Devotional/Christian Living

Rachel Hollis and the Dangers of Writing Christian Living Books

In 2018, Rachel Hollis, motivational speaker, popular podcast host, and entrepreneur, released her bestselling book, Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. The book was (and still is) wildly popular and widely scrutinized by the Christian media such as The Gospel Coalition, Tim Challies, and Sheologians.

Just last week, in March of 2019, Rachel Hollis released a new book, Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals, and a whole new round of criticism has begun.

Although her books are labeled as the Christian Living genre, the content is apparently far removed from a Christian worldview.

She allegedly encourages the reader to depend on herself and her own strength rather than the Lord and His strength. In addition, there seems to be an expectation that life is to be happy and fulfilling according to a woman’s own definition of happiness. What’s missing in her books is that Christ told us to expect suffering (John 16:33) and to live serving others rather than ourselves (Galatians 5:13).

Since I have not read Rachel Hollis’ books, I am not comfortable weighing in on whether or not her books belong in the Christian Living genre or not.

But what I am sure of is that Christian Living and devotional writers have a huge responsibility to portray the Christian worldview accurately. If you decide to write in these genres, your work will be under scrutiny.

Although I am still working towards publishing my first book, I have faced some small-scale scrutiny from readers of my Read the Hard Parts of Scripture blog. One man did not like when I wrote that God doesn’t condone polygamy. Others did not like when I pointed out that your favorite Bible verse may be taken out of context.

It is an enormous responsibility to both meet your reader’s needs and accurately portray God’s truth. Neither can be compromised or left out of your writing process.

 If you write about God’s truth, but do nothing to address how His truth meets reader’s needs, no one will read your writing. If you write to fulfill your reader’s needs, but don’t offer God’s truth, are you really meeting their needs?

What can steps can you take in your writing process to be sure you are accurately presenting the Christian worldview and meeting your readers’ needs?

Pray before you write. Ask the Lord to guide your writing and help your heart to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading. This is a daily occurrence. Also, prayer in God’s presence is the cure for writer’s block.

Use Scripture wisely. If you are adding Scripture to your writing, study the passage carefully so you are handling God’s word accurately. Don’t just randomly pull out a verse. Look at the context.

Read the Bible on your own. Starting your day in God’s word refreshes your mindset so that you are thinking from God’s point of view in whatever comes up in your life that day—including your writing.

Listen to your readers. Ask them questions about what they are struggling with. This is where social media is key. You have instant access to your readers. Find out what problems they have. Listen to their answers with compassion and tenderness. Talk to your readers whom you meet in person as well.

Use everyday examples to explain God’s truth. I’ve noticed that some Christian writers, preachers, and bloggers, as they become more popular with a wider audience, tend to lose this ability. Use examples from nature or from family and friend relationships. What everyday life things do you do that your readers do, too? Elisabeth Elliot was the most amazing writer and speaker. One of my favorite programs of hers is when she talked about her typical day including her ironing, cooking supper for her husband, and taking a daily walk to the post office. I do not have an audience of millions, so I cannot relate to her on that level, but I can feel connected to her because we do the same everyday chores.

Let a mature Christian friend or church leader check your writing to be sure it portrays Christ accurately. You may think you are explaining things clearly, but how is it perceived by fresh eyes? You could also take the extra step to be sure your editor is a Christian. While she is editing for content and grammar, she can also watch your theology.

Stay humble. There is a difference between confidence in Christ and what He has called you to do and a desire to boost yourself for the accolades found in this world only. The picture of a servant is what helps me with this goal. Christ came to serve. I am His follower and serving is my goal– serving others and serving Christ. When Christ is lifted higher, then everything else in this world is exactly where it needs to be.

What steps do you take in your writing process to be sure you are both meeting the reader’s needs and accurately portraying Christianity? I’d love to hear your comments!

Rachel Schmoyer is a pastor’s wife who is loving her church life. She writes about the hard parts of Scripture at She has had devotionals published in the past, but now she is looking forward to getting her first Christian Living book published. You can connect with Rachel on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Grammar and Grace

Probably, Not Prolly!

Do you cringe when someone scratches her fingernails down a blackboard or clicks her teeth against a metal utensil? Well, I have the same feeling when I read prolly in someone’s Facebook comment or blog post.

I was all ready to write, “Prolly isn’t a word! Please avoid using it! Go for the real word, probably, instead.” Before I began my post, however, I did some research. It turns out, prolly has entries in several dictionaries. (You don’t know how much it pained me to write that last sentence.” It’s accepted as a spoken colloquialism.

Spoken colloquialism.

There it is. Spoken. It’s accepted as a spoken word. If you use the word in your manuscripts, make sure you’re using it in dialog.

I also avoid using it in Facebook posts, too.

But that’s just me.

Happy New Year!

Happy Writing!

Hope Toler Dougherty holds a Master’s degree in English and taught at East Carolina University and York Technical College. Her publications include three novels Irish Encounter and Mars…With Venus Rising, and Rescued Hearts as well as nonfiction articles. A member of ACFW, RWA, and SinC, she writes for She and her husband live in North Carolina and enjoy visits with their two daughters and twin sons.

Author of Rescued Hearts
               Irish Encounter
              Mars…With Venus Rising
Visit Hope at



Grammar and Grace

What’s an Interjection

Last year, we explored seven of the eight parts of speech. Then I took a break to address compound words in several posts and the correct usage of its and it’s.

Now let’s look at the last part of speech–interjections.

Interjections are words that denote strong feelings like surprise, excitement, joy, fear. They’re usually found at the beginning of a sentence and are punctuated with an exclamation point but sometimes can be set off with a comma. They are not grammatically connected to the sentence. They function independently.

Use these words in dialog, but don’t use them in formal writing.

Here are some examples of using interjections:

Wow! Hurricane Florence is really huge.

Ouch! That pepperoni burned the top of my mouth.

Other examples include the following: hey, rats, shoot, whoa, dang, drat, cheers, yikes, yuck.

These are fun words to use, but I’d suggest using them sparingly. Remember to show emotion in your writing, not just with one word and an exclamation point.

Happy writing!

Hope Toler Dougherty holds a Master’s degree in English and taught at East Carolina University and York Technical College. Her publications include three novels Irish Encounter and Mars…With Venus Rising, and Rescued Hearts as well as nonfiction articles. A member of ACFW, RWA, and SinC, she writes for She and her husband live in North Carolina and enjoy visits with their two daughters and twin sons.

Author of Rescued Hearts
               Irish Encounter
              Mars…With Venus Rising
Visit Hope at
The Ministry of Writing

When It’s Not Working Out

If you’ve been writing and working towards getting published, even more so, if you are writing because you know without a shadow of doubt God has called you to do so, then I imagine (actually I’m certain) you’ve hit a dead end or will hit one soon. You’ve come to a roadblock or are headed for one. You’ve ended up at an impassable wall or at least see one in the distance.

So…what do you do?

If God has lead you to write or to share a particular message and He’s continually telling you that the mission is still a go, but it’s evident the endeavor is crashing and burning, what do you do?

Well, that’s where I am.

Actually, it’s where I’ve been the past month…err…three months…err…year. Stuck. Blocked. Crashing and burning. The odds of survival in the writing world and the mission in which I have been sent are looking bleak. So, I broke down and sought counseling.

Creative Commons License from

Gathered around the table for supper, I asked my seven-year-old daughter the question I had been asking myself. I asked, “If God has told you to do something, but its hard, should you quit?” She looked at me like I was absolutely stupid and said, “You have to do what God tells you to do. If He told you to do something you have to obey, no matter how hard it is. Even if you have to die doing it.” My four-year-old added, “Daddy, you have to do what God says.”

That’s the truth I knew somewhere in my heart. Actually, I had recently written a book about that. But on my little water-walking endeavor I had let my judgment become clouded by the waves and the wind.

Although, my daughter was convincing and again I had written on the subject, I was still uncertain. So, I posed another question to my budding theologian. I asked, “What if God told you to go cross a river, but when you get there the bridge was broken and had fallen down? What should you do? Are you off the hook? Can you say, well, the bridge is gone so God must not really want me to cross the river.”

“You can’t turn around and go home if God told you to do something. You have to find a way to cross the river. Daddy, you would be like Jonah if you didn’t try to cross the river.”

Yikes. My little girl is hardcore.

My four-year-old said, “You could just swim across!” Therefore, we then changed the scenario to a river of lava.” But regardless of what substance is in the river, if God said cross the river—you cross the river or die trying.

Then a lightbulb dinged in my head—how many different ways has God got His people across water? I posed the question to my Suppertime Ecumenical Council and we went to town listing different ways.

  • He got Noah and his family across with the ark.
  • He got Moses and the Israelites across by parting the Red Sea, after Moses lifted his staff.
  • He got Joshua and the Israelites across the Jordan by stopping its flow, after the priests with the Ark of the Covenant stepped in the water.
  • He got Elijah and Elisha across the Jordan by parting it, after Elijah rolled up his cloak and stuck it in the water.
  • He got Elisha across the Jordan by parting it, after Elisha touched it with Elijah’s cloak.
  • He got the ax head out of the Jordan by making it float.
  • He got Jonah across the water by spitting him out of a big fish.
  • Jesus got the disciples and himself across the Sea of Galilee by commanding the winds and waves to stop.
  • Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee by walking on water.
  • Jesus took the disciples across the Sea of Galilee by instantly making the boat appear on the other side.

Impressive list. Also, my daughter may have had a little help compiling it.

And I don’t know about you, but looks like God can handle getting across the river if the bridge is gone. He probably could if it is lava, too.

After that counseling session I returned to my desk, and kept plugging away. God has called me to do this, therefore I got to do it or die trying.

So, what do you when its not working out?

You keep on writing.


[bctt tweet=”God has called me to do this, therefore I got to do it or die trying.” username=”@soldoutjake”]

[bctt tweet=”So, what do you when its not working out? You keep on writing.” username=”@soldoutjake”]

Jake McCandless is an award-winning author, winner of the 2018 Selah Award for his non-fiction book Spiritual Prepepr. He is the Executive director for Stand Firm Ministries and Prophecy Simplified.. A long-time pastor who is now co-pastor of the innovative “above-ground underground,” online church, Endtime.Church., Jake has a B.A. in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Central Baptist College, and an Advanced Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He also is a regular contributor to WND News with voices such as Joseph Farrah, Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, Ben Carson, Chuck Norris, Joel Richardson, Carl Gallups. He also writes for the The Baptist Press along with other publications. He is also a regular guest on national radio and streaming web shows, along with hosting his daily radio program Prophecy Simplified Radio and weekly podcast Hold On.   You can follow all Jake’s work at or subscribe to his newsletter here.
Create. Motivate. Inspire.

On Writing: 3 Antidotes to Fear

The writing life stands poised to strike fear into the most steadfast heart—launching arrows of self-doubt, rejection-terror, and insecurity. What if my work isn’t good enough? What will “real” writers think? There are others more talented and qualified…

What do we gain by remaining paralyzed with fear? Constant stress. Frustration. Loss of joy.

