Writers Chat

Writers Chat Recap for November

Writers Chat, hosted by Johnnie Alexander, Brandy Brow, and Melissa Stroh, is the show where we talk about all things writing, by writers and for writers!

“Because talking about writing is more fun than actually doing it.”

Come Write with Us: Having Fun with Flash Fiction with Sophia Hansen

Novelist and flash fiction editor Sophia Hansen shares tips on writing short stories—less than 1000 words—in this fun and creative “Come Write with Us” episode. From there, she leads us in developing a story idea based on a character bio and three prompts provided by Story Dice (a free app). These basic ideas are fleshed out with an imaginative brainstorming session by participants who write in a variety of genres. Whether you write short stories or mega-novels, this episode is like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day–fun and refreshing.

Watch the November 5th replay.

Sophia Hansen is an organic author, using no artificial ingredients in her stories—unless absolutely convenient. She writes and edits flash fiction for Havok Publishing and her debut novel, Water’s Break, released in January, 2024 to critical acclaim. Sophia, who resides in the South with her husband of thirty-six years, can be bribed with good coffee, crispy bacon, and dark chocolate.

The Way We Share Truth Matters with Annette Marie Griffin

In a world where truth is becoming more and more relative, people still search for real answers to life’s deepest questions. But instead of looking to the Church or the Bible for spiritual guidance, the go-to source for enlightenment is now Google. In this episode of Writers Chat, award-winning author, Annette Marie Griffin, covers how Christian writers can impact the world by using Google analytics and best SEO practices to ensure their online content reaches those searching for truth.

Watch the November 12th replay.

Annette Marie Griffin is an award-winning author and speaker who has written hundreds of top-ranking articles for Salem Media Group, she’s a columnist and acquisitions editor for StarLight Magazine for kids, and she teaches workshops and training classes at local and national writing conferences. When Annette isn’t writing, speaking, or teaching, she loves making memories with her brilliant husband, 3 adult children, 2 teens, and 3 adorable grands!

Thanksgiving Roundtable: Sharing Blessings

The Writers Chat community counts our blessings while playing “Thanksgiving Roulette.” Our illustrious host, Johnnie Alexander, drew questions from her writing box and posed that question to someone in our audience. We had questions like: what is your favorite Scripture for writing? What mentor has blessed you? Where is your favorite writing place? What lessons did you learn the hard way? Where would your dream writing retreat be? And so much more. Be sure to check out this episode if you need encouragement, laughter, or simply want to see a delightful show.

Watch the November 19th replay.

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints presented by the cohosts and guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of Writers Chat or Serious Writer, Inc.

Writers Chat is hosted live each Tuesday for an hour starting at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET
on Zoom. The permanent Zoom room link is:

Devotions for Writers

Perseverance in Tough Times

He who knows the way that I take; when he has tested me I shall come forth as gold.                      

Job 23:10 NIV

Job fell in a heap. Did he wish the ground would swallow him up before he received any more bad news?

            Ten children. Dead.

            500 teams of oxen. Stolen.

            7,000 sheep caught in a wildfire. Dead.

            3,000 camels. Stolen.

            “A large number” of servants. Dead.

In the book about his life, Job 1:20-22 says he worshipped God.

I don’t know about you, but my first inclination in difficulty isn’t worship.

            A submission for a book callout. Silence.

            A children’s book trilogy. Rejected.

            A book idea. Stalled.

            Computer crash. Files lost.

How could Job worship the Lord when things looked so bleak? His secret was in refusing entitlement. Job 1:22 says, “I didn’t bring anything into the world when I was born, and I won’t take anything with me when I die.” (My paraphrase.)

When boils covered his body, Job said he found consolation in knowing he had not strayed from God’s Word. (Job 6:10)

Job clung to his integrity when questioned by his friends (Job 6:29) and humbled himself before God for mercy from judgment (Job 9:15). Job acknowledged his Creator and appealed to His kindness (Job 10:8-12). Job had hope for an advocate (Job 16:19-21) and a redeemer who would be victorious over suffering (Job 19:25).

In the end, God blessed Job (Job 42:11-16).


What can we learn from Job? Let’s take a look at what Peter had to say about endurance.

  1. How much does God give us for life and godliness? 2 Peter 1:3
  2. What knowledge aids us? 2 Peter 1:3
  3. What two things do God’s great and precious promises equip us to do? 2 Peter 1:4
  4. What seven things are we to put effort into adding to our faith arsenal? 2 Peter 1:5-7
  5. What will those seven qualities equip you to do? 2 Peter 1:8

I gave you a list of some of my disappointments. Now, here’s a list of blessings.

            Published in eight anthologies.

            A children’s coloring book published.

            Two retreat ebooks published.

            Over 290 devotions and articles published.

            My writing is stronger than ever!

Can we worship God when we get bad news? Absolutely. Peter reminds us we will see the victory when we persevere. (2 Peter 1:10-11)

What’s on your blessings list? Count them and praise God!

