I think writers must contemplate individual words much more than the average person. If that weren’t true, I’m convinced we would see hordes of people staring into space much more often. The word launch conjures up everything from ships sailing to teens leaving for college. But for a writer, the word launch encompasses those same concepts and so much more. The day a book launches is the day a dream becomes reality. But to give that dream the best chance to reach its full potential, just like an adept captain or a diligent parent, we must prepare in advance for the big event. Here are a few tips to get your book ready for launch.
1) Rally your tribe. Enlist as many launch team volunteers as you can. As the clock ticks closer to your release date, keep your team engaged through emails and/or by forming a private group, through social media, just for them. Use group posts to generate excitement and to remind your team about important tasks. You can do this in fun ways, like offering weekly giveaways or posting teaser excerpts or illustrations from your upcoming book.
2) Get the word out. It’s likely that you have potential readers out there who have never heard of you or your book. One way to find them is to use your launch team and other connections to introduce yourself. Social media is a great tool for this kind of word of mouth exposure. When a reader first sees a friend’s post about your book, they take casual notice. Then they hear about your amazing book from another source—and it cues their mental radar. But when the potential reader hears about the book a third time, it puts them into action mode.
3) Consider a virtual launch party. Covid has made face-to-face book signings and launch parties almost impossible. But no fear, there are multiple resources available to help you engage with your anxiously awaiting public—via the internet. Online social gatherings and conferences are becoming the norm, and fortunately, we can glean from the experiences of others who have gone before us. Facebook Live, Zoom, and StreamYard are great forums for a launch party. The first place to start is by doing a Google search for online launch parties, specific to your genera. Notice the platforms used, check for what worked and what did not with other parties, then steal your favorite ideas and create the party of your dreams to celebrate the birth of your book baby.
Technology has become the bridge between writers and their audience during this social distancing season. If you find yourself lacking in the tech skill to prepare your book for launch, know that you are not alone. But don’t let that intimidate you. Network with other authors for information and take full advantage of YouTube tutorials to educate yourself. Together, we can do it! Check out the link in the resources below for more information.
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Fun Fact or Helpful Resource:
How Do Writers Create Book Launch Content?
How to Throw a Virtual Book Launch Using Facebook Live:
My FB Author Page and My Launch Party Invite:

Annette Marie Griffin is a award-winning writer who speaks at local women’s group meetings and women’s retreats on the topic of biblical womanhood and finding our identity in Christ. She is the Operations and Events Coordinator at a private school for special needs students and is the editor of their quarterly newsletter. She has written custom curriculum for women’s retreats and children’s church curriculum for Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas where she served as Children’s Ministry Director and Family Program Director for over twenty years. She and her husband John have five amazing children and two adorable grands. She’s a member of Word Weavers International, ACFW, SCBWI, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Creative Writing Institute.
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