Enough. It’s time to be gutsy and fire our own arrows at those crippling voices—before we’re tempted to walk away from work that should bring passion and life.

Here are three ways to stand strong and keep perspective:


  1. Realize that rejection serves a purpose and pushing through fear makes us stronger.

I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship. –Louisa May Alcott

He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. –Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Recognize that fear suppresses creativity and productivity and hinders our growth as an artist.

Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear. –Corrie Ten Boom

It is better to make a thousand failures than to be too cowardly to ever undertake anything.  –Clovis G. Chappell

Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. You must move against it with the weapons of faith and love.  –Rick Warren


  1. Rely on the faithfulness of the Creator and strive to be good stewards of our gifts.

It’s wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky. Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears.  –Helen Keller

Only he who can say, “The Lord is the strength of my life” can say, “Of whom shall I be afraid?” –Alexander MacLaren

If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear. His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer – His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable. –John Newton

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Phil. 1:6).


One more quote relevant to the writer’s journey:

The fear of man strangles us, because we can never please everybody; but the fear of the Lord frees us, because it challenges us to live and serve for an audience of One. –Paul Chappell


Fire the laptop. Prime the pen.

Remember the audience of One and keep writing!

[bctt tweet=”Recognize that fear suppresses creativity and productivity @A3Writers @LThomasWrites #Writing #Publishing” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”On Writing: 3 Antidotes to Fear @A3Writers @LThomasWrites #Writing #Pubtip” via=”no”]

Fantasy-Sci-Fi Storyworld

Entertainment in your Storyworld

We’ve spoken before about how little details can help color your storyworld. Societal habits, mating customs, dinner choices, and environmental aspects are all key to fleshing out a believable living space. Another aspect to consider is the way in which your characters entertain themselves.

Sometimes entertainment plays a central role in a book. The entire concept in Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games is a deathsport reality show, partly to show the Capitol’s control over the Districts, but also partly to entertain the masses. Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One shows a world in which reality is miserable and everyone escapes into a massively multiplayer online game. This “game” supports commerce, education, and other activities, but entertainment is a major aspect, especially considering the bleak reality outside of the virtual reality “OASIS.” And Aaron Gansky’s Hand of Adonai series presents a World of Warcraft type game in which the protagonists get trapped, Tron-style, and must figure out how to escape.

Hand of Adonai

In those three examples, the entertainment medium is actually the centerpiece of the novel, but it’s also the major point of tension. Specifically, each of the forms of entertainment is broken or twisted in some way, and the characters must overcome the challenges that arise.

Should entertainment play a major role in any other type of novel though? What if you have a story in the Wild West? Or a post-apocalyptic survivalist tale? A Space opera? I would argue that entertainment should be valued by your characters if you want them to feel like real people. That’s because all humans desire to have comfort and enjoyment at least part of the time (hopefully their lives aren’t always threatened by events like the ones in your novel!).

For example, John Scalzi’s The Ghost Brigades is a book about super soldiers defending humanity from a ghastly assortment of different alien species. And yet, Scalzi helps to make the storyworld feel alive with little windows of enjoyment. In one scene, a pilot is playing poker with some friends, in another, a father pirates a broadcast signal so his daughter can watch TV, and most importantly, an alien race is revealed to have no need for arts and entertainment. And this alien race realizes its lack of culture and strives to create it.

Or take Little House in the Big Woods. The novel chronicles the survival of a young girl and her family in the wilderness. Despite the struggles, there are times where she and her sister enjoy the musical talents of their father, or the two inflate and seal a pig bladder and kick it around like a ball. Personally that’s disgusting to me, but it really does help me picture the world in which little Laura Ingalls lived.

If your story is a non-stop adventure, you might feel like you don’t have time or space in your book to show scenes of enjoyment. That may be true. While not a book, the first season of the TV show 24 really pushed its story along with scant little room to explore its characters’ hobbies. Nevertheless, the first scene with the protagonist shows Jack, his wife, and his daughter finishing a late-night game. This one scene helps establish Jack’s normal life before the world started falling apart. It thus gives us an idea of what he’s fighting to get back through the whole first season.

Even if your story is very dark and the adventure extremely perilous, I would really encourage you to figure out some hobby or interest your character has to make him more personable. This is especially true if the world is very different from our own, because the character’s chosen entertainment could be used to show how foreign or similar that world is to ours. For example, a sorcerer in a fantasy adventure might enjoy magical sculpting – which might be a sort of enchanted pottery making. Or maybe he enjoys reading books of far-off adventure. In the first case, the hero has a hobby similar to one found in our world, but he clearly lives in a different reality. In the latter scenario, the sorcerer has an interest akin to that of your readers, making him relatable despite his extraordinary talents. Both are useful, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.

That’s all for now, and possibly for a while. My wife and I are expecting our fourth child in a few weeks. Being a stay-at-home dad with four children ages 6 and under (and homeschooling the oldest two) will mean I won’t have much time to make regular updates at A3. So after two years of storyworld contributions, I’ll be taking a sabbatical for a little while. In the meantime, if there are any particular topics you’d like to see covered in the future, please leave a comment below and I can cover that subject when I return! Thanks guya and gals!


Ghost Brigades Image from:

Pig Bladder Kicking Picture from:

24 Family Picture from:


The Ministry of Writing

Writers Must Keep Their Foot on the Gas

So, I guess it’s ok for a writer to be a NASCAR fan—especially a Southern writer, right? I’m a race fan, but last year one of my favorite drivers retired. At one point, in his career he was a perennial winner and champion, but he had struggled the past few years. As a fan, it perplexed me how someone who once dominated could lose pace. His equipment had gotten better, competition had fallen off, and he had gained lots of experience, therefore, why would he regularly finish in the back of the pack?

In one of his final races, a commentator shared how it was common for past champion drivers to lose speed the older they got. He went on and explained, “In a sport where each competitor is only separated by tenths of a second and the winners are often the ones who let off the gas the last in the turns. Past champions struggle as they get older and become more cautious. They tend to pull off the gas pedal sooner in those curves.” He went on to say how that when drivers begin their careers they are pushed by a singular vision and often they don’t have families. As they grow older, their interests vary beyond the track and they have children who are relying on them. This caution brings them to dial it back and not push as hard.

This was a clear explanation, but it also resonated with me because I have been describing one of my pastoral ministry failures as occurring because I took my foot off the gas. We had a long-term plan to grow our church through creating new Bible study classes with a DNA to multiply. Right out of the blocks we found success then we hit a difficult stretch. I was convinced of our strategy, but I became discouraged. And I let the voices of caution around me lead me to take my proverbial foot off the gas pedal. I aborted the plan and went back to the way things were before. I gave up. And the ministry suffered.

Now looking back, I wish I had stayed the course and continued. Now as I’m chiefly ministering through writing now, I’m tempted to do the same thing. Like the older race car driver who brakes earlier than they did in the past due to worries of life around them, I hear the concerns and stop. But we must not waver from our call.

[bctt tweet=”Christian writers you’ve been given a mission and you must keep your foot on the gas even in the scary turns” via=”@soldoutjake”]and the mundane straight-a-ways.

In however you have been called of God to write and complete a particular project, it was for a reason. Your task is important, and no matter how difficult or depressing it might be—God will come through. He will keep you on the track even if the mission turns your knuckles white.

We can’t give up. We can’t be hesitant. Our pedal needs to be to the metal.

This “gas pedal” you must not let up could be your calling to write, your vocation to be a writer, the leading to relay a message, or the call to create a certain resource. Whichever one or ones applies to you needs to be followed through.

If you have been called to write—write. Don’t start and stop. Don’t wait. Do it. For years, I felt called to do so. I put it off forever. Then when I finally started I would write for a little bit and then stop. I got nowhere. It was only when I plowed on through the writer’s block, rejection, and stress that things began to come together.

If you have been called to write as a vocation, do it. Learn the craft. Get the training. Quit your job, whatever it takes to be obedient. Don’t wait—press the hammer down. Even if you are broke and starving, stay the course.

If you have been called to share a message with the world and that involves writing about it—share it. Learn to write. But don’t put it off, share the message. Even if no one listens, keep sharing that message. If the message is the hill you are prompted to die on—die.

If you have been called to create a particular resource—create it. Get to work and don’t stop until its done. Shop it until it sells. Never put it in the trash or let it collect dust.

Christian writer there are some scary turns in this writing journey. Unlike NASCAR there are even right turns. There are also silent depressing seasons that make you want to shut it down. [bctt tweet=”But whatever you do put your foot on that Christian writing gas pedal,” username=”@soldoutjake”] push it through the bottom of the race car, and do not let it off.



The End of Civilization

Recently, a friend of mine asked me if western civilization was at the end of its life cycle. It’s a loaded question, and its answer will largely be dependent on how you define western culture. I’ll answer the question in a minute (or because I hate click-bait as much you do, you can skip to the last few paragraphs – I won’t tell on you), but this got me thinking of good storyworld ideas. Specifically civilizations in decline and how to preserve culture.

Cultural Preservation in Fiction

First of all, what I am not talking about is the French Resistance or Napier’s band of anti-Neo sappers in ExoSquad. Those are fine stories of fighting an oppressive government, but preserving culture usually means peacefully (if possible) living in one society, while preserving the spirit of another.

In Asimov’s Foundation, Harry Seldon foresaw the collapse of the Galactic Empire long before it happened. He knew that once that downfall began in earnest, it would take millennia to reestablish the same level of culture and technology. His solution? Create a colony with a massive library of all information necessary to recreate society. The colony of mostly scientists would feverishly work to teach successive generations all of known literature, science, and culture. It worked. The bloated galactic empire fell to the point where nuclear power was no longer known, space travel was rare, and control of different regions was usurped by local warlords. Meanwhile, Seldon’s world of Terminus carried on and even made advances.

The premise was borrowed by the storyworld of Battletech, where a semi-religious cult on earth maintained what was called “losttech.” They were decades more advanced than the other thousands of planets, but not because of scientific breakthroughs, but scientific preservation. The five main houses controlling known space had lost even the ability to create new battlemechs, their principle method of warfare.


In various fantasy settings, sometimes the arts of magic are preserved in a similar way. While the rest of the people beat each other senseless, mages will isolate themselves to preserve their craft. And they always seem to do so in dangerously tall and remotely situated towers. I can’t think of any specific novels, but I know I’ve rolled dice in at least one role-playing game with a similar backstory.

Cultural Preservation in History

These fictional tales are believable because they are based on actual events that happened in history. Over a thousand years ago, a man named Benedict created enclaves of culture, science, and literature to preserve the best of Roman, Greek, and Judeo-Christian culture. These little enclaves became known as monasteries, and monasticism was born. And we can all thank God for it, since monasticism effectively maintained a light in the dark ages and allowed culture to rebound once a degree of political and legal stability resumed in Europe.

My wife is currently reading a book called The Benedict Option, which looks at what Benedict did and evaluates if a similar method ought to be employed in present times. I’m not a huge non-fiction reader, (I believe truth is sometimes best conveyed in fiction) but the topic sounds interesting enough that I’ll probably pick it up when she’s done.

