Writers Chat

Writers Chat Recap for March Part 1

Writers Chat, hosted by Johnnie Alexander, Brandy Brow, and Melissa Stroh is the show where we talk about all things writing, by writers and for writers!

“Because talking about writing is more fun than actually doing it.”

Content Writing with Holand Webb

Holland Webb, a full-time content writer, shares tips for writers wanting to start their own content-writing business. After sharing a little about his own background and personal experiences, Holland focuses on content basics including tips for finding keywords for your clients’ posts; various types of content ranging from product descriptions and social media posts to white papers, ebooks, and ghostwriting; and writing content for LinkedIn. If you’re interested in writing content for businesses and/or individuals, either full-time or part-time, then this episode is for you!

Watch the March 5th Replay

Holland Webb is an inspiring content writer who understands the elements of storytelling and how to put them to work for business. In addition to writing material for U.S. News & World Report and Focus on the Family, he has written website content for a major chain of hotels with locations in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. Holland’s other clients have included International Ministries, BestColleges.Com, MailChimp, Wiley, and Architectural Digest.

Writing Articles that Give Hope to the Questions World with Annette Marie Griffin

In a world where attention spans dictate content, truth is considered relative, and clicks prove more valuable than gold—people still crave a cure for emptiness. In this episode of Writers Chat, Annette Marie Griffin covers the felt needs of today’s seekers. She discusses where they look for answers to life’s deepest questions and dives deep into the spiritual calling that drives today’s Christian writers to the foot of the cross to obtain relevant content.

Watch the March 12th replay

Annette Marie Griffin is an award-winning author and multi-generational speaker who has taught and written for adults and children for over 30 years. She began by writing story-driven curricula for youth groups and parenting classes while serving as Ministry Director at Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas. Since then, she’s written hundreds of high-ranking articles for Salem Media Group, she’s a columnist and acquisitions editor for StarLight Magazine for kids, and she teaches workshops and training classes at local and national writing conferences. When Annette isn’t writing, speaking, or teaching, she loves making memories with her brilliant husband, 3 adult children, 2 teens, and 3 adorable grands!

Writers Chat is hosted live each Tuesday for an hour starting at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET on Zoom. The permanent Zoom room link is:

Magazine and Freelance

Get Started with Writing Articles

The first thing a beginning writers often hear is “write what you know.” Good advice! But once you have exhausted what you know, how do you find other things to write about? Is it possible to write about things you don’t know?

Of course it is. You just have to know how to locate information that can make you a temporary expert!

1. Research. These days we have research at our fingertips. Start with an online search on a topic you would like to write about. Read the information but don’t stop there. Locate the sources in the bibliography of the article and go to some of them. The closer you can get to the original source of your information, the more accurate it will be.

2. Interview others who are experts on your topic. There are websites that can connect you with experts in every field. Local directories can give you contact information of those experts in your area. Social media is now a quick way to find people who are knowledgeable on a certain topic. If you still can’t find enough for your article, try colleges or local educators. Often they can give you the information you need or know someone who is knowledgeable in that area.

3. Look in your newspaper. People who write articles for newspapers and magazines have already done research and if they have already written about the topic you want to write about, they can be a gold mine of information.

4. Spend some time learning about the subject. For instance, Barbara Ehrenreich wanted to write about the welfare system in our country. She got a job and tried to live off of her meager salary as she researched that system.

At one point I wrote a soccer handbook. I had no idea how to begin or even what the rules for soccer were. My sons friends who played on the high school soccer team stopped by almost every afternoon to see what questions I had about the game. Those young men made it possible for me to complete my assignment and do it well.

Perhaps you are writing about a character in your novel and you are not familiar with the occupation of one of your characters. Ask to shadow someone for several days who has the same job. You would be surprised what you can learn in just a few sessions with someone who is knowledgeable.

As you can see there are lots of ways to write about something you don’t know about. So maybe we should rephrase our subject. If you are a beginning writer, write what you know and write what you can learn.

Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Her passion is helping others discover the joy of writing. Linda recently released Articles, Articles, Articles! and is the author of over a thousand magazine articles. As director of the Carolina Christian Writers Conference, Linda helps many writers take the next step in reaching their writing goals. Linda’s favorite activity (other than eating folded potato chips) is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing grandchildren—a great source of writing material!

