As writers, our success is based on creating something others find useful or enjoyable. Which implies our success is based on staying relevant.
Is your writing as relevant as it could be?
Back in February, I was quite pleased with myself for having two months of blog posts written and scheduled. Then the pandemic hit and suddenly my insightful blog post topics didn’t seem so relevant.
I could have ignored current affairs and let my posts go out as scheduled, but would that have been the best value I could deliver to my readers? I don’t think so.
Such a drastic change in everyone’s lives demanded some changes on my part. So I wrote a few blogs that addressed the new issues my readers were suddenly facing, and tweaked my previously written posts to acknowledge the new reality.
Because I chose to adapt to the new situation I received some heartfelt thanks from readers. In other words, it pays to be relevant.
How can you stay relevant in your writing?
Traps to avoid
Ignoring what is going on in the world. Our message shouldn’t change with every headline, but we do need to be sensitive to the major events and social trends happening around us. Imagine a post on celebrating Mother’s Day that’s all about gathering the extended family at a favorite restaurant for brunch. It may be a beautiful piece of writing. It may be excellent advice. But right now that post is going to fall flat because it doesn’t apply to our quarantined reality.
Not listening to feedback. (Or not getting any in the first place.) We can’t predict how others will receive our words, but we can solicit feedback to see how effective our words are at communicating our message. What we think we are saying and what others are hearing may be very different, so don’t forget to check.
An inconsistent brand message. Readers become loyal to an author or blogger who consistently writes on topics that interest them or in a style they enjoy. However, if a writer’s message is inconsistent readers will lose trust and may abandon that writer altogether. Our writing will not appeal to everyone. The wise writer knows her niche and is consistent in delivering it.
Remaining stuck in the past. We all have certain topics and causes we particularly like to talk about. However, the big causes of yesteryear may no longer be relevant. In a similar vein, that blog topic that people raved about a year or two ago might no longer get the same traction, because A) too many others are writing about it now, B) it was timely back then but life has moved on, or C) the fates are fickle and Fortuna isn’t blessing that topic anymore.
Not keeping up with technology. Even if your message is relevant, you may not be delivering it in the most effective manner. Imagine how foolish it would be to only offer your podcasts on cassette tapes. Ditto if your only social media account is Myspace. The wise writer adapts his techniques to effectively reach his audience.
Tips for staying relevant.
Spend time with your target audience. In person. In Facebook or Goodreads groups. In internet forums. Wherever you can find them. Yes, it takes time to find these groups. Yes, it takes time to hang out there and listen to the conversations. Yes, we would rather spend that time working on a writing project. But in the long run hanging out with potential readers is a wise investment that can net future followers. Check out this blog post for a story of why it’s worth the effort.
Ask questions. Of your readers. Of fellow writers. Of mentors. The best way to know what topics are relevant to your readers is to ask them. Take polls and surveys. Ask questions in your CTA, in your emails, and on social media. We writers improve our work by getting feedback. This is true of our craft, but it’s also true of our subject matter. So ask away.
Research. Discovering what is relevant is easier than ever. Just google a topic and see what related terms auto-fill in the search bar. Or check what is trending on Twitter. Or read the latest Facebook post from that one friend who’s always up on the most current news. You get the idea. You may be like me, preferring to remain snugly in your writer’s cave, safe, solitary, and oblivious, but do yourself and your readers a favor by venturing out into the world now and then to see what’s happening.
Be flexible. Relevant writers know how to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. As Gabriela Pereira at DIY MFA says,
“Iterate, iterate, iterate.”
By which she means: Try something. Assess and adapt. Try again. History is littered with companies that died because they didn’t adapt with the times. Don’t go the way of Blockbuster and Toys R Us. Stay flexible.
Know when to quit. We need to discern when a topic, story project, or marketing tactic isn’t working and have the courage to set it aside and try something else. That doesn’t mean you must abandon it forever. It may be a perfectly good idea, but now isn’t the right time for it. Trust that when you let go of not-so-relevant ideas God will open doors for fresh inspiration.
You and I have an important and unique message to tell the world. If we want our words to make a difference and spread to those who need to hear them, we need to stay relevant.
What are your best tips for staying relevant?

Award-winning writer Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a unique story to tell the world. She loves inspiring fellow writers to be more intentional about developing their craft and courageous in sharing their words. Lisa shares her words through speaking, leading Bible studies, writing historical mysteries, and blogging about living intentionally.
You can find her on Facebook LisaEBetzWriter Twitter @LisaEBetz and Pinterest Lisa E Betz Intentional Living.
Hello Lisa,
This is such an important website. I’m a new soon-to-be author, assuming I can complete my book. I keep hitting walls and I think it’s because I’m not 100% confident in the scope. Would you be willing to chat? Either way, thank you!
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