Cultural Preservation in Present

In a larger context, Christians know this idea resonates, and not just because of recent law-changes or disruption on college campuses. As Christians, we preserve a way of life – a relationship with God – that was lost soon after creation. Despite my tendency to avoid nonfiction, I’ve been reading Jake McCandless’ book Spiritual Prepper (I mean check out the cover, how could I not?). It is a good reminder that although the world is increasingly antagonistic toward us, we are called to preserve our faith. Each of us are little monasteries that preserve a Christian value system foreign to those around us. One might even call us temples. And in large groups, like at a church or a community gathering, we represent a subculture.

So is Western Culture really dying?

That depends how you define it. Some see western civilization’s foundation as secularism and liberalism. And before my conservative friends balk at that, remember that classical liberalism (the idea of disagreeing politely, discussing rather than shutting down ideas, encouraging freedom as long as it doesn’t impede the freedom of others, etc.) has nothing to do with the Democrat party. Just watch the news to see how the so-called Resistance treats people who disagree with their “open-minded” views. Also see Dave Ruben’s video here.

In modern times, the term “Liberal” has been perverted, but secularism has been reigning for quite some time. If western culture was built on a secular ideal, then I’d say it is reaching its natural conclusion. That’s because secularism holds to no higher authority. One cannot claim that murder is wrong (since there is no higher authority to cite), only that one feels murder is wrong. Or that the largest group opinion is that murder is wrong. Or the most vocal group opinion is such.

As for me, I think Western Civilization is best described as an intersection of Greek, Roman, and Jewish cultures. The Greeks brought the idea of logic and reason over emotion, the Romans provided an evenly enforced set of universal laws, and the Jews had a unique value system which valued life, property (even slaves had rights in Jewish culture), and a respect for a higher power to which all people, even kings, were subject. And Christianity was birthed at this same intersection point. For this reason, Christianity and Western Culture are intertwined, each shaping the other.

Do I think that Western Civilization, as I define it, is falling? Yes. Emotion is far more important to most than logic and reason; FBI director James Comey has proved that we no longer have a set of laws universally enforced between ruling class and commoner; and the only religious part of the constitution that progressives cling to is the line about “separation of church and state.” Never mind that that particular phrase isn’t even in the document.

However, there is hope. As I’ve already said, within each Christian is a preserved culture, different from the world. As long as we continue to meet together, encourage one another, and help each other in the faith, then the best development of Western Culture, one that now transcends all local cultures – the restored relationship between God and man – will be preserved.


Battletech Galactic Map from:

Benedict Picture from:

Wizard Tower image copyright Shaun Williams:

The Ministry of Writing

Sometimes the Water Stops

If you are ministering through your writing, then I am certain that at some point in your ministry God has guided you to a certain task. More than likely you are like me — you wrestled with if you were hearing Him correctly. Next, you probably battled feeling worthy for the mission. Then you saw the reality of the difficulty of the task, and were ready to quit. The mountain seemed insurmountable. There was no way you could do it.

But still the Spirit continued to whisper on.

Still you felt called — instructed to move forward.

You had no idea how it would work out.

If you have followed this pattern of thought or better said — patter of freaking out! Then you are in good company. The company that the Book of Hebrews calls a “great cloud of witnesses.” Every follower of Christ before you and every Old Testament Saint faced the same dilemma.

My favorite account of this is found in the opening of the Book of Joshua. The Israelites stand on the banks of the Jordan River. The Promised Land is in view, and they are told to go take what was promised. God gives them specific instructions. The priests are to led the march. While carrying the Ark of the Covenant, they are to step into the swollen flood stage Jordan River. When they do, the water would stopped flowing, and like when the Red Sea was parted all of Israel would then be able to cross on dry land.

A strange plan.

Why not just stop the water first? Why not show the clear path to victory? For that matter why have Israel fight city to city to take the land, when God could have figuratively “nuked” Canaan and just handed it to His people?

Why God?

Why have us wade into the water before it parts?

Why have us feel as if we might drown with the heavy burden you have placed on us?

Pre-parted rivers would make following the Lord so much easier, right? Yet, He calls us into the swift waters with no apparent path to accomplishment. I’m sure you have been there or maybe you are on the edge of that step. Israel wandered for 40 years on the wrong side of the Jordan due to their fear to take the step of obedience.

Five years ago, I finally stepped into the water.

For years, I felt called to write, but I choose to wander in the wilderness of being uncommitted. Finally, I took the step. I took a week vacation to write a book. I finished the week with a chapter and a half with the realization writing a book was ridiculously difficult.

So, I’d quit and then restart. Quit and restart. Start a new project, quit, and restart the original book. I so wanted the water to part. After surrounding myself with accountability, I trudged on. No dry land though. I finally got enough done on the book to send to agents and publishers, again no path to victory — only rejection letters and silence. Then I went to a writer’s conference, and did the book pitch speed dating. Again silence.

Finally, the wind began to blow a bit. The breeze seemed as if it might turn back the tide. I signed with an agent. Then more silence. An empty email inbox is a lonely place, probably much like the desert surrounding Sinai.

Then came the book contract. Miracles do happen. Then came more work than I ever thought imaginable. Still the water surrounded me. I had stepped into the Jordan like those priests, but the water had not stopped.

But on April 4, 2017 the water stops and dry land appears.

Over twenty years of knowing I was called, but not taking a step. Then over five years in the water writing and learning.

But on April 4, 2017 Spiritual Prepper releases nationally.

I’m not sure if the Promised Land is on the other side. Maybe at least a royalty check or two, and more than that I hope for a few changed lives.

But I know this and want to share with you — that water you are called to step in, the water that appears scary, the water that seems only to rise — will one day stop.

If God has called you then He will come through. And in the words of rock n’ roller Chris Daughtry, “Be careful what you wish for, ‘Cause you just might get it all.”

Write Justified

Beware These Confusables


Because spellcheck, wonderful as it may be, doesn’t catch words used improperly …

And because the English language has more than its fair share of homophones …

This month’s post alerts you to five sets of words that are prone to misuse.

Let’s start with a 3fer.

  • Imminent – eminent – immanent

The most common of the three is eminent, meaning “distinguished, of good repute.” It is commonly replaced with imminent, meaning “certain, very near.”

The arrival of the eminent professor is imminent.

Immanent is primarily a theological term. It means “inherent,” or “restricted to the mind.”

John Brown’s immanent belief in abolition motivated his attack on Harper’s Ferry.

  • Complacent – complaisant

These two adjectives with corresponding nouns (complacency, complaisance) share a Latin root, complacere, meaning to please or be pleasant. In English, however, they have morphed into different meanings. To be complacent is to be self-satisfied or so pleased with yourself that you’re smug, self-righteous, conceited.

Complaisant, on the other hand, refers to a desire to please to the extent one might be considered a pushover.

“I’m worried that Junior is too complacent about his grades and won’t be able to get into an Ivy League school,” Mrs. Jones complained.

 The widow’s complaisance made her an easy target for scammers.

  • Descent – decent  -dissent constitute another threesome that are sometimes confused.

Use the adjective decent to describe something wholesome, in good condition, appropriate, or modest.

The newlyweds’ apartment was in a decent part of town.

Descent is a noun that refers to a downward slope or in a downward direction as well as birth or lineage.

The descent may seem like the easiest part of a mountain hike, but experts say that’s when most falls occur.

In the ancient world, the line of descent was usually to the oldest son.

Decent and descent are not true homophones because they are not pronounced the same. Decent rhymes with recent, with the accent on the first syllable. Descent and its homophone dissent are pronounced with the accent on the second syllable: di SENT.

Dissent can be a verb, meaning to disagree, or a noun, meaning to have a different opinion.

The administration seemed unprepared for the level of dissent the executive order generated. Dissenting opinions were voiced throughout the country.

  • Altar – alter

Not only do these words have distinct meanings, they are different parts of speech.

Altar is always a noun—a place or structure on which sacrifices or incense are burned in worship. Alter is a verb, meaning to change or make different. Altar may also be used figuratively to describe something of great value or that is valued at the cost of something else.

Queen Elizabeth’s coronation took place at the altar in Westminster Abbey, forever altering the life of the young woman. Some suggest she sacrificed her own desires on the altar of the monarchy.

  • Rack-wrack

Finally, if you’ve ever racked your brain over the use of rack and wrack, well, you’re not alone. Even the experts concede this a confusing and complicated word pair.

The two words have different origins and meanings. The verb rack likely comes from the Dutch and means “to stretch,” while wrack comes from the Middle English for shipwreck. As a noun, rack has multiple meanings—a set of antlers, a frame for setting up pool balls, a horse’s gait, and the one applicable for this confusing twosome: a framework for stretching used as a medieval instrument of torture. And this is where we get the sense of suffering i.e. racking your brain, rack and ruin, though you’re just as likely to see wracking your brain and wrack and ruin.

What to do? It’s nerve-racking, for sure. Some advocate dropping the use of wrack. It’s an archaic term, they argue. Others, like Merriam-Webster, acknowledge wrack/rack as alternate spellings for the same word. Isn’t it nice to know that at least in this case, there’s more than one acceptable way to spell a word?

The Ministry of Writing

Correctly Know the Familiar — Seminary in 5: New Testament Survey

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

In the previous Seminary in 5 post, I urged that as Christian writers we would not forget about the Old Testament. You can find that article here. Just as the Bible instructs pastors to preach the whole counsel of God, so should writers. I spend time each week with multiple pastors around the country. One of the issues I have begun to see consistently from pastors and especially members of their churches is that most contemporary Christian preaching focuses on the New Testament. On several occasions I have been told that Old Testament is obsolete all that matters now is the latest half of Scripture. This is far from the truth — unbiblical. We will deal with how the two parts of the Bible interact in the first point, but I believe my findings prove that the New Testament is familiar.

Familiarity often breeds misuse. We feel we have such a handle on interpreting familiar passages and aspects of Scripture that we often fail to adequately study them thoroughly. I realize due to being accustomed to later testament a basic survey is not necessary, so these five points on the New Testament are to point areas in which we can easily develop incorrect views. Please take a moment a consider these points and let them strengthen your writing ministry.


  1. The New Testament Did Not Replace the Old Testament.

One common assumption about the New Testament is that it replaced the Old Testament. This far, far from the truth. I could present lots of arguments to express how that is not the case, but I believe one is sufficient. Jesus said that He and His ministry was not a replacement, but a fulfillment of the Old Testament. Jesus’ words are recorded in Matthew 5:17-19, he said,

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17–19 (NIV84)

“The Law” Jesus refers to is the Old Testament especially the first five books. He says what He was doing and going to do did not replace the first half of the Bible.

Not only did Jesus explicitly give us this insight, but the writers of the New Testament and those who first received those writings understood that the Old Testament under-girded everything in these newer passages. The New Testament is deeply saturated with allusions and direct quotes from the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation can not be understood without having a strong foundation from the major and minor prophets.

Understanding this point helps provide credibility to the Old Testament in present times, but more than that I hope it would provide a framework for interacting with both testaments.