Magazine and Freelance

Avoid these Common Article-Writing Mistakes

As the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine, I’ve had the pleasure of coaching new (and seasoned) writers for more than ten years. Every month we work together to produce informative, engaging, and inspiring material for our readers. As I review submissions, I often see one or more of these common mistakes:

Common article-writing mistakes

1. Beginning at the beginning

It seems logical, when writing a feature article, to begin at the beginning of someone’s life. That’s where it all began, right? And the details are so fascinating and relevant. Unfortunately a reader doesn’t care about the details until they care about the subject.

We have to hook ‘em first, show them why they should care, then fill in the back story. Twentieth-century filmmaker Billy Wilder described this technique: “You grab them by the throat, their heart is beating, and you never let go.”

Instead of beginning at a subject’s birth, choose the point of highest conflict in their story and dive in. Once you’ve captured your reader’s attention, you can flesh out the details and the back story.

2. Telling not showing.

I find it much easier to rattle off a list of details rather than take the time to set the stage. But whether we’re writing a novel or penning an article, we must create a setting, provide sensory details, and showcase the story.

Dialogue is a great way to inject a reader into the scene by showing. Here’s an example:

“Mom,” Simpson said, raising his eyes and staring deeply into hers, “I’m going to New York to follow my dream.” He swallowed hard, then spoke again. “I hope you’ll give me your blessing.”

Simpson Jackson’s mother knew her response would impact their relationship for the rest of their lives.

3. Omitting description.

In today’s image-driven world, we rely heavily on graphics. We know the art director plans to use photos of our subject in the layout, so we skip the physical description in the story. Why waste precious words on the person’s salt and pepper crew cut or Bambi eyes?

Weaving physical descriptions into our narratives reinforces the graphics and spotlights details we want our readers to notice. Mentioning a subject’s “kind eyes” or “quick smile” also provides welcome description for visually-impaired readers and those listening to an article rather than reading it.

4. Failing to answer the readers’ questions.

Before I submit an article, I run it through the Have I Answered All My Readers’ Questions? test. This is an important step, especially if I’m very familiar with the subject or ministry. Just because I know the vernacular doesn’t mean everyone does.

Set aside your writer perspective and read the article as someone who knows nothing about the topic or person. Make sure you’ve included details that might answer their questions. Some examples might be:

  • How is this project funded?
  • How can I learn more about it?
  • How can I get involved?

5. Failing to define acronyms and jargon.

In recent days we’ve learned about the CDC, PPE, and LMNOP (oops, that was kindergarten). Although terms may be familiar to us, we can’t assume everyone knows what they mean. Unless it’s a universally-understood acronym, spell it out the first time and include the acronym in parenthesis immediately after, i.e. “the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said recently . . .” or “My WIP (work in progress) is coming along nicely.” Once you’ve defined it, you’re free to use the acronym in place of the complete name.

The next time you write an article, edit your piece with these common article writing mistakes in mind. If your work avoids all five, you’ll provide your editor with an article that’s clear, enjoyable, and RTP (ready to publish)!

Lori Hatcher is the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine and the author of several devotional books including Refresh Your Faith – Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible and Hungry for God … Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women, winner of the 2016 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year award. Her most recent book, A blogger, writing instructor, and inspirational speaker, her goal is to help women connect with God in the craziness of life. You’ll find her pondering the marvelous and the mundane on her blog, Hungry for God. . . Starving for Time. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter (@LoriHatcher2), or Pinterest (Hungry for God).

Magazine and Freelance

Don’t Let “Bio Foxes” Spoil Your Article Submission

For almost ten years I’ve served as the editor Reach Out, Columbia magazine, a regional publication dedicated to celebrating the life and light of Jesus Christ in the world. My favorite part of my job is reading and editing articles—until I get to the end and encounter a problem with the writer’s bio.

Solomon (who must have edited a magazine at one time) warned about “the little foxes that spoil the vineyard” (Song of Solomon 2:15).

Every field has its little foxes. Today I’d like to share four “bio foxes” common to magazine and website submissions. Problems with this seemingly insignificant component won’t totally ruin your submission, but they can hinder a publication timetable, reduce an editor’s efficiency, and make said editor decidedly grumpy.

