Serving Your Audience for Free Always Opens the Door to Opportunity
You’ve created a paid program. “Now all you need to do is send an email to your list with a link to your sales page, sit back, and watch the money roll in!” Or so some experts say.
Have you noticed that those same “experts” only serve people who already have an established tribe? Their training doesn’t help people who are working to build their following.
A 21-Day Challenge is the perfect way to attract your ideal target market by serving them live, using Facebook Live. While you share great content for free, the Holy Spirit will draw those in your audience—many who don’t know you today—to your message. And thus, your platform will grow.
Let’s Break the Process Down
A 21-Day Challenge lasts longer than 21 days for you. Surprise! Those 3 weeks are only the free training portion. During those live sessions, you’ll deliver nuggets from your best content—for free—using Facebook Live.
Here’s a sample schedule (change the numbers shown below to suit your needs):
- 21 days of free, valuable content,
- 5-7 days when your sales cart is “open,” (when your paid program can be purchased) and,
- 21 days to deliver your paid training.
There are 3 additional, behind-the-scenes tasks.
Before your challenge goes “live,” you’ll want to determine what content you’ll offer for each day of both your free training and your paid program.
You’ll also want to create eye-catching promotional graphics to share on your various social media accounts before and during your challenge. Those promotions will intrigue potential audience members, drawing them to your Facebook page so you can help them reach their goals, escape their pain, build a better mousetrap…whatever results your message offers.
Let’s say those 3 items take 2 weeks total.
That’s 9 weeks—on the high side—to create a life-changing challenge that, once everything’s in place, you can offer for sale again and again, ideally making money each time you offer it. Sweet!
You’ll also have more readers on your email list—people who want your message—and in the long run, those results may be more beneficial than your first sales.
What If You’re Not Ready to Sell Anything Yet?
You can still benefit from a 21-Day Challenge, because serving your audience is always a wise choice. And since they’ll be able to ask follow-up questions and share comments while you’re “live,” you can help them solve their problem that very day! Of course, they’ll want more from you after that!
Each day, invite them to join your email list, so you can continue serving them with even more great content long after the challenge is over. This further strengthens your relationship with them.
Then when you do have a paid product, they’ll be the first to be interested in it. And since their name will already be on your email list—because you’ve been serving them via email since your challenge—you can contact them directly to promote your product.
Facebook Live is the tool that can make this happen, and make it happen faster.

Patricia Durgin is an Online Marketing Coach and Facebook Live Expert. She trains Christian writers and speakers exclusively, helping them develop their messaging, marketing funnels, conversational emails, and Facebook Live programs. Patricia hosted 505 (60-minute) Facebook Live programs from 2018-2020. That program is on indefinite hiatus. She’s also a regular faculty member at Christian writers and speakers conferences around the country.
Facebook: MarketersOnAMission
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