Writing for YA

Planning a Novel Series: Interview with YA Fantasy Author V. Romas Burton

March 27, 2024

V. Romas Burton is the author of two fantasy series, Heartmaker and The Legacy Chapters. Her latest release, Justified, is book two in The Legacy Chapters. I asked her to share a little bit about her experiences writing a series.

DJS: Writing one novel can be daunting, and I imagine a series can only be more so! What pros and cons about planning a series did you learn as you went through the process?

VRB: There have been a lot of both pros and cons along the way. One pro is that once I know the ending to my series, I can usually find my way from the beginning. A con I’ve learned is that sometimes “pantsing” (not planning out the events in your story), is not always the best route when trying to make it to the end!

DJS: I can understand the pansting issue. Sadly, I’ve taken the route of not enough plotting before sitting down to write. That method didn’t work well for me, although one of my critique partners swears by it. As you planned your series, what did you learn about the process that surprised you? And now that you’ve produced a series, is there anything you would do differently?

VRB: I’ve learned that sometimes your story doesn’t end up where you originally thought. Sometimes a better plot line is uncovered or a new twist is added that makes the story richer. Now that I’ve produced a series I would probably look a bit closer at my characters’ development and really try to make those solid and relatable. 

DJS: Trying to figure out where to begin or what resources to start with can be overwhelming. Where do you suggest authors find help planning a series?

VRB: I would recommend attending a writers’ conference to take some classes and also to meet other like-minded authors. It’s always helpful to have people to bounce ideas off of when you’re not sure what to do next. I also recommend reading through your favorite series with the eyes of an author, not a reader, and see how your favorite author crafts their story over the span of two or more books.

DJS: That’s great advice. I always recommend reading. What are your three favorite YA series? Why do you think you like them so much?

VRB: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

This was the series that introduced me to YA Fantasy and ultimately made me a writer.

The Caraval Series by Stephanie Garber

I love Stephanie Garner’s descriptions and how she crafts her stories.

This isn’t technically a series, but I love all of Jane Austen’s books. Her stories and characters have influenced my writing in many ways.

DJS: You can never go wrong with Austen. (And I think The Lunar Chronicles and The Caraval Series are also great picks.)

Thanks so much for visiting with us!

Find future book updates and news on V. Romas Burton’s website: www.vromasburton.com

V. Romas Burton grew up bouncing up and down the East Coast where she wrote her first story about magical ponies at age seven. Years later, after studying government and earning an M.A. in Theological Studies, V. Romas Burton realized something even bigger was calling out to her—stories that contained great adventures and encouraging messages.

Donna Jo Stone is an award-winning author of young adult contemporary and adult historical fiction. She writes about tough issues but always ends her stories on a note of hope. Her novels are about common struggles and finding the faith to carry on through those battles.

The first book in Donna Jo’s young adult series is scheduled for publication in 2025.

Her short romance, A Wedding to Remember, released Feb 1st, and her adult 1960s inspy romance, JOANN: Apron Strings Books 5, releases May 15th

Stay in touch and receive the latest news by signing up for Donna Jo’s newsletter at  donnajostone.com.

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  • Reply New Post at Almost an Author| Planning a Novel Series: Interview with V. Romas Burton | Donna Jo Stone March 27, 2024 at 11:01 am

    […] you went through the process? VRB: There have been a lot of both pros and cons along the way….click here to read more over at Almost an […]

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