And we never, ever, ever want to make an editor grumpy.

Four Bio Foxes that Can Spoil Your Submission

  1. Forgetting to include your bio at the end of your submission.

If a magazine allows you to include a bio instead of just a byline, they’ve given you a gift. This valuable piece of literary real estate allows you to mention (and, often, include links to) your blog, book, or website. A bio provides a way for readers to further explore your writing by visiting your blog or website or hop over to Amazon to buy your book. If you include personal details, you help readers learn more about you and enhance the connection they feel.

Whether this is the first time you’ve written for the publication or the twentieth, always, always, always include a bio at the end of your submission. It saves the editor the time and frustration of having to either email you for the missing item, search for it on a previous submission, or (heaven forbid) make one up.

  • Failing to update your bio.

If you’re still using the bio you sent ten years ago, or five, or even two, it’s time to update. Hopefully the list of your writing accomplishments has grown, you’ve gained a new hobby, or added a grandchild or two. Not sure what to include? Study the bios of other contributors and take your cue from theirs. Be sure links and web addresses are functional.

  • Failing to follow the publication guidelines for your bio.

Most websites will specify the length and scope of your bio. If the guidelines say, “No more than 40 words,” please don’t send 75. Worse yet is sending 75 and instructing the editor to “edit if necessary.” An editor has no idea what your priorities are and may very well cut the item you most want to include.

If the guidelines instruct you to focus on your writing credits, personal life, or expertise with the subject matter, be sure to honor the request.

  • Neglecting to include a professional head shot.

Not every site or publication includes a head shot with your bio, but many do. Be sure to attach this (usually in jpg format) with every submission. Even if you’ve written for the publication before, attaching it to every submission ensures that the correct picture will accompany your article. It also saves the editor or graphic designer the time and effort it takes to email you for a picture or search their files.

Your bio may seem like a small thing, but attaching one that is up-to-date, fits the publication guidelines, and includes a headshot in every submission will maximize your reach and please your editor. If you doubt its importance, take a page from King Solomon, one of the wisest writers of all. He was so convinced a bio was valuable that he included it at the beginning of one of his most famous books: “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.”

Too bad he didn’t include a head shot.

Lori Hatcher is the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine and the author of several devotional books including Hungry for God … Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women, winner of the 2016 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year award. Her most recent book, Refresh Your Faith – Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible releases in the spring of 2020. A blogger, writing instructor, and inspirational speaker, her goal is to help women connect with God in the craziness of life. You’ll find her pondering the marvelous and the mundane on her blog, Hungry for God. . . Starving for Time . Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter (@LoriHatcher2), or Pinterest (Hungry for God).

Magazine and Freelance

Looking for Article Opportunities

Writers just beginning to write articles look around them and the big question becomes, “I know some of the basics of writing articles but how do I find places to submit my work?”

Article writing can come in many forms these days. Just look around you. Everything that has words on it has been written by someone—magazines and blogs, of course, but also placemats in restaurants, stories on sides of products such as kid’s meal boxes, flyers, newsletters, and more. So be creative and think outside the box.

Articles require research and it is sad not to be able to use and reuse your research for other things. Don’t spend time in extensive research without looking for ways you can use your material for other articles or projects.

For example, you may have just submitted an article on cats and what great pets they are for a general interest magazine. Why not create a fun quiz for kids about the quirky habits of cats? Or make a list of fun facts about cats? Those are things you could submit to another magazine or pitch to cat product manufacturers as something fun they could put on the side of their products. You could also write a children’s story that incorporates some of the things you learned.

Perhaps you have done an article for a local magazine and learned a lot about your area. Create a placemat with games and fun facts that you could pitch to local restaurants. Better yet, offer to customize the placemats by including a few fun facts about that specific restaurant. Some restaurants have the history of their businesses on the placemat. Here again, writer opportunity!

When you see a possible market, be bold and don’t hesitate to approach a business or editor with an idea as to how you can help. Introduce yourself as a writer and tell him or her that you noticed they used written materials. Offer to send samples or a list of ideas. Then make sure you follow up.

