Novelists Unwind

Novelists Unwind Welcomes Melody Carlson

Novelists Unwind Guest

Melody Carlson has written over 200 books but is especially known these days for her Christmas novellas. Her latest story, A Christmas by the Sea, was inspired by her own family’s experience of finding hundreds of sand dollars one Christmas while staying at a cabin along the Oregon coast.

New Releases

The authors featured in past interviews have been busy writing new books! Check out a few of the latest releases on Novelists Unwind.

New Releases from NU Featured Authors

More New Releases from NU Featured Authors

Novelists Unwind Giveaway

Congrats to Mary Roberts Smith who won Falling for You by award-winning author Becky Wade.

The next Novelists Unwind Giveaway will be announced on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Be sure to enter for your chance to win a print edition of an amazing inspirational novel.

Meet Johnnie

Johnnie Alexander creates characters you want to meet and imagines stories you won’t forget. Her award-winning debut novel, Where Treasure Hides, made the CBA bestseller list. She writes contemporaries, historicals, and cozy mysteries, serves on the executive boards of Serious Writer, Inc. and the Mid-South Christian Writers Conference, co-hosts an online show called Writers Chat, and interviews inspirational authors for Novelists Unwind. She also teaches at writers conferences and for Serious Writer Academy. Connect with her at and other social media sites via