  1. The New Testament Does Not Teach the Church Has Replaced Israel.

Following suit with the previous point is this idea that the Christian church in the New Testament has replaced Israel in the Old Testament. The implications to this theological miscue has a huge reach. By taking this view one completely throws away the promises God has given the nation of Israel. Yes, many things that happened with Israel can be applied to our personal walk with the Lord, but God is in no way done with the Jews. He will keep the unconditional covenants that He made with Abraham about the land, and with David about having a descendant on the throne. These will be realized in the coming Millennial Kingdom.

One of the factors that cause people to believe this is that Jesus states that He is making a New Covenant. He does, but this was not a surprise to anyone in His day. The Old Testament prophesized that God would make a New Covenant. This New Covenant would allow them to possess and enjoy the previously made Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants. This New Covenant also miraculously involves the Gentiles who had been outside looking in on the promises of God.

In Romans 11:25-27, the Apostle Paul explicitly explains the present relationship between Israel and the Gentiles. The church has not replaced Israel rather the gentiles within the church have been invited to participate in the promises still to be fulfilled to Israel. Here are Paul’s words,


I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.” – Romans 11:25–27 (NIV84)


  1. The New Testament Was Canonized.

To fully appreciate the Bible we hold in our hands we must realize that the inspiration of the actual writing of the New Testament books are not the only level of inspiration of this latest testament. But the early church sought the Lord and followed a set of principles to select what writings actually were placed in the New Testament. This process was called canonization. We find even in the readings of the New Testament that there were other letters at that time. There are other works that have survived that time period. All though these other works exist we can confidentially trust that not only were the words guided by the Holy Spirit, but so was the composition of Scripture as a whole.


  1. The New Testament Has at Least 4 Divisions.

In the five points from Old Testament Survey, I stressed the importance of recognizing the different genres in that first half of the Bible. Recognizing the style of writing is vital to its interpretation. The New Testament also contains different genres, although these books may share a closer resemblance in style than those in the Old Testament. Many would list more divisions in the New Testament, but I believe there are four to view as essential.

The first four books are called Gospels. They are accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. I will say more about their connection to one another in the final point, but these should be recognized as histories or eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ time on earth. The book of Acts is the history division of the New Testament. It follows from where the Gospels end until the end of Paul’s ministry. The rest of the books are considered epistles and most of them were penned by the Apostle Paul. An epistle was a letter that was circulated throughout multiple churches or multiple home churches. These would have been brought to the church by messenger and then read in its entirety before the body.

I am nearly alone among Bible teachers to include Revelation in the epistles. Most classify the final book as an Apocalyptic book. In that time period there was a “genre” of apocalyptic books. There were certain characteristics that described that type of writings. Revelation definitely fits, but it was circulated as a letter at least to seven particular churches. I find it helpful to approach Revelation as an epistle that way one is encouraged to interpret it more straightforwardly.


  1. The Gospels in the New Testament Do Not Contradict Each Other.

There are four books that tell about Jesus’ time on earth — Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. They are the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, & Luke are very similar and are referred to as the synoptic Gospels. John provides a stark difference. Because each Gospel covers the same time period, but do so differently many have felt they are contradictory. This is far from the case. One of the most helpful tools a student of the Gospels can have is a Harmony of the Gospels. I prefer the classic written by A.T. Roberson. A harmony seeks to show how the events in each Gospel fit with one another.

Although the subject is the same in all four books, they are told from four different eye witnesses. So there are variations, but no contradiction. Also each writer has a different purpose. Matthew writes to prove Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. So he involves a lot of the Old Testament prophecies. Mark seems to stick with just the facts and events. He provides the most action packed Gospel. Luke is focused on sharing with Gentiles Jesus’ humanity. John writes to prove that Jesus is the Son of God. With such different purposes, one can easily see how they would be different.


The Bible has two testaments, but it is one book. It is awe striking how that across so many centuries the Holy Spirit could move human writers to write these works that vitally connect. I can not stress enough how amazing God’s Word is for us. We have in print the reality of this world from its Maker. We need to know it, and then teach it correctly.


Anatomy of Grays: Alien Digest

The autopsy window allowed Jim a clear view of the good doctor’s grim work. The gray-skinned corpse had been cut open from neck to … whatever was between its legs, and its internal workings were just as alien as its external ones. Over the speaker, Doctor Stein began commenting on how the ugly fellow might digest its food. Apparently the little gray invaders had multiple stomachs like cows. Jim sighed. So their world was being invaded by bipedal gray-skinned cud-chewers. Great. Just great.

This month we continue our series on alien anatomy, literally delving into the bowels of unusual creatures – specifically their appetites. I’ve already posted an article about food and its necessity to your characters, which are probably vertebrates. That means they ingest their food, break it down, absorb it, and then circulate it to every single living cell in their bodies (which is headache-inducing if you stop to ponder it – don’t). Unused consumables are then disposed of in the same way that publishers typically treat unsolicited manuscripts. But with an alien anatomy, it bears mentioning that exotic creatures might ingest, digest, and circulate food differently.



Take for example a typical plant. Its food is self-produced, using a special pigment called chlorophyll, plus sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. It still needs potassium, nitrogen, and various other nutrients found in the soil, but the energy the plant uses is the sugar it produces for itself. This may not sound extremely interesting as a plot device in a book, but wait until you read John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. I won’t spoil who the green-skinned creatures are, but suffice to say Scalzi incorporates a creature that uses chlorophyll-infused skin to further enhance its energy (as a hint, they aren’t the Jolly Green Giants).


Externally Digesting

Other organisms like fungus and starfish actually digest their food externally. A fungus emits enzymes into the soil (or plant, organism, or whatever the fungus is feeding on), and its “food” breaks down around the root-like hyphae. The nutrients are then absorbed into those little tendrils. Try not to think of that the next time you get athlete’s foot. Arguably more gross is the starfish, which actually spits its entire stomach out of its mouth to digest its food externally. Creatures like this are likely to be pretty alien. Again, the world of Scalzi’s Old Man’s War is populated with interesting characters. Take the Gehaar for example, which are blue, tentacled extraterrestrials that inject their food with acid and slurp up the mostly-digested syrupy mess into their mouths. Yuck. But who knows what your space-faring adventurers or fame-seeking wizards will find in their world?


Otherworldly Appetites

But not all creatures need to follow the same rules as those in our own world. The second book in Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter series (incidentally, no relation to the Pokemon craze), includes some creatures called Oni, which feast off of souls to prolong their life. They do this in an almost literal way, because the souls are actually stored in a stomach-like bag inside the creature, where they are processed and provide energy for the evil beings. Apparently such a malevolent metabolism makes a monster very hard to kill too, since an entire section of Alabama interstate was virtually destroyed in the process. You’ll have to read Monster Hunter Vendetta to appreciate it though.


Picking up a Monster Manual from Pathfinder or 3rd or 5th edition D&D can also give you some interesting ideas for aliens and fantastic creatures (Note: 4th edition is great to play, but the monsters typically lack back-stories). Examples from these books are Gelatinous cubes and oozes that tend to be mindless blobs of jello that are only semi-aware. If you touch one though, your skin will begin to decompose in their uniform acidic bodies. That’s because their digestive systems are little more than homogenous blobs of acid. Rust monsters are also interesting since they eat metal, including magic weapons. In one of the editions this meant that one of their waste products would sometimes be residuum, a magical substance used to enchant other weapons.


That’s all on the menu this month. Next month we’ll talk about alien sex and reproduction, but don’t worry, I’ll keep it PG. Still, you may not want to invite your grandma.


Gelatinous Cube Inspirational Photo from

Green Giant image from

The Ministry of Writing

Know Your Manual — Seminary in 5: Old Testament Survey

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

One of the beauties of being a Christian writer is that we have a manual for all the instruction we provide and all the stories we tell. This manual is, of course, the Bible. Yet, this beautiful resource should also reign us in. For our, writings should be based on an accurate use of that manual. The manual is authoritative and therefore we are not to manipulate it for our own ideas. Therefore, it vitally important that you know your manual. Even the first half of this manual — the Old Testament.

Knowing this manual begins with reading it — reading it all, but we must also go deeper into an intensive study of the Bible. Even when this deeper study occurs sometimes we tend to jump to the details of particular books, passages, narratives, principles, or persons; and, by doing so we miss the big picture. I urge everyone to take a “survey” class or pick up an Old Testament and New Testament survey book. A survey study gives a bird’s eye-view of the text. It helps see the greater picture of what God is up-to and how each individual book fits together. There are also Bible Studies out there that accomplish this task such as The Story and The Gospel Project. The Story focuses on the greater history narrative in how all of the Bible fits together. The Gospel Project aims to trace salvation history throughout Scripture. I highly recommend Paul House and Eric Mitchell’s survey of the Old Testament book. There may be books that give more details, but this book perfectly pieces the books in the Old Testament together.

Here are five key points that you would learn in a survey of the Old Testament.


  1. The Bible (therefore, the Old Testament) is about God.

After reading this point, it’s likely you replied, “duh.” But before you skip to the next point, take a minute to think about how you utilize and approach the Bible. You may know the fact that the Bible is about God, but very few people actually approach this supernatural text in such a way. We read the Bible for inspiration, historic truth, or life principles. All of those things are there, but they are secondary.

First and foremost, the Bible is a revelation of the eternal God to his creation. The common cliché, that “It’s not history, but HIS STORY” is so true. The person and nature of God, along with His interaction with mankind is the purpose of His Word. We shouldn’t read “us” so much into the text, but rather look for God to reveal himself to us.

Throughout, the Bible and especially the Old Testament we learn characteristics of God. In the Old Testament, we learn He is the Creator and is sovereign over that Creation. We learn that He is just and punishes sin, but more than anything He desires to show grace, mercy, and love. The list could go on and on. By following, God’s relationship with Israel presented in this testament we receive a large sampling of how God works. The prophet Malachi instructs that God does not change. Our God is the same today as He was in the past.


  1. The Bible (therefore, the Old Testament) is Supernaturally Composed .

This is a reiteration of my posts on bibliology and interpretation of the Bible, the Bible was inspired by God. Throughout, the Old Testament this is revealed in notes on each book’s composition. Often the prophets speak on behalf of the Lord when they say, “Thus says the Lord.” We get insight in how God’s people like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, and others communicated with God.

This first testament in God’s Word was penned over 1,000 years by over 30 different authors from different backgrounds and locations. This is a task that is impossible by man alone.

I point out the supernatural nature because biblical scholarship has difficulty accepting the prophecy which has been fulfilled, the miracles, and the scientific knowledge displayed. Various explanations are made to undercut these supernatural aspects, but doing so goes against over a millennium of accepted understanding. Many books on the Old Testament that you might pick up would present ideas and conclusions that does discount its transcendent claims.


  1. The Old Testament tells of the Special Calling of Israel.

If you read the Old Testament literally and straight-forwardly, it becomes unarguable that God has a special relationship with the nation of Israel. Drastic changes to how one interprets the Bible has to be made for anyone to believe anything on the contrary. For in the first 11 chapters of Genesis, the foundation of the world and all the nations are presented, but following chapter 12 the rest of the Old Testament zeros in on the descendants of Abraham — Israel.