Bottom line, be attentive as you go through your day and make note of written items you see. There may just be a writing opportunity right in front of your eyes.


Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Her passion is helping others discover the joy of writing. Linda recently released Articles, Articles, Articles! and is the author of over a thousand magazine articles and 17 books including the new LINKED Quick Guides for Personalities. As Director of the Carolina Christian Writers Conference, Linda helps many writers take the next step in reaching their writing goals. Linda’s favorite activity (other than eating folded potato chips) is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing grandchildren—a great source of writing material!

Magazine and Freelance

Why Write Articles?

When I began writing I had small children at home. I wrote in my head all day long and looked forward to the few computer moments I would have at nap time, between loads of laundry, and after bedtime. Because of that mental prewriting, I was able to quickly get my work into files ready for submission. The best market for these short pieces seemed to be articles, so that is where I focused.

After several years of writing articles (because I thought it was the only thing I had time to do), I realized that I really enjoyed writing articles, for several reasons.

  1. They were short and they fit very well into my daily schedule of parenting. As the children got older I realized that even though we had added new activities to the day, I could still write in carpool line or while I was waiting for dance lessons or soccer practice to be over. Even when the children got old enough to be dropped off for long periods of time or to drive themselves, my favorite thing to write was articles.
  2. Because of their brevity, I could complete articles quickly. Some days I could finish multiple articles and submit them. That was always a good feeling to know much had been accomplished in a day. Especially since some days left almost no time for writing.
  3. Articles often require research which means not only am I writing something that will educate others, I am learning new things myself. Research can also be used to write other articles without additional time in the library.
  4. Often when you figure it per word, articles are a great way to supplement your income. Many people think books are the best way to make additional money. But strategically placed articles can be lucrative.
  5. Articles are a good exercise in writing tightly and making the most of the words you use. When you only have a few hundred words to get your message to the world, you need to make sure they all count.
  6. Articles can be written anywhere. Recently I was on the road and someone else was driving. Before I arrived home I had written an article, edited it, submitted it, and it was accepted. What a great road trip!
  7. As writing moved into the digital world, I found many new markets for my articles. True, writing for the web is a little different than writing print articles. But with very little additional learning I found a new world of writing for the internet.

What about you? Have you discovered the fun and excitement of writing articles?

Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, certified writing and speaking coach, and personality consultant. Her passion is helping others discover the joy of writing. Linda recently released Articles, Articles, Articles! and is the author of over a thousand magazine articles and 16 books including the new LINKED Quick Guides for Personalities. As Director of the Carolina Christian Writers Conference, Linda helps many writers take the next step in reaching their writing goals. Linda’s favorite activity (other than eating folded potato chips) is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing grandchildren—a great source of writing material!

Have Words, Will Travel....Travel Writing 101 Uncategorized

Making Your Travel Writing More Memorable

glasses-431376_640Andrew McCarthy, guest editor of The Best American Travel Writing 2015, says that the best travel writing is “the anonymous and solitary traveler capturing a moment in time and place, giving meaning to his or her travels.”

Capturing a moment in time—and sharing it in a way that captures the very imagination of the reader—is the goal of every writer. Below are four tips to consider in making your next project a memorable one:

  • Make your prose sing. Read a little poetry every day. Yes, poetry! Read it aloud. Feel the cadence and you’re sure to gain a new understanding, as well as a fresh appreciation, for the value poetry can bring to your prose.
  • Make it impossible for readers to turn away. Engage a person’s five senses and you’ll go straight for the emotional jugular. Include as many of the senses as your piece will sensibly allow—especially where the sensory of scent is concerned. It’s a powerhouse player on the sensory team and unfortunately, often overlooked.
  • Make your point. If you don’t know the focal point of your travel story, chances are your reader won’t either and who wants to ride a merry-go-round of endless details? Most of us enjoy the scenery but we all expect to land at a particular destination.
  • Make continual learning a must. Howard Hendricks once said, “I’d rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pool.” When we as writers hone our skills by furthering our education through classes, increasing our time between the pages of quality travel books, or joining a local or online writer’s group, our readers will drink from a running stream, leaving them refreshed… and wanting more.

Is there one tip, either from above or from another source, that you plan to integrate into your writing to make it more memorable?



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