The Writer's PenCase

Plot Twists – Part IV

We’ve been looking at crafting plot twists. #amwriting #plottwists [bctt tweet=”Create a jaw-dropping plot twist by convincing your reader your story world is exactly how it should be” username=”@donnalhsmith @a3forme”].

twistThis time, we’ll look at 1) Misdirection, 2) Sidestepping plot devices, and 3) Satisfying your reader.


  1. How can you improve on burying my clues the readers need in order to accept your ending? Will they be able to figure it out ahead of time? Do you want them to? No.
  2. How can you take advantage of reader expectations, playing against them, by throwing in red herrings, so they’ll never suspect the shocking ending you have in mind?

Sidestepping Plot Devices

  1. How will the readers feel when they read your twist? Will they feel tricked, deceived, or insulted? If so, how can you better respect their ability to see this coming, without giving it away?
  2. Watch for clichés, or copycat plot turning points. Have you seen them before in a movie or TV show? Have you read them in a book? If so, ask yourself how to keep the story fresh and original.

Satisfying Your Reader

  1. Are the readers properly prepared for the shock of the twist? Have you led them to the conclusion you wanted for them? They’ll try to predict the ending. Will they be successful?
  2. If you want the readers to suspect a number of different endings, have you satisfactorily built up all the potential outcomes?
  3. Do you want your readers to cheer the ending? Have you: a) created a seemingly impossible situation for the protagonist to escape from or conquer? b) allowed the hero/heroine to persevere through wit or grit rather than with help from someone else?

Finally, what kind of reaction do you want from your readers? “No way” or “Huh, nice” or “Oh, yeah.” [bctt tweet=”What kind of reaction do you want from your readers? ” username=”@A3forme @donnalhsmith”]Click to Tweet #amwriting #plottwists

By Donna L.H. Smith-Managing Editor

I'm a prairie girl from Kansas transplanted to Amish country, Pennsylvania. I'm married to a wonderful man since 1987, a member of a great church, where I serve as a greeter and on ministry team. On Sunday afternoons, I stand a two-hour prayer watch at our local 24/7 House of Prayer. I also enjoy reading, occasionally reviewing books, and of course, writing. A graduate of Christian Writer's Guild's Craftsman program, and holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in communication. I seek to encourage beginning writers in learning the craft. I am currently the Mid-Atlantic Zone Director of American Christian Fiction Writers and serve as Managing Editor for A3. My debut novel, Meghan's Choice, published in late 2017. Her second novel is in the editing process. She also teaches workshops on writing and inspirational.

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