The Writer's PenCase

Plot Twists—Part II

April 23, 2016

Last time we talked about all the elements needed to create a stunning plot twist. This time, we’ll talk about reader reactions and other tips to create a plot twist they’ll never forget.

[bctt tweet=”Readers have one of three reactions to a plot twist: 1) “No way!” 2) “Huh. Nice!” and 3) “Oh, yeah!” “]#plottwists #amwriting

“No Way!”

With the “No Way!” reaction, you’ll structure your plot twist with certainty that what they read is the only way it could have turned out. It was the only possible solution.

“Huh. Nice!”

Lead your readers into uncertainty. Cloud the clues, the issues, and disguise the ending, so the reader has no clue where you’re taking them. Make sure it’s compelling enough to follow, throw in those suspicions and red herrings. You don’t want them figuring out your twist ahead of time.

twist“Oh, yeah!”

Here’s where cleverness leads the way. You’ll want to make sure earlier on your story that you show the special thing the protagonist has available to him/her, but they’ve forgotten about until that crucial moment when they use that to get themselves out of their predicament.

Here are a few questions to ask your manuscript regarding twists and turns in your plot.

  1. Where do I need to shade the details and foreshadowing so the twist is the most credible, inevitable ending to my story?
  2. What clues or evidence do I need to include to make the story stand on its own without the twist?
  3. Is the story improved by the twist? In other words, is it richer and more meaningful? If not, how can I construct the twist so that it adds depth to the story?
  4. How can I use this twist to both turn the story on its head and move it in a more satisfying direction?

Here are a few more tips:

  1. [bctt tweet=”More tips for a spectacular plot twist: 1.Create multiple worlds of inevitability; 2.Turn expectations on their head; 3.Eliminate the obvious; 4.Redirect suspicion; 5.Avoid gimmicks; 6.Write toward your readers’ reaction.”]

Have you had any of these reactions when you read a good plot twist? Which one(s)? Leave a comment and let me know. #amwriting #plottwists

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