Amanda Cox recently released her debut novel. The Edge of Belonging, which takes place in both the 1990s and the present day, explores multiple themes through the experiences of two protagonists: Harvey, who grew up in the foster system and is homeless by choice (the 1990s storyline), and Ivy, whose idyllic childhood provided a strong foundation yet didn’t prepare her for the heartache she’d experience as an adult (the contemporary storyline).
Amanda shares her unusual writing journey–she came to an editor’s attention during a Twitter #FaithPitch event–and secured a contract before signing with an agent!
Joanna Davidson Politano has received tremendous acclaim for her writing since the debut of her first novel, Lady Jayne Disappears. She returns to Novelists Unwind to talk about her latest novel, The Love Note, which is just as mysterious and intriguing.
Joanna talks about how both Charles Dickens and Daphne Du Maurier–two authors who seem very different–influence her story-telling. She appreciates Dickens’ characterizations, Du Maurier’s insights, and how both authors love to surprise the reader. These are the elements that Joanna brings to her own writing. We also talk about Joanna’s travels to the historic ruins found in England and Scotland, how these ruins inspire her stories, and the inspiration behind The Love Note.
The next Novelists Unwind Giveaway will be announced on Saturday, November 7, 2020 at Be sure to enter for your chance to win an inspirational novel.
Meet Johnnie
Johnnie Alexander creates characters you want to meet and imagines stories you won’t forget. She is a best-selling and award-winning author who writes in multiple genres, serves as a board member for Serious Writer, Inc. and Midsouth Christian Writers Conference, co-hosts an online show called Writers Chat, and interviews inspirational authors for Novelists Unwind. She also teaches at writers conferences and for Serious Writer Academy. Connect with her at and other social media sites via