The Writerly Cafe

Welcome to the Writerly Cafe

a3DDmay16I’m excited to welcome each of you to the Writerly Cafe at Almost An Author. Here, you’ll find a place where writers gather to ask questions, exchange ideas, discuss hot writing topics and simply embrace the joy of writing. Being with others who share the same passion starts creative juices flowing. I hope the topics on our menu board each month will spark new writers to put pen-to-paper and experienced writers to deepen their love of this craft.

From time-to-time I will ask for your questions on issues of interest to writer’s. Please don’t feel any question is unimportant or too elementary to bring to the table. I will research the answers to your questions and do my best to be of help. I am blessed with many friends who are well versed in all areas of writing and have offered to share their wisdom concerning your questions.

“Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose you will normally find it is something you are tremendously passionate about.”
Steve Pavlina

Using the word passion above prompted me to toss out our first question. (Hosting the column does have its perks!)

I’m assuming you’re interested in writing if you’re reading this, but would you say that writing is your passion? If no one ever read your work, would you continue writing, or would you consider walking away? Please share your answers to these, or any other questions you might have, in the comment section below.

But first, I need to let you in on a secret. You never know when a special guest might join us at the café to offer encouragement, give glimpses into their writing journey, or share their best writing tips. Be sure tocoffee-1111666_640 keep your eye on the door!

Again, welcome to this new place in town. As in any café, we can always pull another chair to our table. The more writers, the better. Pour a cup of coffee, find a seat, and let’s tackle these questions and topics with gusto.

Please return each month to check the menu board. In the meantime, I welcome and appreciate your comments. Follow-up questions are encouraged.