The new year. A great time to try something you haven’t done before. How about writing articles?
Many people think there is no other option for writers except writing books. And, they think books are the quickest way to garner fame and fortune. Many of those writers have never considered writing articles, which have so many benefits to your writing.
1. Articles get your name out there. Because you can write many articles in a short amount of time, you are able to reach many audiences at one time. As readers see your name repeatedly, you become recognized as an authority on your subject.
2. Articles keep small paychecks coming. Even though small, the amounts you are paid for your article writing add up to a nicer amount.
3. Articles are a good way to publicize your book. When you write an article that is even somewhat related to the subject of your book you increase your notoriety as someone who is knowledgeable on the subject. When you write your bio you can mention that you are the author of a certain book, which will pique the interest of readers on your subject.
4. Articles give you many opportunities for subjects to write about. For instance, if you write nonfiction, you could write article on closely related subjects.
If you write about the care of dogs, for example, you could write not only write your care article but you could write an article on the different breeds, what breeds are best with children/older people, therapy dogs, etc. In your research you probably come across all of these subjects as you learn about the care of dogs.
If you write fiction, consider your theme. If your book is about trust, you could write numerous articles from numerous angles on trust. If your heroine has a sister who has suffered from depression, write an article on how to recognize depression in others, what the best treatments and therapies are, etc. Perhaps your heroine’s baby was kidnapped from a school classroom, you could write about kidnapping and how to make sure your children are safe at school. Or if your child was bullied, how your child should react to bullying when he or she is away from home.
All these will point back to the book you are marketing and help build your platform.

Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Linda is the author of many books and over 1000 magazine articles. Linda is a regular columnist for writing and family websites. She and her husband live on a farm near their family. Her favorite activity is floating in a pool surrounded by six of the cutest, splashing grandchildren in the world—a great source of writing material!
1 Comment
I’m a newbie in the writing world and really appreciate articles of this nature. It not only helps to motivate aspiring writers but also to broaden our horizon of possibilities.
Thanks for the great article.