In Zechariah 2:8 and in other similar passages, God declares directly this special relationship. Zechariah 2:8, “For this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye’.” This is also seen in the calling of Abraham found in Genesis 12. Then in following passages, this special relationship unfolds. The law is given to them, their history is shared, and prophets come to call them back to God and His law.

This special calling does not cease in the Old Testament, but that section of Scripture makes that calling crystal-clear.


  1. The Old Testaments Show the Centrality of the Covenants.

 There are many details and different narratives throughout the Old Testament, but this portion of the BIble cannot be understood apart from the covenants God makes with Israel. Three of these stand out. The Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants provide the background for the direction of history and the words of the prophets. The Mosaic Covenant is a thread that stitches each and every facet of the Old Testament together.

The Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants are unconditional promises God makes to both Abraham and David along with their descendants. We find the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12:1-3. Paul House and Eric Mitchell write in their survey textbook that God promises three things to Abraham. God promises an heir, land, a relationship. It is promised that Abraham’s name would be made great and he would have many descendants. This would require an heir. Next, God swore to give the land in which he would lead Abraham to find. Lastly, this covenant stated that the people of Abraham would be blessed and those who blessed them would also receive that blessing.

The Davidic Covenant is recorded in 2 Samuel 7. This covenant guarantees the lineage of David to be the rightful kings of the nation of Israel. God promises to establish David’s throne forever. Through this covenant the promises to Abraham are reiterated and connected to David.

These covenants are like a computer app that continually runs in the background while the display on the screen frequently changes. The law taught the Israelites how to live in the land, the history books showed the unfolding of these promises, and the prophets constantly referred to these covenants as a source of hope.

The Mosaic Covenant is the law. This covenant is summarized and formalized in Deuteronomy 26 – 30. This covenant was conditional. If the law was obeyed blessings would follow, but if God’s law was broken there would be curses. In the pages of the Old Testament that follow this Mosaic Covenant is front and center. The history books showed this fleshed out. The wisdom books called the people to follow the law. The prophets preached judgment because the covenant had been broken.


  1. The Old Testament Consists of Multiple Genres.

 One of the key principles in interpreting the Bible is to realize the different genres that are used. Each genre has its own set of interpretative rules. The Old Testament is full of multiple genres. There are basically four divisions in this first half of Scripture.

Genesis – Deuteronomy presents the Law.

  • Understanding that these five books make up the Law helps in interpretation. This was the foundation on which Israel’s history was judged, and the basis for which the prophets preached.
  • These books are prose, but feature declarative statements of the actual law mixed with narratives of history.

Joshua – Esther are the history books.

  • These are narrative history of Israel.
  • All those these books are prose, they do contain elements of poetry at times.

Job – Song of Songs are the wisdom or poetry books.

  • These books are forms of poetry and lists of short proverbs.
  • It is important to understand their prominent poetry structure, as well as, the nature of wisdom proverbs.

Isaiah – Malachi are the prophets.

  • These are divided into two sections the major prophets and the minor prophets. The only distinction in this classification is their sizes. The 13 minor prophet books were one book in the Hebrew canon.
  • These books contain prose and poetry. Most of them are divided into “oracles” which were spoken messages by the prophets.

Understanding these different genres is vital for the correct interpretation.



These points fall flat in capturing all that needs to be known about the Old Testament, but one of the strongest concepts that needs to be taken to heart is that the Old Testament should not be neglected. The Apostle Paul stressed that he preached the “whole counsel” of God. [bctt tweet=”We need to include the “whole counsel” in our writing.” username=””]

So, first of all used the manual God has given us. Then don’t skip the first half, but know this part of your manual.

The Ministry of Writing

You are a Bible Interpreter — Seminary in 5: Interpretation of the Bible

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

I skipped a month of posting in “The Ministry of Writing” (I hope you noticed and missed it!) because I struggled how to share this subject. I struggled writing on this subject because I believe the most important skill all Christians and especially Christian writers need to develop is interpreting the Bible. I am so thankful that my college and seminary schedules were often out of my control because in my first semester things out of my control forced me to take a class called “Hermeneutics” which was on interpreting the Bible. I like so many though the idea of such a course was ridiculous. After all we just needed to just simply read and obey Scripture. Making that task so complicated just causes problems, right? Wrong, it’s just the opposite. As the first point of this post states, every reader of the Bible is an interpreter, and since we are thousands of years removed from the original writing of this special Book it takes a skill to interpret it correctly and well.

The Apostle Paul expressed this being a skill in 2 Timothy 2:15 where Timothy is instructed to “rightly divide” the Word. Rightly dividing just does not happen by chance, but is a skill developed and mastered. In Dr. Robert McQuilkin’s textbook, he asks a question: “Do a good attitude and a commitment to hard work alone enable a person to build a beautiful piece of furniture? No, for there is a right way and a wrong way to build. Furthermore, certain skill must be developed before a person, though using the right method, can build properly. So, it is with understanding the Bible.”

There is a right way, a right method, and a skill. This is not out of the reach of any Christian, but does call for intentionality rather than a haphazard approach to the text.


  1. Every Reader is an Interpreter.

I realize that the idea that one needs to approach the Bible through rules and methods causes infuriation or at least disagreement, but every time you read something you interpret those words. And though not consciously you decipher meaning based on a certain approach. My wife and I passed a beautiful landscape painting the other day. Immediately, it took me back to my fourth-grade teacher reading Bridge to Terabithia. My wife had also read the book, both as a student and then as a teacher. We began to talk about it and realized we understood the book quite differently. We had interpreted the book quite differently. This was over a contemporary book, and with us possessing similar experiences and values. I’m sure our “interpretations” would differ with others. So, every reader interprets. Therefore, every reader interprets the Bible. If this can happen with contemporary books how much more differently would we interpret an ancient text like Scripture.

So, for anyone who feels the subject of hermeneutics is not necessary they must wrestle with the face that we interpret the Bible every time we pick it up. Beyond that our translations are actual interpretations. We further promote our interpretations then to our writings. Therefore, as a writer it is dangerous for us to have a wrong interpretation. Different interpretations are much of the cause of the different denominations and traditions within Christianity today.


  1. Every Interpreter has a Presupposition.

Along with realizing we are interpreters whether we want to be or not, we also bring a presupposition into that interpretation whether we want to do so or not. Everyone comes to the Bible with a presupposition which is a belief or view that one holds before approaching something. This includes our past experiences, values, worldview, personal theology, etc. It is impossible for one not to have a presupposition, but it is important that we identify what we bring to our reading.

Certain presuppositions are important in reading the Holy text. It is important that we understand it is God’s Word. That it is authoritative, etc.

It is important to realize this filer in which we study the Bible because our presupposition greatly impacts our interpretation.


  1. Bible Interpreters Must Study the “Then and There”

As was covered in the previous post that you can read here, the Bible has a dual nature. It is a combination of divine nature being the Word of God, and human authorship. In a masterpiece on the subject, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, write that the dual nature in terms of hermeneutics as “the Word of God given in human words in history.” They go on to state that this concept expresses a tension between “eternal relevance and its historical particularity.”

Since the Bible is God’s special revelation of Himself and His Will to mankind the meaning of the text applies to the ancient world, the first century, the middle ages, today, and the future; but, each part of the Bible was written in a particular-historical setting. It is in this original setting where the original meaning was given to the original audience.

The first task of the interpreter is to identify this original intent. This work is called exegesis — which is the careful, systematic study of the Scripture to discover the original intended meaning. Bible interpreters are not to go straight from the words of the sacred Scriptures to a contemporary meaning, but first they need to do exegetical work. This work requires looking at historical context of that time and culture of the authors and readers. In doing so it requires knowing the geographical, topographical, political, and cultural aspects of that original writing. This also calls for considering the occasion and purpose for the biblical book, the specific genre, and the passage.

The literary context must also be examined which goes back to the original language and syntax in which the Autographa copies were written in. This is a timely task often, but it is not out of our reach. It requires going to experts in the field of history and language. There are great resources available, but one must be careful to find the best sources and experts.


  1. Bible Interpreters Must Follow Rules for Specific Genres

I had a very hard time limiting this post to five points, but I must stay true to my parameters. The reason is that I want to make clear the principles and rules of biblical interpretation. There are general rules such as was mentioned under the third point, but there are specific rules with each different genre.

Since the Bible was written by human hands and for human understanding — all forms of written communication were used. There is prose, poetry, prophetic oracles, letters, sermons, parables, proverbs, and others. Each of these literary forms call for specific principles of interpretation. As you know you don’t work through poetry the same you do a list of rules. It is vital to grasp the genre you are reading to begin to accurately interpret the text.


  1. Bible Interpreters Must Use the Original Meaning for the Contemporary Meaning.

The goal of biblical interpretation is to find what this divine work speaks to us today. As a writer, we are writing to transform lives in this present world. So, interpretation is not completed by simply coming to terms with the original intent of the human author.

The exegetical work of recreating the historical setting and the literary context is the first step, but the results from that then serves as the launching pad to bridge to today’s world. Fee and Douglas write, “the reason we must not begin with the here and now is that the only proper control for [contemporary relevance] is to be found in the original intent of the biblical text.” They go on to write, “a text cannot mean what it never meant.” Going further they write, “the true meaning of the biblical text for us is what God originally intended it to mean when it was first spoken.”

Our exegesis of the historical purpose of a passage creates the guardrails in which guide us in teaching those Bible verses in our writings. If this work was taken in all times of biblical interpretation there would not be the disunity in modern Christianity.



Five points on interpretation of the Bible just scratches the surface of this subject. I hope your heart was prodded to study this deeper, and then apply it to your own Bible study. For we need to “rightly divide” the Bible as Paul instructed Timothy. I encourage you to first check out, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. Next I recommend, Grasping God’s Word by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays. There are many other great resources out there as well.

Create. Motivate. Inspire.

On Writing: 5 Insights from C. S. Lewis

Need a bit of insight as you ready the pen or laptop today? Consider the following from one of the greatest writers of all time:

  1. “Take great pains to be clear. Remember that though you start by knowing what you mean, the reader doesn’t, and a single ill-chosen word may lead him to a total misunderstanding. In a story it is terribly easy just to forget that you have not told the reader something that he needs to know—the whole picture is so clear in your own mind that you forget that it isn’t the same in his.”
  2. “When you give up a bit of work don’t (unless it is hopelessly bad) throw it away. Put it in a drawer. It may come in useful later. Much of my best work, or what I think my best, is the re-writing of things begun and abandoned years earlier.”
  3. “Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don’t implement promises, but keep them.”
  4. “Don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us the thing is ‘terrible’ describe it so that we’ll be terrified. Don’t say it was ‘delightful’; make us say ‘delightful’ when we’ve read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers ‘Please, will you do my job for me.’”
  5. “We must not of course write anything that will flatter lust, pride or ambition. But we needn’t all write patently moral or theological work. Indeed, work whose Christianity is latent may do quite as much good and may reach some whom the more obvious religious work would scare away. The first business of a story is to be a good story. When Our Lord made a wheel in the carpenter shop, depend upon it: It was first and foremost a good wheel. Don’t try to ‘bring in’ specifically Christian bits: if God wants you to serve him in that way (He may not: there are different vocations) you will find it coming in of its own accord. If not, well—a good story which will give innocent pleasure is a good thing, just like cooking a good nourishing meal. . . . Any honest workmanship (whether making stories, shoes, or rabbit hutches) can be done to the glory of God.”

