For young adult authors one of the ways to connect with readers is through school visits. I asked Author Marie Sontag for her advice on the topic and she passed along her three top tips.
Props and Prizes
I’ve purchased authenticated artifacts such as a bronze dagger, an alabaster jar, and an ancient Phoenician coin and made these part of my presentation. This adds value to my author visit, apart from giving listeners a chance to hear from a writer and purchase my books. I also bring bookmarks with QR codes, pencils with one of my book’s names on it, and polished rocks I’ve collected (legally!) from places where some of my stories take place. I use these as prizes when someone answers one of the questions I sprinkle throughout the talk. Sometimes, I tape a ticket to the bottom of a chair (unknown to the audience) and give away a book at the end.
Keep It Interesting and Personal
I always create a PowerPoint for my talks, including visuals that illustrate my points. I also plan questions as part of my presentation, being sure to include these on the PowerPoint. When someone raises a hand to answer, I always ask his or her name. I jot it down or quickly associate it with something so I can remember it. I work to see my listeners as individuals, not just customers that I hope will buy my books. I want them to know I value them and the time we spend together.
It’s My Passion, but It’s Also a Business
I love writing and never tire of speaking with readers. For me, however, it’s also a business, and I need to treat it as such. Before speaking at a school or event, I’ve found it best to have a librarian, teacher, or volunteer distribute and collect order forms and money for my books before I come. This leaves me time to sign and interact with students. If that isn’t possible, I bring someone with me to handle the selling so I can focus on book-signing and connecting with my readers.
What great tips! Thank you, Marie.
What about you? Have any additional tips to share about school visits? Please comment below.
Marie Sontag writes historical fiction for young adult and middle grade, and was a teacher in California for over fifteen years. She has a BA in social science and a PhD. in education and presents author talks to various age groups. “Bringing the Past to Life—One Adventure at a Time,” epitomizes the passion and writing career of Marie Sontag.
Her newest release, Underground Scouts, furthers her tradition of crafting adventurous historical novels for middle grade and young adult readers, bringing her number of published books to six. To learn more about Marie and her books visit .
Donna Jo Stone writes YA contemporary novels about tough issues but always ends the stories with a note of hope. She blogs at