) hike on March 13th. He’s had this passion on his…
March 21, 2016Have you ever looked at the category words on the back of a book, above (or below) the bar…
March 20, 2016Pinterest for Writers: Part 2 When I teach computer classes for Christian writers and speakers, many attendees are surprised…
March 19, 2016Students of English learn quickly that to every rule, there is an exception; sometimes the exception is the rule.…
March 18, 2016Characters who violate a stereotype are interesting; by surprising us they pique our interest, make us want to explore.…
March 17, 2016