Who is your go-to author for inspiration?

Get inspired and keep writing!

[bctt tweet=”5 Writing Tips from C. S. Lewis @A3forMe #amwriting #writer” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”Any honest workmanship (whether making stories, shoes, or rabbit hutches) can be done to the glory of God.” C.S. Lewis @A3forMe @lthomaswrites” via=”no”]

(1, 2) C. S. Lewis letter to a girl named Thomasine (December 14, 1959).

(3, 4) C. S. Lewis letter to Joan Lancaster (June 26, 1956).

(5) C. S. Lewis letter to Cynthia Donnelly (August 14, 1954).

More insight from Lewis:

The Writer's PenCase

Seamless Self-Editing––Part V

Writer's PenCase-2Writers write because we love to use words, but let’s face it––even though we say we write for ourselves, we all want to be published and have many others read what we’ve written, for the mutual benefit of ourselves and our readers. That’s why self-editing is important. [bctt tweet=”We must do everything we can to get our manuscripts ready for publication.” username=”@a3forme @donnalhsmith”] #amwriting #publishready

Fantasy-Sci-Fi Storyworld

World-building From the Eyes of a Character

The carbine was still jammed and Jim couldn’t do anything to fix it. He finally tossed it aside and cursed the shoddy Adronni weapon manufacturers – maybe their world would be next on the alien invasion tour. A shrill whine filled the air, and Jim pressed himself tighter against the debris-covered groundcar. A scant thirty feet away the earth erupted in blue smoke. As the remains of a prefab shelter rained harmlessly over his powersuit, Jim took inventory. A Gilgamesh repeater pistol, a single frag, and a suit of armor with a busted rebreather. As long as the reptilians didn’t gas him first, he’d probably live long enough for one of their walker units to plasma-blast him in the chest. He sighed. No, there was one last thing he possessed – the souls of his charred comrades pushing him on to avenge them. Jim unholstered the pistol and peered around the corner. Time to move – vengeance would be his!

On the surface, the above paragraph looks like an action scene. It’s dripping with tension, and Jim’s fate looks pretty bleak. But even an action-packed paragraph can be used to build your world. In fact, study it a minute and try to identify some of the foreign storyworld elements.

We’re not sure what kind of weaponry Jim has (laser? projectile?), but his attackers clearly have plasma weapons that explode in puffs of blue gas. And we can guess based on the grisly state of his allies that either the plasma weapons burned them alive or that the aliens have some other kind of burning weapon.

Let’s look at some of the subtler elements though. Take the use of the word “groundcar.” What is the implication there? Obviously a “groundcar” is a type of vehicle distinguished from some other type. An aircar? A hover car? We don’t know specifics, but use of that word reveals that methods other than ground-based vehicles are used for transportation in this world.

We also get a glimpse into the intergalactic relations. First of all, these reptilians are not only invading Jim’s planet but have apparently been on “tour,” invading many planets. We don’t know if “Adronni” is a company or a race of aliens, but we do know that either Jim or his military outfit purchased firearms from otherworldly suppliers. This establishes that the storyworld has interplanetary trade.

All of this could be done from a detached, third-person omniscient perspective, but the story is told from a deep, although third-person, POV. This not only conveys the gobs of storyworld information above, but it also does two other things: 1) it gives the action emotional impact. Sure, the battle scene is only a paragraph long, but you’re emotionally involved in the character. It inspires you to read onward and learn Jim’s fate, even as your imagination processes the alien elements. And 2) the world is shown with Jim’s particular biases. A comment like “shoddy Adronni weapon manufacturers” shows us Jim has preferences in firearms and the Adronni-supplied weapons are apparently not among them. This doesn’t mean his preferences are necessarily right, and a different character’s POV may reveal a different perspective on the carbine and its manufacturer. Your storyworld’s inhabitants, like those in the real world, won’t always agree on things.

This isn’t to say that every paragraph in your 90,000-word manuscript must be packed with exotic storyworld elements, but the first few chapters should do so as much as possible. And if you’re trying to get your audience attached to your characters in that same timeframe, doing so from a close, ground-level perspective can really help.

mhi1-posterLast year, my favorite novel was Monster Hunter International written by Larry Correia. A contemporary fantasy novel like this doesn’t need as much storyworld explanation as a distant-future sci-fi novel, but the author does equally amazing jobs at world-building and deep character exploration. I’ve also just started Marc Turner’s When the Heavens Fall, an epic novel with some well-developed fantasy elements and several great POVs. A final verdict will have to wait since I haven’t finished it yet, but thus far it’s a great read and exemplifies some of what we’ve discussed here.

That’s all for now. Next month we’ll kick off a series on alien and fantastic biology. Until then, let me know if there are any other storyworld elements you’d like me to explore in this space. Thanks for reading!


Board Games that Inspire Writing

The murmur of countless alien tongues subsided as the chairman of the interstellar council called for order. The delegates to Mecatol Rex were unusually nervous tonight, and with good reason. By the end of the week, congress might put forth a motion to ban bio-technology, a move that would devastate the inhabitants of New Moscow. The young ambassador from the Federation of Sol held his breath as the insectoid chancellor of Sardakk N’orr took to the stage, violently shaking a proposal in his foreclaw. The political games had begun. 

When you think of storyworld ideas, your typical sources are probably other books, movies, and TV shows. But have you considered board games? No, I’m not talking about Monopoly, Risk, or Sorry. Modern games provide a wealth of imaginative fodder for the aspiring novelist.

twilight-imperiumThe example in my opening paragraph comes from a truly epic game called Twilight Imperium. In it, various alien races compete for galactic supremacy through military force, shrewd diplomacy, and delicate trade arrangements. While there are similarities to any conquest-type game, from a writing perspective the real gem is the character development of the individual races and the manner in which they interact in the galaxy. In addition to battles and alliances, the actual rules of the game get voted on regularly at the council event. It’s an intriguing concept for a game, and any sc-fi writer is sure to enjoy the political debates between each of the six players. Trade deals and a variety of starships round the game out and should provide an abundance of ideas for anyone hoping to write a space opera.

Love LetterSmaller in scope but not in story, the game Love Letter is a simple game where each player has only a single-card hand. Easy to learn, but sophisticated enough to keep gamers coming back, Love Letter serves as a wonderful gateway for those unfamiliar with modern games. But even the included back story is captivating. Basically, the queen of the kingdom has died and various suitors are trying to win the hand of the princess. The king won’t just let anyone speak with his daughter, so he carefully guards the young woman. Her only hope – that some handsome prince might find a way to deliver a message through the castle staff. Filled with intrigue and amusing characters, you might be surprised at the writing inspiration you can draw from this simple game.

Davith and FriendI recently had the opportunity to play the game Imperial Assault, a cooperative strategy game of heroes set in the Star Wars universe. While you might think you already know that Galaxy Far, Far Away pretty well, you should think again as you play this. Set in the period of the rebellion, each character possesses a deep history and exciting side quests. My character, a force-sensitive operative dressed somewhat like Mortal Kombat’s Sub Zero, is on the hunt for his former employer who might be selling secrets to the Empire. The set-up is similar to a Jason Bourne movie, but with enough interesting twists to keep me engaged. But the story isn’t just about my character, as each of the main characters has his own story that further fleshes out the universe. The elements of the world (blasters, walkers, etc.) may feel familiar, but the scenarios are unique enough that they may inspire you in ways that George Lucas’ films haven’t.

Shadows of BrimstoneSet in the Wild West, Shadows of Brimstone puts you in the role of a sheriff, preacher, rancher, or any number of assorted other professions of the period, and pits you against a wide array of Cthulu-inspired critters. The blending of monsters with a gold-rush era landscape is a great and fresh setting. The individual missions are all twists on old west concepts, whether exploring an abandoned (and now demonically reoccupied) mine, rescuing a child who fell down a well (and is now surrounded by evil critters), or finding the source of a town’s disturbances (which happen to be in another dimension). The amount of storyworld built here is stunning. Many of the ideas could inspire a hopeful steampunk or fantasy writer.

This is just a small sampling of various games I’ve played, but the wealth of ideas that have gone cardboard is legion, and many host quirky and fun stories to boot. If you get a chance, stop by your local boardgame store and scope out the market. From the 16th century piracy of Merchants and Marauders to the superhero battles of Sentinels of the Multiverse, you’re sure to find something that captures your imagination. Granted, you can’t lift their storyworlds directly without a copyright lawsuit, but if you’re searching for inspiration, this might be the ticket. Ooh, did I mention Ticket-to-Ride?


Twilight Imperium image from

 Love Letter image from

 Imperial Assault image from

 Shadows of Brimstone image from



The Ministry of Writing

What do you believe about the Bible? — Seminary in 5: Bibliology

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

As Christian writers, we are constantly Scripture is front and center in all we do. Our Bibles stay open — as we teach it by writing Bible studies, devotionals, and Christian living books. We study the text to frame-in our worldviews and take-a-ways in our fiction. It is used to reinforce what we believe, but what do you believe about the Bible.

It’s highly likely that you are like me and you’ve taken for granted the nature of the Bible, but I am so thankful for professors like Dr. Ron Mitchell of Central Baptist College who began his theology and apologetics courses with a study of Bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible). Along with writers like Dr. Norman Geisler, who began his systematic theology with the doctrine of the Bible.

Since Scripture is the launch pad not only for our writing, but also our calling — we need to secure in our minds and hearts the framing of that platform.


  1. The Bible has a divine origin.

We refer to the Bible often as the “Holy” Bible. The word “holy” means to be set apart — special. The Bible is special, and it’s not because it is merely a good book, but because it is the Word of God. It has a divine origin even though actually  penned by human hands, those writers were directed by God.

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we read that the Bible writers were inspired by God. The actual Greek word for “inspired” means God-breathed. These men were not merely motivated by God as we think of inspiration, but they were moved by him. This inspiration went further than an idea of something good to do. Peter describes this vividly in 2 Peter 1:21, when he writes they were “carried along” by the Spirit.

The origin and the preservation of the Bible belong to God. Jesus instructed that the Bible does not merely contain portions that can be considered God’s Word, but every word is His Word. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus states that every jot and tittle of Scripture was important. These represented the smallest of pen strokes in the Hebrew language. Elsewhere in the Gospels we find Jesus recognizing the Bible as God’s Word.


  1. The Bible has a human origin.

Most of you reading this are already convinced of the divine origin of Scripture, but those who do not hold the Bible in high esteem focus on the fact that people actually penned it. Many have found it hard to wrap their mind around how something that claimed to be God-breathed, but written by fallible people could be the perfect guide for us. Yet, the Bible is not the only revelation from God to show such a paradox.  The Bible actually parallels the nature of Jesus. While on earth He was 100% God and 100% man all wrapped up in physical flesh.

