
What It Is Like to Copywrite for Your Own Clients

I broke into a cold sweat when I read the email. Could it be true? I reread the email. Yes! The email was from friend of a friend asking to hire me for copywriting and social media managing. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Up until that point all my copywriting had been through a digital marketing agency. Now I was going to try my hand at managing my own official client.

While the basics of strong copywriting remain the same whether you write for a digital marketing agency or for your own client, the relationship between you and your own client is different than when there is a digital marketer in the mix.

What is it like to copywrite for your own client?

You are in control of how much you charge. I felt so awkward the first time I negotiated a price with a client, but, as with most things, it gets easier. For my first couple clients, the price I quoted was much too low and I underestimated how long some of the tasks would take to complete. I learned the hard way to ask detailed questions about all the tasks so I had an accurate estimate of how much time was involved. I would also recommend quoting a higher price than you initially think to leave some room for negotiating.

You communicate directly with the client. When it’s your client, communication is all up to you. There is no digital marketer initiating contact to find out the client’s needs and wants. Depending on the client, this can be a blessing or a burden. When the client is happy with your work, you get to hear the positive feedback first-hand. On the other hand, when things are not going well, you will hear that as well.

You may be doing more than just copywriting. This varies from client to client, of course, but for some clients I have done social media managing, email newsletters, or email marketing. I have even been asked to do some in person marketing. Other clients needed me to upload their blog post and pictures into their website. It’s helpful to know some basic SEO best practices so that your writing can be most effective. The more skills you have, the more valuable your copywriting can be to your client.

Copywriting for your own clients can be a joy. It’s a chance to step out from the shadows and have your name and face be connected to your work. If you are ready to secure your own great clients, check out Holland Webb’s guide.

Rachel Schmoyer is a pastor’s wife, mom of four, and a copywriter. She also helps Christians find the simple truths in the complex parts of the Bible at Her other writings and publishing credits can be found on