With the Right Bait
I was browsing my local paper and right in the middle of the classified section I spied this teaser:…
October 25, 2015I was browsing my local paper and right in the middle of the classified section I spied this teaser:…
October 25, 2015To paraphrase that wise king Solomon, “There’s a time and place for everything.” For writers, that includes repetition, despite…
October 24, 2015Worlds of the Complex Nature So we’ve got a great story idea, and we’ve got two great characters now…
October 23, 2015I’m not sure how he did it, but the late Michael Crichton supposedly wrote 10,000 words a day, which…
October 22, 2015A writer’s voice is the unique personality of the writer that comes through on the written page, defining his…
October 21, 2015I attend a small church in a rural area. We have contemporary worship and are probably more “progressive” than…
October 20, 2015The writing-life doesn’t look like other career-fields. A lot of what we do happens when we’re home alone or…
October 19, 2015Simplicity is extremely valuable when it comes to communicating through poetry. I’ve always wanted my poems to positively impact…
October 18, 2015I recently read a headline that jumped off the page to me: “Can a GOP So Divided by Anger…
October 17, 2015Fictional characters are like onions; they are made of many layers. A writer must peel back the layers to…
October 16, 2015When drafting your novel, then self-editing, go back and determine whether or not any given scene moves the story…
October 15, 2015Every time I teach “Writing for Children” at a writers’ conference or teach a “Children’s Writing 101” class…
October 14, 2015Apparently this is a controversial issue – To submit a children’s Proposal with your manuscript or not? I always…
October 13, 2015Worlds of the Complex Nature So we’ve got a great story idea, and we’ve got two great…
October 12, 2015“No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest…
October 11, 2015[bctt tweet=”#TeenWriters: To avoid weak writing, check your book for these common mistakes #writingtips@tessaemilyhall “] Teen writers: You’re entering an…
October 9, 2015[author title=”Hope Toler Dougherty” image=”https://www.almostanauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/toler-275×275.jpg”]Before writing novels, Hope Toler Dougherty published non-fiction articles on topics ranging from gardening with…
October 9, 2015It’s a struggle authors frequently have. We write an article or blog post, and then comes the dreaded question,…
October 8, 2015Congratulations to our Blue Seal Award winners and finalists! Thank you to all who entered, we look forward to…
October 7, 2015We all know the value of saving for the future. The truth is that’s not just good financial advice—it’s…
October 7, 2015You sit down at your computer to write a new blog post. A blank screen is all you…
October 6, 2015One of the cornerstones of an author’s platform is a personal website or blog. (Because these terms are used…
October 5, 2015Last month, we looked at governance by law first, and people second. If the characters in your book find themselves in…
October 4, 2015If you are a born again follower of Christ then you have been given a spiritual gift or gifts.…
October 3, 2015Choosing a freelance editor can be daunting. So many choices, so many possibilities. And if we’re honest? Many people…
October 2, 2015