The Bible, too, shares that tension. Even without trusting the claim from Scripture that it is God’s Word, the book displays a miracle within its own pages. On the human end over 40 authors wrote in a span of 1,500 years. Those 40 authors were drastically different from one another. Some were kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesman, or scholars. They wrote in different places spanning across three different continents.

The fact that the Bible would have any cohesive thread is a miracle in of itself. To illustrate this while teaching I have had a roomful students from the same time period and walk in life try to write a cohesive story independently. The result would be a train wreck.

The nature of Scripture is this tension of being written by God through men. This understanding is essential when we seek to understand and teach the text. Those who focus only on the divine aspect view the book as supernatural and search out hidden meanings unique to their own time period. While those who focus merely on the human authorship treat it as only history or a list of good ideas. The two must be blended.


  1. The Bible is inerrant and infallible in its original manuscript (Autographa).

Although since in the creation of the Bible God used human authorship in a way that allowed the writers’ personalities and styles to be expressed rather than mechanically dictating to them in a robotic form, we must still understand it to be perfect. When we talk about the Bible being perfect it is in reference not to the leather-bond translation sitting on our desk, but rather the original manuscripts penned thousands of years ago. Manuscripts that no longer exist, but have been translated with great accuracy. There have been few scribal errors in translations, but the claim of God being the author calls for perfection. In that perfection, Scripture is without error — in factual and spiritual.  Also being God-breathed means that the message and promises from Scripture are incapable of failing.

The Autographa or original manuscripts are long gone, but there is remarkable evidence of today’s translation being accurate. For example in looking only at the New Testament there remains more than 24,000 ancient manuscripts. These manuscripts take us back as close to 250 years from the Greek originals. Syriac and Latin versions place us only 120 years from the autographa In those, only 40 lines are in question. This is remarkable when compared to the ancient work with the second most ancient manuscripts which is the Illiad by Homer. There only over 600 ancient manuscripts. It appears God not only authored the Sacred Text, but He is preserving it.


  1. The Bible was canonized.

Reading between the lines in this post, you have probably realized a final form of the Bible did not fall out of the sky. It took a 1,500 years for the book to be written. This ran from possibly Job, then Moses writing the Pentateuch, and closed with John penning Revelation. The Bible is a collection of multiple books. Throughout history, these books were pulled together. Ezra is credited with compiling the Old Testament. The Old Testament was in a canonized form by the time of Jesus, and had been translated into Greek in what we know as the Septuagint.

The New Testament also began as individual books and letters. These works circulated through the early church. Eventually they were collected and compiled into the New Testament. There is evidence that at least by 367 AD canon was complete. It would be made official in later church councils.

The term used for the complete “line-up” of the books in the Bible is canon. Canon means “standard”. Therefore, we have the standard of those books believed to be Scripture.


  1. The Bible should be authoritative to our lives.

 It is vital for our use of the Bible to realize it is this miraculous blend of divinity and humanity, but as we seek to apply the interpretation to our life the understanding of God’s inspiration should guide us. Since this is God’s special revelation to us, since it is His very words — they should not be merely suggestions or advice. Scripture is to transform our lives. We bow our lives before the text and respond in obedience. The Bible should be authoritative. It is the last word on how we should live and on matters of truth.

Grammar and Grace

Confusing Words…Again!


Yes, we’re continuing to visit confusing words because the English language abounds with them. Here are a few more examples to look for when you’re proofing your writing. Some are homophones while others are confusing because of their close spellings.

       1. Sensuous/Sensual

Sensuous means relating to the five senses, strong sensory appeal. If used correctly, the word does not have a sexual connotation.

The chocolate and hint of chili pepper combined to make a sensuous experience.

Sensual means relating to gratification of senses or the indulgence of the appetite, physically pleasing, and it comes with a hint of sex.

Many advertisements today rely on sensual images instead of clever copy.

      2. Pallet/Palate/Palette

A pallet is a temporary bed or a portable platform.

My grandmother used to make a pallet of quilts for me on her floor.

A palate is the roof of the mouth.

The hot soup scorched my palate.

A palette is an artist’s board of paint.

All the colors mingled on the artist’s palette.

      3. Carat/Karat

A carat is the unit of measure for precious stones.

Her engagement ring is a 2-carat diamond.

A karat is used to measure gold.

Her wedding band is comprised of 24 karat gold.

      4. Homey/Homely           

Homey relates to the home.

The abundance of candid photos and plump throw pillows added to the room’s homey ambiance.

Homely is used to describe things that are thought to be unattractive or simple.

The homely hound licked his spotted paw.

Take time to check on suspect words—the spelling as well as the definition.

Happy writing!

The Ministry of Writing

Remember Your Christian Foundation: Seminary in 5 – Spiritual Formation

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.


If you are a Christian writer this post may seem unnecessary, but I want to help you remember your Christian foundation. Believe me, Spiritual Formation class in seminary seemed unnecessary to me. I’d been a Christian for over ten years and in ministry for half that, and there I was in a class that taught the basics. The basics I knew. The basics I had experienced, but it was the basics I needed to remember. And I imagine it wouldn’t hurt you to remember them.

As Christian writers we can get so wrapped up in our projects and the message we are trying to get across that we can easily forget that original joy of our salvation. We can forget the basics that each one of our readers need to know.

So let’s go back to the basics, to the foundations of our faith.


  1. We Need a Savior

I trusted Christ as Savior and became a Christian at age 12. Some of you it may have been much younger, while for some of you it was when you were older. After a long time of conviction, I placed my faith in His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, but it wasn’t until I was studying theology that I realized my dire need for that salvation.

No matter how long you have been a Christian it is vital that you see the absolute need  we have for a Savior. Matthew 5:48 states that we must be perfect to enter Heaven. This is impossible because as we know too well, and Romans 3:23 tells us — we all have sinned. In Ephesians 2:1, we read that we are dead spiritually because of our sins. Therefore, we can not be saved by any merit of our on.

When I was in early elementary grade I almost drown at a cousin’s birthday party. I couldn’t swim well and I ventured into the deep end. Fortunately, someone saw me and jumped in.

I couldn’t rescue myself — I had to be rescued. We, too, need to be rescued in light of our sins and in regards to eternity.

So no matter how much we grow in Christ, we can’t forget we are still completely reliant on His grace and mercy for salvation.


  1. We Can Be Born Again

As I stated it is vital we realize that the core of our Christian walk and then our expression of that in writing is that we were spiritual dead. Romans 6:23 states that this spiritual deadness results in a spiritual death for eternity. Although a strong punishment is foretold, it is followed by a “but”. Paul records in Romans that although our sin leads to death, a gift of eternal life is available. We also read in Romans 5:8, that although we are sinners Jesus came and died for those sins. The price has been paid. An acquittal is available. Jesus has done all the work. The rope of eternal rescue has been let down, then by faith we can take that rope. When we place our trust in Jesus, repent of our sins, and commit to follow Him we are born again.

In that new birth, we receive the promised new heart. A large part of us being made new is that we are given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The power of Christ becomes a guide, counselor, comforter, and convictor in our lives.


  1. We Can have a Relationship with God

When we celebrate our salvation in Christ, we think of the forgiveness of sin, but what I believe is the most amazing part is that we’re able to have a personal relationship with God. We’re no longer separated from Him by sin. We can walk with Him.

The Christian walk is not following a list of rules, but living in a relationship with Christ. It is not following the prescribed steps A and B, but rather staying in step with the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5, the Apostle Paul instructs the believers in Galatia to walk in the Spirit.


  1. We Need to Use Spiritual Disciplines

In our western mindset we actually would prefer that set of rules to follow as Christians. We prefer the methodology of science over the ebbs and flow of art, but walking in the Spirit is an art. It is a practice in which we grow into. It is in this frame work we must understand the spiritual disciplines. It’s said that if one was to ask a puritan preacher for counsel, he would reply, “Put yourself in the way of the Lord.” The preacher would mean for that parishioner to read their Bible, pray, meditate, fast, attend church, etc. Then in seeking God the parishioner would then encounter God. This is taking God at His word when He promised in James 4:8, “If we draw near to Him He will draw near to us.”

The believer actually already has God near since they possess the Holy Spirit. So spiritual disciplines are tools to help us stay in step with Spirit, so that the He can show us how to live.


  1. We Need to have a Regular Quiet Time

 Each morning I begin with what I call a quiet time which includes prayer, a devotional reading, and Scripture reading. I know others call that time by different names. Whatever you call it, you need to have it. Basically, it is a regular time in which you seek the Lord. It’s through a regular time that we are able to have our steps directed by the Holy Spirit. It is through hearing the direction from Him, that we are able to live out our lives as a follower of Christ.


The Ministry of Writing

Five Dangers of Theological Training: Seminary in 5 — Orientation Part 2


Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.



You are reading this because you want to be a better minister through your writing, and I believe that necessitates intentional biblical and theological training. That training does not have to be in a formal seminary, but the teaching must be correct. Last month I wrote on five reasons why you must receive training. Again I can’t stress enough the importance — when you go to a doctor and your physical life is on the line you definitely want someone who has been trained. Right? So shouldn’t we desire that as much or more with the minister who is sharing eternal life.

Even though I am strongly for theological training, I agree with your grandmother, uncle, neighbor, and that guy at church who has warned you that seminary messes up good ministers. Training can and has messed up good writers — good servants of the Lord. Yet the risk far outweighs the dangers, but I do want to warn you of five dangers of theological training.

The Five Dangers…  

  1. The Danger of Puffing Up (Pride & Self-Righteousness)    

 Not only is the danger realized by countless examples we have witnessed with our own eyes, but Scripture directly warns of this. In 1 Corinthians 8:1, we are warned that knowledge can puff up while love builds up. The difference between knowledge and love expressed in this passage seems to be on their reach beyond ourselves. Although our possession of knowledge can help others, it can also cause us to become prideful and full of ourselves. Yet, love for one another builds each other up in Christ.

The context of the passage is instruction on how these newly converted Christians should deal with eating meat that had been served to idols. Paul is trying to explain Christian liberty, but he knows legalism is the enemy of that liberty. It seems in history and today the religious people or churches who focus on knowledge and sincerity of doctrine tend to be those who are the most mean spirited. They are the churches full of truth, but void of love. This was the nature of the Pharisees in the Bible.

Not only can knowledge make one legalistic or not loving, but it can make one prideful.

Gaining knowledge through theological training does not have to puff one up or cause them to be legalistic, but the danger has been proven over and over.


2. Danger of Not Relying on God

This danger of theological training has been gained by personal experience, and I have heard others express the same sentiment.  Although this is gained from experience, Scripture makes clear that as followers of Christ we are to rely on God. In John 5 we read Jesus say that He could do nothing without the Father. In which He was pointing to the God sized results. We can use human efforts, but only God can bring the supernatural harvest.