His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.

2 Peter 1:3 NASB

Count your blessings!

Sally Ferguson

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

Writer Encouragement

New Year, New Hope

I anticipate some New Year’s more than others. Turning the calendar to 2020 after a difficult 2019 offers new hope and I look forward to fresh opportunities. I pray the Lord will guide my every step and decision in both my writing life as well as my walk with Him.

I told one friend that this past year felt like a year of survival. Between my husband’s stroke, my granddaughter’s cancer and foot amputation, and moving 2,000 miles to be closer to family, there were many moments that made me wonder if I could survive it all.

With the Lord’s help, I did. And God reminds me of all the blessings that occurred in 2019:

  • My husband is recovering well from his stroke
  • While the doctors were convinced my granddaughter needed chemo, all the tests came back negative for malignancy spreading elsewhere. She is cancer free! Praise the Lord!
  • My friend Shannon drove cross country with me to share the driving. Godly friends are a gift.
  • God provided for all our needs for the move despite many obstacles. Again, so many friends helped us.
  • By our second Sunday here in CA, the Lord led us to an amazing church and Christian friends who wrapped us in loving fellowship.
  • In August, on my son’s birthday, his wife gave birth to a precious baby boy. My fifth grandchild. God is so good!
  • My granddaughter runs and plays on her prosthetic foot. She has adapted to her new life so beautifully.
  • In July, a story I’d submitted to “Chicken Soup for the Soul” was published.
  • I signed a contract with Mantle Rock for the publishing of my latest novel, “Scarred Vessels.”

As you can see from my list, the blessings have far outweighed the difficulties. So my word for this year of 2020 will be “Overcome.” Do not be weighed down by the hard stuff. Pray and move forward.

It’s easy to focus on the struggles. As writers, we face the obstacles to publishing regularly.  I encourage you to press onward. Be an overcomer.

Assume there will be trials of many sorts. “In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

Notice this verse does not say, “pull yourself up by your boot straps” or “get a grip.” It says, “In me (Jesus) you may have peace.” Trust the day to day to Him. He is our peace, our source of strength. He is our Overcomer.

Carry on.

Elaine Marie Cooper has two historical fiction books that released in 2019: War’s Respite (Prequel novella) and Love’s Kindling. Love’s Kindling is available in both e-book and paperback. They are the first two books in the Dawn of America Series set in Revolutionary War Connecticut. Cooper is the award-winning author of Fields of the Fatherless and Bethany’s Calendar. Her 2016 release (Saratoga Letters) was finalist in Historical Romance in both the Selah Awards and Next Generation Indie Book Awards. She has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and HomeLife magazine. She also penned the three-book historical series, Deer Run Saga. Her upcoming release, Scarred Vessels,” is about the black soldiers in the American Revolution. Look for it in October 2020. You can visit her website/ blog at

Child's Craft

Goals for the New Year from A to Z

So the new year has come! Did you make resolutions of things to do or not to do? Will you eat less? Eat better? Walk more, work out more, complain less, pray more? Try harder? Spend less?

In searching the internet for why resolutions fail, I found an article on that states we would rather continue doing something that doesn’t work rather than try something new that COULD work — but also could fail. He goes on to say that “failing at our resolutions has implications…we start to distrust ourselves. If you’ve set the same resolutions for 5 years, and you never follow through, what makes you think you’ll be different this year?”

He encourages breaking down your goal into steps to improve chances of success. But all of that seems so secular, so ‘me’ oriented. It’s all about what I can do to try to achieve what I want to achieve. I don’t know about you, but I want to be less about me and more about Jesus. I know I can do nothing on my own. I don’t even want to set my own goals this year.  But what if we tried to be more the person God created us to be? To use our gifts wiser, better, to glorify Him? And what if we asked Him to help us achieve this? Maybe as writers, our goals for the year would look something like this: (I had to start with the letters of the alphabet because you know, I’m a writer and like the alphabet.)  Enjoy!

 Appreciate your writing gift.

Believe what God can do.

Count your blessings every day,

Draw closer to him too.


Enjoy the ride, the course, the view.

Find peaceful nooks to write,

Go freely where the Lord may lead.

Hold on to His hand tight.


Invest in workshops, conferences.

Join writers for critiques.

Keep focusing on Jesus Christ

Listen for when He speaks.


Make choices to be well and strong.

Nourish your soul and mind

Opt for healthy food to eat.

Pray for all mankind.


Quest for quite times with God.

Rest in His love each day.

Seek His perfect plan for you.

Trust His Perfect Way.


Use the gifts He given to you.

Volunteer and walk the walk.

Write what you’ve been inspired to write

X-out all harmful talk.


Yell words of kind encouragement.

Zone in with God’s name praised.

Let God direct your life this year.

Stand back and be amazed.

Have a great year! May God have His way with each of us this year and may He be glorified in all of our writing!