For the past couple of posts, we’ve been focusing on confusing word pairs. Today will continue with a few more. The following words may not be spelled similarly or sound alike, but they are sometimes used incorrectly.
- Accept and Except
Accept—is a verb that means “to receive.”
Please accept this million dollars for your excellent manuscript.
Except—is a preposition that means “but.”
The toddler ate everything except his kale.
- Advice and Advise
Advice—is a noun and rhymes with “rice.”
Take my advice. You need to proofread your paper.
Advise—is a verb and rhymes with “prize.”
The teacher will advise you on which class to take.
- Allusion and Illusion
Allusion—is a reference to something else.
Please find five allusions in Poe’s, “The Raven.”
Illusion—is a dream, a fantasy.
He believed the illusion that he could lose weight without changing his eating habits.
- Among and Between
Between—is usually used to show a relationship with two nouns.
Between you and me, I’m pulling for the Panthers to win.
Among—is usually used to show a relationship with more than two nouns.
Sadness was common among Pittsburghers when the Steelers lost the last game.
- Anxious and Eager
Anxious—can show fear.
I’m anxious about the skin test results.
Eager—shows strong interest.
I’m eager to be finished with doctors’ appointments.
These words are distinct and are easy to use properly if you remember the definitions. Good luck with your writing!