Kids Lit

Even A Chewable Board book Must Be Accurate

Research for 181 words?

Research and back matter have never been more important. Reviewers and consumers have access to information to check out the accuracy of everything they read to children. Picture books, board books, and read-aloud stories, if they include facts, need to be researched before sending to editors. Editors often hire subject specialists to confirm accuracy.

Research for a Board Book.

ABC books are easy – if you can think of words for Q and X that kids recognize! Same with counting books if the point is just the number of objects. But if, for example, you choose a subject like trains or fruits…or dinosaurs? Research!

How to Dress a Dinosaur: Ah, this is where I found out that what I thought I knew about dinosaurs was not too wrong but outdated. Dinos have newer fancier names, and many have been reclassified. Some have even been discontinued! From stegosaurus and ankylosaurus, I tracked ten different dinos to make sure they had the body parts I referred to, lived in the zones I indicated, and would do the things I planned.

Research for a fiction picture book. 

Kids will listen to “talking bear” stories, recognizing that the animals are behaving like people. But if one of the bears suddenly starts saying “moo” credibility is strained. The closer animals are to real animals, the more the setting, behavior, and interactions with others must be bear-like.

Tuktuk: Tundra Tale features talking animals but in all other ways they behave as arctic animals would as they get ready for winter. Spoiler alert: There are no penguins at the North Pole! And there are many Inuit words for snow. Even though it was a fiction story, factual backmatter on arctic animals, landforms, and sky signs was required and vetted.

Research for a nonfiction picture book.

This is becoming an increasingly popular area, particularly for sales to public libraries and schools. Every word, every detail, and every art suggestion must be completely accurate. And a list of resources cannot include Wikipedia!

My next book is coming in 2025, but I am still waiting for a publisher to find the illustrator before they announce it! My research started on site, in the location where the story takes place, and based on the stories and facts the rangers and guides conveyed. Still, every detail, every fact, must be confirmed – not that rangers are EVER wrong, but I might have misheard!

Research other titles.

One last round of research – the ever-shifting comp titles. These are the other books that face the potential buyer – in the bookstore or the catalog. What will be your competition (in 2025 or 2026!) on the same subject, theme, school unit, or story time?

Back to the dinosaur books, there are tons of them. Occasionally the market is glutted! But I also had to research books on teaching your child to get dressed, typical preschool clothing, the language skills of a child at the age he learns to get dressed, and the patience of parents. One resource for book lists is “Imagination Soup” by Melissa Taylor.

Research: why the librarian is your best source of credible information!

No surprise: Multi-award-winning author Robin Currie holds a Master of Library Science from the University of Iowa and learned story sharing by sitting on the floor during more than 1000 story times! She sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! 

Kids Lit

Every Single Word

Have you met adults who somehow believe that writing a picture book is EASY because there are so FEW WORDS?


As children’s writers, we know that the fewer words, the more perfect each word has to be. No room for dangling participles or near rhymes or even a well-placed semicolon. Just every single word is chosen to be the very best possible one for that thought, that sentence, that page.

Wander through the library or bookstore “Picture Books” and you realize that “books with pictures” are not all alike in format, reading level, or subject matter. How many of those perfect words make a book?

Board books for birth to age 3 – Under 200 words

These fat little books are 8-12 spreads (16-24 pages) and a new manuscript should be under 200 words. The best ones tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end, even if they are introducing a concept. NOTE: Board books with more than 200 words were often originally published as picture books, shrunk in format, and better for an older audience.

Early Picture books for ages 2-5 – 200-500 words

Early picture books are those most likely to be read at library story time. They have a simple-to-follow storyline, often with rhyming words, interactive text, and large clear pictures.

Picture books for ages 3-7 – 500-800 words

These are for kids who are not quite reading on their own yet but want more of a story perhaps with wordplay, multiple characters, and subjects that are more complex. There may be smaller detailed pictures and more pages full of text.

Older Picture books for ages 4-8 – 6000 to 1000 words

Many nonfiction picture books and children’s biographies fit in this group with the pictures supporting the text. Fiction books can include longer folk and fairy tales, several different characters, and social and moral issues.

Beginning readers for ages 6-8 – 1500-2000 words

These are complete stories on fiction and nonfiction subjects of interest to early-grade school students. Vocabulary may be limited to a limited list of sight words and ones that are easy to phonetically decode. Pictures give clues to unknown words or supplement the story.

Hi/Lo books for dyslexic and reluctant middle school readers – 400-1200 words

Age-appropriate fiction and nonfiction subject matter is the important factor in these books as students are apt to be older and no longer a fan of beginning readers. Pictures need to be as exciting as the writing to encourage the student to decode the words to find out more.

Graphic Novels -Next Month!

The other huge and growing picture/word book section is comic books/graphic novels. This genre has boggled the Library of Congress and the Dewey Decimal classifiers since they are both a unique format, fiction, and nonfiction topics, for multiple ages. That dilemma we’ll leave for next month!

Multi-award-winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, in library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again. Robin is pleased to report that How to Dress a Dinosaur has only 181 words and is a perfect fit for the board book area. 

