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Writers Conference: Follow-thru Honors the Sacrifices By Carole Sparks

We all make sacrifices every day. Every time you chose something, you sacrifice the other option. But some sacrifices loom larger than others. Attending a writers conference is one of those.

I sacrificed to attend Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference this year. I missed honors programs for both my children as well as the last day of school for each of them. I skipped a special social event for my oldest. I forfeited my last quiet day at home before summer and several days of regular fitness and nutrition habits. I didn’t write for more than four whole days. (Learning about writing is not the same thing.) I also broke one of my favorite shoes on all those hills and steps at Ridgecrest.

I’m not the only one who sacrificed so I could spend four days in the beautiful (albeit foggy) mountains of North Carolina. My husband worked from home, drove the kids to everything including dentist appointments (Okay, I’m glad I missed that.), and cooked dinner (usually my job). Plus, I’m sure he could have found something meaningful to do with those hundreds of dollars we paid for me to be there. We won’t mention the additional money I “donated” at the bookstore.

My sacrifices may seem silly or unimportant to you, but for me, they almost compelled me to stay home.

I’m glad I didn’t.

The conference is over now. I’ve slid back into my favorite yoga pants and sip from my favorite coffee mug again. But the significance of those sacrifices is incomplete until I finish what I started at Blue Ridge.

[bctt tweet=”The significance of my sacrifices is incomplete until I finish what I started at #BRMCWC. @a3forme @Carole_Sparks (click to tweet)” username=””]


Craft: In workshops and classes, I learned specific ways to improve my writing, but I must implement those changes when I sit down at the computer. It’s easy to remain in the ruts I’ve plowed until now. A pastor I know once said, “A rut is just a grave with the ends kicked out.” I can also schedule a time to view handouts and listen to recordings of classes. This is a great way to expand on what I’ve already received.

Lifestyle: Faculty and speakers at Blue Ridge suggested lifestyle changes to create more or better space for writing. Making those changes takes some intentionality, and like any other choice means I must give up something else so I can write. I need to communicate these changes to my family and make those difficult choices every day until they are habits.

Connections: The highlight of a writers conference is undoubtedly the connections we make with other writers. I could let all those business cards sit in a folder until I forget about the people they represent, or I can “friend” them on Facebook, follow their blogs, and ensure we stay connected. I made promises to a few people: to recommend them to someone else or provide information of some sort. My integrity is at stake if I remain silent.

Submissions: Industry professionals with whom I met asked for submissions from me. I must take the time to compose what they requested, then take a deep breath and hit send! (You might have heard this one before.)

If I don’t follow through on the commitments I made at Blue Ridge, I’ve squandered the sacrifices it took for me to be there. I don’t want to belittle my calling or my family’s efforts. Instead, I want to honor those sacrifices and gain everything I can from the conference. That means I finish what I started.

[bctt tweet=”Honor the #sacrifices you made to attend a #writersconference when you follow thru. @a3forme @Carole_Sparks #BRMCWC (click to tweet)” username=””]

What about you? How are you honoring the sacrifices made for you to attend a conference? Keep yourself accountable by sharing in the comments below.


Carole is passionate about God’s Word—about how it can change our everyday lives! After years of globetrotting, she now lives, learns, and loves (plus a good bit of writing) in the hills of East Tennessee. Connect with Carole through her blog, or Facebook.


A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

Of Humble Pie and Closets

Navigating the publishing world can be a humbling experience. We write a piece that we think is going to take the world by storm. We edit and refine it and then submit it.

We wait. We get a rejection. Or an editor rips it to shreds.

Big slice of humble pie, anyone?

Meeting industry professionals can be an intimidating and humbling experience as well. I must say that the agents and editors I have met are nice, down-to-earth people, but I still get nervous when I meet them. That was especially the case the first time I had an appointment with an agent at a writers conference.

It was my initial visit to Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference at Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, NC. If you’ve never been to BRMCWC, register NOW. It’s like Disney World for aspiring Christian writers.

If you have ever met me, you know I’m one of the most outgoing people on the planet. I love people and will talk to anyone or anything, even a tree, and I love to laugh. However, I walked into the registration area at that first BRMCWC, looked at all the people and wondered “What am I doing here?”

When it came time for that first appointment, I was fidgety and didn’t know what to do with myself. I was understandably excited and nervous about meeting a real-live, big-time agent. I prayed and felt God telling me in my spirit, “be yourself.” I sat down, handed the agent my card and introduced myself.

We had an easy rapport, and the 15-minutes seemed to fly by. He requested I send him a proposal and agreed to keep in touch. I was on Cloud Nine.

I got up and turned around to leave. That year at Blue Ridge the appointments were held in a big room near the cafeteria, and there was a wall of doors, with only one leading to the hallway. I chose a door and walked out of the meeting area . . . into a closet filled with tables.

I’m not sure how many people noticed my faux pas, because I was too embarrassed to turn around. I backed out of the closet, found the real exit door, and took off as fast as I could.

I think God allows embarrassing things like this one to remind me to not take myself too seriously. Writing and publishing are serious endeavors, but ultimately God is in control. If I keep myself humble, I’ll remember that and won’t let the rejections and the criticisms get to me.

Get yourself to BRMCWC—they have nice closets.

[bctt tweet=”Get yourself to BRMCWC—they have nice closets. #BRMCWC #authors” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”Big slice of humble pie, anyone? #BRMCWC #writer” via=”no”]