Of Miners and Light
Several years ago, I portrayed a coal miner in a community play, and it opened my eyes to some…
November 6, 2023Several years ago, I portrayed a coal miner in a community play, and it opened my eyes to some…
November 6, 2023I hope you, loyal readers of Almost An Author, will bear with me as I get serious this month.…
September 6, 2022I was recently polishing my latest manuscript. One of the subplots involves a grant payout with large sums of…
October 18, 2018Last year, we explored seven of the eight parts of speech. Then I took a break to address compound…
September 18, 2018Almost three years ago, I wrote a post about using apostrophes. If you want to read it, go here. The…
August 18, 2018The words empathy and sympathy often cause confusion. I know first hand. I used empathy in another blog post…
July 18, 2018This post includes the remainder of compound words from U through Z. The list is intended to help during…
June 18, 2018If you’ve been writing and working towards getting published, even more so, if you are writing because you know…
June 14, 2018Please stop using pronouns wrong! Between you and I, I’m sick of people using the wrong pronoun. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!…
February 19, 2018The writing life stands poised to strike fear into the most steadfast heart—launching arrows of self-doubt, rejection-terror, and insecurity.…
October 24, 2017Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effectively. That’s my hope for you. In this…
August 24, 2017Adverbs are words commonly used to describe or modify a verb, and adjective, or another adverb. To test…
August 19, 2017We’ve spoken before about how little details can help color your storyworld. Societal habits, mating customs, dinner choices, and…
August 10, 2017So, I guess it’s ok for a writer to be a NASCAR fan—especially a Southern writer, right? I’m a…
July 10, 2017Recently, a friend of mine asked me if western civilization was at the end of its life cycle. It’s…
May 11, 2017This may seem hard to believe, but[bctt tweet=” … not every question requires a question mark” username=””.] How…
April 27, 2017If you are ministering through your writing, then I am certain that at some point in your ministry God…
April 4, 2017Bryan Garner, author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, and a raft of other books on English…
March 27, 2017Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second…
March 10, 2017Jim held a gray spheroid up to the light. “So Doc, you’re saying the sex of this alien was…
February 13, 2017For this post, I’m suggesting some books that you may want on your bookshelves or your may want to…
January 17, 2017The autopsy window allowed Jim a clear view of the good doctor’s grim work. The gray-skinned corpse had been…
January 16, 2017by Susan Stilwell @susanrstilwell Social media is a part of life and savvy writers stay on top of the…
January 2, 2017Plenty of ink has been spilled and battles fought over the necessity and superiority of the Oxford or serial…
December 26, 2016Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second…
December 10, 2016