Kids Lit

More Meantime…

Things are getting more exciting for fall – real conferences in person with live editors taking pitches. But until then it is easy to fall into the summer slump since no one…seems…to be…doing…anything.

Don’t waste the opportunity to build PLATFORM! (Pause for loud groans and eyeball rolls.) That has been my attitude, too. Clicks, Likes, Tweets, and Followers just build up numbers to get a book contract. 

Ok – now that is out of our system, here is a different way to look at the platform.

Shift the focus from “How much we can gain in potential sales?” to “What can share with others who may not have time to do the research?” Start with what we know and want to write about: kids and books. Can we say 15-30 seconds about:

Babies – Board books, soft books, novelty. 

Seasonal, holidays, bedtime, birthday. 

Mom, dad, grandma, neighbors. 

New titles, old classics. 

Your favorites, your kids/grandkids/kid next door favorites. 

Preschoolers – pictures and novelty books.

Transportation, food, homes, holidays, new baby, pets. 

Classic fairy tales and the spin-offs. 

Books you love to read and read again.

Books from your religious tradition.

Early grades – picture books and beginning readers, books in series.

Appealing characters, diversity.

World exploration, cultures other than your own, holidays.

School and family stories – new and classics.

Funny books, sad books, poetry.

Middle grades – chapter books, novels, graphic novels.

Banned books, books tackling issues.

Magazines, special interests.

New books, relevant classics.

Fantasy, science fiction, time travel.

Tip 1: Check books out of the library. Show the cover to the camera/screen as if you were sharing it with a friend. (Don’t read the entire book since it is copyrighted.) Talk for 15-30 seconds about why you like it. 

Tip 2: Choose ONE medium – Instagram Reels and TicTok are big now, but that can change. Where are the people who could benefit from your knowledge? And where are you comfortable?

BONUS: Whatever books you choose to share become comp titles for your next proposal!

DOUBLE BONUS: You helped some parents pick the right next book for the kid they love!

Award-winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, during library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! She hopes How to Dress a Dinosaur appears soon on one of YOUR lists! How to Dress a Dinosaur – Shop

Kids Lit

Who’s Listening to Your Story?

We’ve all read picture books that just seemed not quite right – the subject matter was too obscure for a board book; the illustrations were too detailed to use in a group. Avoid these mismatches by taking a moment when you write (or revise) to picture the person or group who will most enjoy it. That decision will govern your word choice and count, tone and approach – even if you are writing a book about dogs!

1 Family one-on-one

The subject matter is not as important as the experience of snuggling together and sharing. Board books, pop-ups, and interactive sound books are popular. A dog story might review the actions of a puppy all day and the snuggle next to mom for the night.

Spot Says Goodnight by Eric Hill 

 2 Discussion topics for a family setting

The subject matter is specific to the child and situation. Topics may be divorce or bullies, sharing, emotions, school behavior. There will often be suggested questions for discussion or opportunities to follow up. A dog story might be fear of dogs and how to approach one safely. 

The Not-So-Scary Dog by  Alanna Propst 

 3 Small group school sharing

The subject matter will be specific to the group’s interest: dinosaurs, community issues, learning about other cultures. A dog story might compare the work dogs do in different parts world or use dogs to teach math concepts. 

Dozens of Dachshunds: a Counting, Woofing, Wagging Book by Stephanie Calmenson

4 Group read aloud

The subject matter is not as important, but the best (and repeated) read-aloud books have several common traits: simple pictures, limited text, humor, surprises, rhythmic language.

The dog story might be about a teeny dog who attempts tasks humorously too big for him but finally discovers what only a small dog can do. 

Dachshund Through the Snow by Michelle Medlock Adams

So, before you write the dog story (or folk tale or biography), take a minute to imagine the listener. That extra step may move your story to First Place. Woof!

Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, in children’s sermons, and in library storytimes. Robin has sold 1.7 M copies of her 30 Bible storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! How to Dress a Dinosaur is available now! How to Dress a Dinosaur – Shop

Kids Lit

Have You Considered Writing Board Books

Board books have extra thick coated pages that small hands can turn and chewing babies can sink their teeth in. Browse any discount store and there will shelves full!

3 Reasons Board Books are Popular

  1. Cost

They cost under $10, even less if reduced for warehouse and big box stores. They make excellent last-minute gifts, stocking stuffers, spontaneous check out purchases. Sometimes they cost less than the card that accompanies them!

2          Durability

Babies easily grab and chew on the pages. Just wipe off. They are easy to throw in a bag for use in a doctor office or restaurant. No torn pages or ripped covers.

3          Fun

With attention grabbing colors and not too much story, having two or three at bedtime is easy. Babies can be distracted easily and begin to learn the stories and simple concepts.

3 Types of Board Books

1          Concept

The focus is on one specific concept (ABC, shape, color) without much of a storyline.  However, because there are so many concept books out there, one that can manage a story line while counting to 10 or learning opposites will have an extra appeal to publishers.

2          Novelty

The physical experience (lift the flap, sound buttons, touch and feel) is the focus of the book. Many are concept books where children feel animal fur. The book can have an actual story line with sound buttons for noises.

