Kindness is such a simple word, yet all too often it seems vacant from our speech.
Perhaps it’s the plethora of reality TV shows where everyone “speaks their mind” in aggressive, hurtful words that are meant to increase the network ratings. Perhaps it has to do with our own inadequacies; if we put someone else down, we think we are raising our own image. Wrong! Or perhaps it’s just that we are born to be self-seeking, focusing on our own needs.
This lack of kindness in our society really hit home to me on a recent out-of-state trip. I was in the restroom stall—sorry if that’s TMI—when I overhead a young woman poking fun at a person I assumed was her sister. “I hate those pants on you. They make your butt look fat.”
Nice, I thought sarcastically. Had I been outside the stall, I would have said something to the evil sister. But being trapped, all I could do was ponder these mean words. Obviously the sister being derided for some fashion faux pas had no recourse but to wear the “ugly” pants, unless she happened to have another pair in her carry on luggage, AND had time to change before her flight left.
Regardless of Nasty Sister’s words, it would have been so much kinder to wait until they were home and said something in private. Or just keep her mouth closed, period.
Although I wish it were not so, I’ve seen unkindness in the Christian writer’s realm. These include mocking another author’s hairstyle at a conference and leaving a conference attendee alone at a table rather than inviting him or her to join your group. A lack of kindness can be found everywhere.
As we begin a brand new year, I pray that writers (including myself) can determine to be kinder. If you can’t review a book, kindly decline, offering well wishes for the book’s success. If you really don’t like a book by a fellow writer, don’t leave a negative review. Privately message the writer if you think that will help them, but don’t publicly deride their words.
If you are at a conference, be a help to your fellow writers, especially the new ones. Don’t just seek out the so-called “famous” authors. Someday, the writer you scorn may be on the best sellers list!
Please remember, we are all children of the King. Determine in 2016 to treat others like the royalty they are.
May your new year be blessed!
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5: 22-23) NIV
Image of green typewriter courtesy of Just2shutter via
Image of helping a drowning person courtesy of Kateen2528 via