Last month we put together pitches – the 30-second “What is your book about?” Unless you happen to end up next to an editor or agent at a conference dinner, what can you do with them?

1 X (formerly you know who) Pitch Events.
These were great during COVID!
Google “online pitch event,” and several sites will listed. Many are for specific genres of groups of authors. If you fit one of those, this is an excellent place to get noticed because editors watch for new and emerging voices. Read all the parameters on the group website. Some will let agented authors pitch, but some won’t. All have rules for how many times a day and how many titles may be pitched.
However, with the X (formerly blah blah) world in flux, many events or Pitch Parties are pausing or moving to other hosts. Just verify that the one you like is active.

2 In person planned pitching.
Short of tracking your preferred agent into the restroom (DON’T) or pouncing out from behind a potted palm, in-person events are increasingly adding pitch opportunities, sometimes at a luncheon where people with the same genre get a minute or 3 to pitch a book to one of the guest editor/agents. (Don’t talk with your mouth full.) It may cost the price of the lunch or a bit more.
At other times, conference speakers, agents, and editors will be available for a conversation of 10–15 minutes. Have your pitch ready Because these move very fast – think speed-dating your book.
Finally, sometimes agents offer an opportunity to pitch after the conference ends and get special consideration.

All About (hehehe) Hashtags
Every pitch event has categories they specifically use for their opportunity. But even if you are in a meeting in person, mentally defining hashtags will help you define and narrow your focus to make your pitch more impactful. Some samples:
- Age Categories
- #PB = Picture Book
- #CB = Chapter Book
- #MG = Middle Grade
- #YA = Young Adult
- Additional hashtags (ONLY if applicable)
- #DIS = Disability subject matter
- #LGBT = LGBTQIA+ subject matter
- #ND = Neurodiverse subject matter
- #OWN = Own Voices
- #POC = Author is a Person of Color
- Genres/Sub-genres
- #F = Fantasy
- #GN = Graphic Novel
- #H = Horror
- #HA = Humor
- #HF = Historical Fiction
- #M = Mystery
- #NF = Non-fiction
- #STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
- #SH = Superhero
It is worth having pitches in a file for use any time – and don’t forget to watch for the latest hot topics. That dusty idea from 7 years ago might be just right for now! Pitch it!

Multi award winning author Robin Currie holds a Master of Library Science from the University of Iowa but learned story sharing by sitting on the floor during more than 1000 story times. She sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks, writes stories to read and read again, and just dusted off a pitch for an editor of an old story whose time has finally come! (Cross fingers!)
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