I would not trade the theological and ministry training I have received, but I look back on the early days of my preaching with great joy. I began preaching at 16 and had no clue with what to do. Armed with a Bible and an A-Z Topical Concordance I went to work. I have to rely on God for everything and He delivered. It was amazing messages were given to me more spontaneously. God showed me things in unique and surprising ways. Messages came to me almost verbatim. Then I had to pray through every aspect of any ministry work.

Through seminary I had a greater understanding of the Bible. I learned teaching and preaching techniques. I learned how to do it in my strength. I was a better preacher, but I struggle with the temptation to rely on my training and not God.

As a Christian writer you need theological and writing training, but still only God can bring the supernatural harvest and transformation that you desire to see. Rely on Him.


3. Danger of Doing Ministry in Own Strength and Not Letting the Spirit Work Through You

This is very similar to the last danger, but I share it to make a point. The more we learn, the better we get as writers and ministries, the more we get in the way of the Holy Spirit. Again it God who is the Lord of the harvest. We are just His workers. Although we may have learned to correctly divide the Word of God, and to effectively convey it in writing, we should still desire to see the Holy Spirit work.


4. Danger of Losing Your Own Personality

As you probably can tell from my writing, I was trained in preaching not writing. I had a preaching class in which you would preach before the class, and then the professor would you evaluate you. One particular professor pushed each of us to follow this certain pattern, I hated it. But we took it as the way one must preach. So I went through a phase where I threw out my creativity and sense of humor to preach a “certain way.” I lost my personality. This can happen in our writing. Training can push us to do it a particular way, but we still need to be us. Don’t lose your personality.


5. Danger of Losing Evangelistic Zeal

First and foremost you are ministering through writing because the Lord has called you to do so. Then I imagine the second reason is that you hope others would come to Christ and experience a relationship with Him. You are driven by your evangelistic zeal. I have watched over and over as fervent soul winners lost their fire in seminary as they became wrapped up in knowledge and forgot what mattered most. Don’t let that happen to you. Listen to this warning given by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:6, “Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk.” Don’t get wrapped up in the secondary, please focus on the primary.


Promise Me…

Although there are dangers to theological training, you must still recieve training, but promise me that you will not lose your fire in the process. You only need to focus that fire.




The Ministry of Writing

Why You Need Biblical Training: Seminary in 3 or 5 – Orientation Part 1

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 3-5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.


My Seminary Testimony…

God gifts us all for the work He calls us to do. I wish God had gifted me to excel on the gridiron, baseball diamond, or with a guitar, but He saw fit to bless me with mad skills in the classroom. I was given a photographic memory and good reading comprehension. In High School, my God-give classroom gift drove the girls wild as you can imagine L.

During High School to add to my absolute coolnesity I was called to preach. At 16, I began preaching and working in ministry. I wanted to glorify God and set this world on fire with the Gospel. I gave up professional bass fishing dreams and went to a Bible College to study Bible and pastoring. But I told God and my family that I would go until a ministry opportunity came up then I was quitting school. Fortunately, God did not open that door until He opened my eyes to the importance of a minister being educated. I became convinced that if a doctor who deals with physical life has to go through so much training than one who deals with eternal life should do far more. It was crazy how I never put it together that I needed to use my nerd skills in ministry.

Now a formal education in seminary is not necessary, but learning the information that is taught in seminary is necessary for your ministry. It is also important that you are receiving the correct teaching.

So I hope the Holy Spirit will convict you as He did me. In this orientation I want to share five reasons why you need a theological education.


Orientation in 5 Points…

  1. You Should Seek Biblical Training Because The “Ministers” in the Bible Received Training.

I challenge you to think of a leader in Scripture who was called by God to teach and share the Gospel who was not trained. Again they may have not sat in a classroom, but they were taught. Not only is there an absolute precedent of His servants being trained, but learning is valued throughout Scripture. Beginning in the given of the Law, Moses continually instructed the people to teach others and especially their children the precepts of God. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, we read that parents were taught to teach their children the law everywhere they went. This importance of learning is expressed in the nature of the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.

This value of training was made evident in its practice. Here is a short list of those who were trained for God’s work.

  • Moses was “educated” in the wilderness
  • Moses trained Joshua
  • Elijah trained Elisha
  • Eli trained Samuel
  • Jesus was “educated” in the wilderness
  • Jesus trained the disciples
  • Paul also had a wilderness time in Arabia
  • Paul trained leaders in his church plants.
  • Paul trained Timothy



  1. You Should Seek Biblical Training Because of The Warnings of False Teachings and False Teachers.

The warnings given of false teachers in the New Testament is almost overwhelming. We find several in Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels. In Matthew 7, Jesus teaches false teachers can be spotted by their fruit. Jesus later teaches that it would be better for a false teacher to have a millstone hung around their neck and be thrown in the sea than to lead little ones astray. The battle Jesus had with the Pharisees and Sadducees centered on their false teaching.

The Epistles in the New Testament are devoted to warning of false teachers. Here are some chapters where such warnings are given: Romans 16, 1 Cor. 2, 2 Cor. 13, all of Galatians, Ephesians 6, all of Colossians, 1 Thess. 5, all of 2 Thessalonians, all of 1 Timothy, all of 2 Timothy, Hebrews 13. Then all of 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, Jude, and most of Revelation.

False teaching is also warned against in the Old Testament. This is seen in the Balaam scenario and in the problem of idolatry.

We need to know the truth so that we are not false teachers. We also need to have the truth to combat false teaching.


  1. You Should Seek Biblical Training Because The Call of a Minister Includes the Call to an Education.

Timothy’s call which is not much different than the call of ours, is found in 2 Timothy 2:15:

            Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need  to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV84)

Did you catch that Timothy was not only to share the Gospel and help others, but he was called to correctly divide the truth. One has to be trained to do this. The best course I took in helping me correctly divide Scripture was hermeneutics. This will be our monthly course in September.


  1. You Should Seek Biblical Training Because The Nature of How God Works Through Us Necessitates It.

2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:20-21 detail how God works in us.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,  – 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV84)

              Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the  prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20–21 (NIV84)

Yes, the Holy Spirit inspires us and carries us through our writing, but God uses what we have in us. In all the writings in Scripture the personalities and education of the Bible writers show through. You will be a better tool in God’s hand if as He “carries” you along in the Spirit, you have a strong theological training for Him to utilize.


  1. You Should Seek Biblical Training Because We are Held to a High Standard.

James 3:1 says it all,


            Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we  who teach will be judged more strictly. – James 3:1 (NIV84)

The Ministry of Writing

Ministering Through Writing Doesn’t Always Mean You Write

I am writing this article and you are reading it because we enjoy or at least are comfortable writing. Writing is a safe place for us. It may not have always been a safe place, but after time we become at home at our keyboard.

I also believe you are doing what you are called to do, but ministering through writing doesn’t always mean you write.

[bctt tweet=”To be a faithful writer we have to often do things that are not writing.” username=””] More than likely these things will take us out of our comfort zones and that is okay.

We often need to shut our lap tops and leave the coffee shop to perform tasks that are far different than writing.

Tasks like:

  • Go to a conference
  • Give a speech
  • Have a one-on-one conversation
  • Make a phone call
  • Ask difficult questions
  • Promote
  • Learn social media
  • Make a pitch
  • Go to school
  • Ask for favors
  • Create a website
  • Create business cards
  • Keep up relationship networks


And the list could go on. Now, we writers come in all shapes and sizes we are both introverts and extroverts, but I believe mostly introverts. If that is you, you may be fearless — but not me. I have phone-phobia, not much on promoting my own stuff, and find life easier if I can avoid having any contact with other humans. So living in a distant cabin with a Keurig and Pandora writing works for me, but as a Christian writer I am not called to just write — the calling is much, much bigger — it is to be an ambassador of the One True King. Therefore, the message I have been sent to write is important, and I must commit to do whatever it takes to further that message.

So please don’t just write — follow God.

In that He will lead you out of your study and into other tasks, but tackle them with the same fire in which you write. They are one in the same, all ebbing to the same goal. In the same way in which God empowers and sustains you to write He will do the same on the podium or on the phone.

Fulfill your calling — write — but also fulfill your calling by following wherever He leads.




The Ministry of Writing

Better Understand God’s Instruction — Try Triangulation

As a Christian writer in your life or in your writing it is not merely about what you want to say or do. You are an ambassador of Christ. You are a soldier in His command. Therefore, you should be seeking Him consistently, walking in the Spirit so that you know His instructions.

I have no doubt that you are doing this, but being certain we are understanding the Spirit’s guidance is not always that easy. We can hear His voice. We can know that voice as we read in John 10. This is not so much a science, but is  an art. It is something that is developed over time. Hearing God’s voice and being certain it is something you can continue to do better.

One way you could do this better is through triangulation.

I highly doubt you have heard this term in a sermon, but maybe you have heard it in an overly technical explanation about your cell phone or a GPS.

I grew up fishing on a local lake. One side of that lake was wide-open with no apparent landmarks on the surface, but underneath there were some serious honey-holes. The trick became finding those spots again after catching fish there the trip before. So to help find those spots we would locate a landmark on the shore. For example, we might chose to line up with the old concrete plant’s smokestack.

The issue would be the smokestack might put us close to the fishing hole, but not exactly. We could be in a three hundred yard circle of the key spot that was no bigger than a bucket. If we added another landmark then we would get closer. So maybe the smokestack on the east and the fourth buoy in the south. Those landmarks would get us close, but still not exactly where we wanted to be, but three landmarks put us exactly where we needed to be. The smokestack on the east, the fourth buoy in the south, and the boat ramp to the west — and we would find that exact spot. The three points of reference created a triangle.

Now days we don’t work so hard. The honey-hole is marked in our GPS and we can go right to it. The reason the GPS works so well is not because a signal from one satellite is locating us, but there are signals from at least three. The GPS uses the same principle of triangulation.

So now back to us hearing God’s voice. How many points of reference are you using to determine His instructions to you?

God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, through His Word, through circumstances, and through other believers. All though through each source of His voice we can know all we need to know, it can be easy to misinterpret. But if we are consistently allowing multiple avenues in which for His voice to speak into our lives, when they line up we can be certain we are hearing clearly.

Each day as I have my “quiet time” with the Lord I don’t rely on just one avenue, but I try to allow for triangulation. I have a prayer journal in which I write my morning prayer and I write down what I feel the Spirit may be speaking to me. I also list circumstances that I believe may be important in determining His Will. So that is the point of reference of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

During my morning quiet time I read a portion of Scripture. This is a point of reference from His Word. I also try to find a reading plan that someone else has designed that way each day’s reading is objective. If left to me to pick passages I am going to consistently go to Jeremiah 29:11 and dream of that next book contract.

I also do one or two devotional type study books. This I refer to as my teacher point of reference. I am letting God use a teacher to speak into my life. I try to do two such books at a time. I like to have one that is more inspirational and then one that is more doctrine focused. I say a fun one and a boring one.

You may say all this is over kill, but by having usually four avenues for God to speak into my life if they all line up in some way then I feel with certainty I am hearing correctly.  Now they don’t always line up, but when they do — triangulation works and I better understand God’s instruction.