3          Mini versions

 Many publishers print reduced versions of a best-selling picture book as a board book. It is the entire book reduced in format, leaving pictures and type smaller than normal. Other times sections of the story are omitted to keep the number of pages low.

3 Tips on Writing a Board Book

  1. Words

Board book manuscripts are 10-14 pages and often under 150 words. Chose the very best possible words and make any rhyme perfect.

  • Pictures

They will be larger than the words. Make sure each page of text can be represented in a clear and simple picture.

  • Series

Always look for ways to develop at least 4 ideas for a series with a connected theme and art. Holidays and seasons, Bible stories, nursery tales, toys, pets, families!

One day you may see a baby chewing on your book!

Robin Currie

Award winning author Robin Currie led children’s departments of Midwestern public libraries before being called midlife to ordained ministry. She has a special love for children’s literacy and Bible storytelling. Robin annually volunteers teaching English in developing countries. She and her husband actively grandparent 5 wonderful kids.

Robin has published seven library resource collections of creative ideas for library story times, and more than 20 Bible story books for children.

Coming in March 2022: A BOARD BOOK! How to Dress a Dinosaur, illustrated by Alicia Pace and published by familius.

Child's Craft



Book Genres specify the types of literature that share certain common aspects. Genres include mystery, romance, historical fiction, fantasy, dystopian, adventure, etc.

For detailed explanations read this excellent article at Writer’s Digest.

Book categories specify the age-appropriateness and expected reading levels for children’s books. Industry experts vary in their opinions on the various categories, but the information I’ve included below is, at this time, generally accepted as accurate.

Some writers like to focus on one or two genres until they become skilled in that area. Others like to experiment with numerous categories. As a writer that’s your choice. Almost everyone agrees that it is important to know your target category as you work on a manuscript. It is also important that you identify your target category when submitting your work to editors or agents.







First Books – Board Books – Concept Books

Come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Often use specialty materials/productions that children can feel, smell, touch, hear, etc. Are made to be durable. Are usually assigned by publishers to one of their cadre of authors/illustrators. Present concepts connected to the young child’s world.

Picture Books ages 3 – 6 and 4 – 8

Most have very limited word counts – 800 words or less to tell the entire story. Most are 24 or 36 pages (including beginning & ending pages).

Easy Readers ages 5 – 9  

Usually 1000 – 1500 words. 32 – 64 pages in print. Some have chapters which are actually individual stand-alone stories about the same characters, some don’t.

Chapter Books ages 7 – 10

Most are 1500 – 10,000 words. 40 – 80 pages in print. Usually divided into 8 – 10 chapters.

Middle-Grade Novels ages 9 – 12/13

Most are 10,000 -16,000 words.  64 – 150 pages in print.

 Young Adult Novels ages 12 and up:

This genre is subdivided into Young YAs and Older YAs by subject matter, themes and use of graphic or explicit language. Older YAs deal with almost any subject that adult novels deal with, and use just about any language and depict any scenes that adult novels use, but often to a lesser degree. In Young YAs authors and publishers are more careful to avoid mature subjects, language, and references to sex, drugs, alcohol and violence.

Please share this information with your writing friends using the share buttons below. Thanks! Next month I’ll give you a lot more details about each category. See you in October!

Child's Craft

From Story to Book Part I

So you have this fabulous idea of a story for children. You’ve told bedtime stories to your children every night from this one story idea and they’ve loved it! It could sell millions of copies! You may never have to work again but will live off the royalties from your story idea.

The only problem is… ideas don’t sell. Books sell.

Let’s look at some things to consider as you begin moving your idea from story to book form.

For what age group do you wish to write? When you pitch to a publishing house, you shouldn’t say your book is for newborns up through young adults. Twelve year-olds don’t generally enjoy the same book as their two-year-old siblings. So, narrow your range. Here are some acceptable age brackets:

0-2 newborn – concept books

2-4 toddlers – board books

5-8 picture books

7-10 chapter books

9-12 tween books

13+ young adult

While these ages may vary a year either way between publishing houses, check the Writer’s Market book for the publishers you wish to submit to and market to one of their stated age ranges. Keep these ages in mind as your write.

Which point of view do you wish to use? Do you want the child to tell the story? This would be first person. If you use this, you can only write what the child would feel, see, think, and experience. The pronouns used would be I, my, me, we.

Do you want to write from a parent’s point of view or have a narrator tell the story? This is third person. Limited third person is when the narrator knows only the thoughts and feelings of one person. Omniscient third person is when the narrator gets inside each of the characters’ heads. Omniscient can be confusing for young children, so generally stick to a point of view from one person. The pronouns would be he, she, they. Figure out which POV you wish to use and stick with it.

Next, get writing! Don’t let your head get in your way by editing at this point. Just let the words flow and pare it down later. Write as if the story is ready to burst out of your head onto the page. Let it flow. Let it flow. Don’t hold it back anymore… (That should be a song.) We’ll look at editing and perfecting your story in future blogs. For now, pick an age group and point of view and write! Oh, and have fun. Play with it. Crafts should be fun!

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