Have Words, Will Travel....Travel Writing 101

10 Favorite Sites // Travel Writing Opportunities {Just in Time for Spring}

Travel WritingThe month of March offers a plethora of activity – nature buzzing, days staying lighter a little longer, and roadways calling our name. There’s no better time to pack up and hit the road. And why not make a little money on the side while building your resume? The lists below obviously caters to full-time travel writers but there’s something for everyone, including bloggers. The best part? These sites are updated and ready to go for your convenience.

So take time now to peruse the sites, jot down what sparks your interest and plan your trip. Don’t forget your camera!

10 Sites Offering Paid Work to Travel Writers

I hope you find this list helpful and beneficial for fulfilling your travel writing desires.

The Creative Tool Kit

3 Ways to {Creatively} Fall in Love with Writing All Over Again

“Falling in love in a Christian way is to say, ‘I am excited about your future and I want to be part of getting you there. I’m signing up for the journey with you. Would you sign up for the journey to my true self with me? It’s going to be hard but I want to get there.” -Timothy J. Keller

I can’t tell you the exact day I fell in love with writing. I can tell you, however, that in 2009, journaling in the morning hours began to fall flat in writing satisfaction. Over the years, my love has waned at times but I’ve held tight to the notion that I’m on this journey for the long haul because deep down, I’d be lost without it.

Are you experiencing a season where your love for writing could use a little reshuffling of the kindle fires?

Love writing

3 Ways to Fall in Love with Writing All Over Again:

  1. Write purely for fun. Sounds simple but for diehard purpose-driven people like myself, it’s anything but.  Obviously, there are deadlines to be met but spending a few minutes every day (or week) writing simply for the enjoyment can breathe life into your writing experience.
  2. Implement a date night…with your WIP. What’s your work-in-progress? Invite it to join you for a meal somewhere other than its normal spot. New scenery will heighten your senses and give you a fresh perspective on your project. Your WIP will thank you!
  3. Remember why you fell in love with writing in the first place. Like relationships, there are times when we need to step back, observe, and recall the many reasons we first fell in love with our spouses or significant others. Did we initially pick up the pen to fulfill a calling? To heal emotional wounds? To earn money? To share expertise on a subject? Sometimes simply recalling those early days is enough to woo us back to our first love. And if you need a little more coaxing? Why not write a love letter to your gift of writing? Pour out your heart, your struggles, your desire to move closer to a reconciliation.

Have you signed up for the writing journey? Are you excited about your future and are you willing to be your true self as you pen your story? It’s going to be hard but if you want to get there – wherever “there” is for you – being published, writing stories about your family history, journaling, etc., you will have to re-invest yourself, your time and energy…but it’s worth the effort. Wouldn’t you agree?

What’s one way you’ve fallen in love with writing all over again? Please share in the comment section!



The Creative Tool Kit

5 Habits To Spark Your Creativity in 2017

Spark Your Creativity

“Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.” Twyla Tharp

Every break of daylight offers new and fresh opportunities to start again, to improve, to overcome. Celebrating the start of a new year is the proverbial cherry on top.

Because practicing good habits is a springboard to increasing our creativity, what better way to start the new year than to review our current habits and priorities in order to make our 2017 the most creative ever?

In today’s post, let’s look at five specific habits that are sure to spark creative energy into your daily endeavors.
  1. Join Instagram. Give your followers an idea of what goes on behind the scene of your creative work. Where does your creative energy take flight? Snap and share! Spiff up your camera skills and share your work (and others, as well.) Follow people or businesses that you might not normally follow to gain a deeper perspective of the world around you.
  2. Learn to Maximize your Minutes. E.B. White, author of Charlotte’s Web gets right to the heart in his popular quote: “A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.” Ouch. There’s plenty of detailed information on the Web as to how you can make this happen. The point is, it needs to happen.
  3. Define Your Peak Time and Stick to It. Most creative types are early risers. This fact has been documented numerous times but there are others, like Carl Sandburg, who worked late into the evening after everyone had gone to bed, writing till early morning. If you’re not sure when your energy level is at its peak, jot down how you’re feeling throughout the day – and do this for a week. By the end of the week, you should be able to tell where your peaks and plummets of energy occur most days. Define it, then do your best to do your most creative work during those hours if possible. If you hold a day job during that time, see #2 above. Arrange your break around that time. Get creative!
  4. Slow Down. Henry James nailed it with his quote, “A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost.” Our pace may be frantic for a season but even in the busiest of times we can shift our sensory panel into low gear by choosing to breath deeper, stare longer, listen more carefully. Take notes…a lot of them. No detail is too minute.
  5. Exercise. A little goes a long way in helping our bodies to stay fit as well as our minds.


Which of the above habits do you plan to begin in 2017? If you have a different one, please share!

The Writerly Cafe

A Large Serving of Muse, Please


Here at the café, I’ve received several questions on what a writer’s muse is and where writers can find it. The questions have been heavy on my mind during these hot summer days when my muse seems to have abandoned me for a hammock somewhere in the shade.

So let’s begin with a simple definition for a writer’s muse:  It is a source of inspiration for a creative work.

Now for the fun part! Pull up a chair and let’s throw out ideas as to where we can find our muse. I’ll get us started. Please join in via the comment section.

Some ways I stir my muse:

  • I always have a small notebook with me in case inspirations strikes. I have been known to pull over in a parking lot after seeing something that I knew would make a great story or devotion.
  • One sentence from an article online can spark an idea for a totally different subject. An overheard conversation can lead to a short story plot.
  • I live in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains where every bend in the road offers inspiration for a writer. A writer friend of mine rents a cabin near me where she writes poetry.
  • I’ve found children and animals inspire me. One of my next projects will be a story inspired by a young girl and her gift to my daughter on her wedding day.
  • Music is high on the list as a muse. A few words from a song can inspire a story or even a melody, evoking emotions for the perfect story.
  • I am a people watcher and I often write stories in my head about a person that walks by, sits in a park, or stands outside a homeless shelter. A favorite piece I wrote was about a man I met in a thrift store whose wares funded food and shelter for people recovering from substance abuse.

Join me over at Cathy Baker’s site, Cultivating Creativity, to learn more ways I find my muse. (You will also learn about a hidden talent of mine!)

Thank you for sharing one way you find your writing muse in the comment section.



Daily Rituals and Creative Energy

dailyritualsFor years daily rituals have fascinated me.

Was there a secret to the creative energy found in writers, poets, artists, and musicians? Would waking up earlier, staying up later, drinking lattes only after the froth had melted into an oblivion propel my creative energy into overdrive? I’m thankful to report that there’s no right or wrong way. There’s your way, and there’s mine. Nothing illustrates this more clearly than one of my favorite finds in recent years. Enter Mason Currey’s brilliant book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, which is the resource for the following examples of daily rituals:




ernest hemingway2

Ernest Hemingway had his share of writing idiosyncrasies. “He wrote standing up, facing a chest-high bookshelf with a typewriter on top, and on top of that a wooden reading board. First drafts were composed in pencil on onionskin typewriter paper laid slantwise across the board; when the work was going well, Hemingway would remove the board and shift to the typewriter. He tracked his daily word output on a chart⎯’so as not to kid myself,’ he said. When the work wasn’t going well, he would often knock off the fiction and answer letters, which gave him a welcome break from ‘the awful responsibility of writing’⎯or, as he sometimes called it, ‘the responsibility of awful writing.'”


Ann Beattie

“Ann Beattie works best at night. ‘I really believe in day people and night people,” she told an interviewer in 1980.

I really think people’s bodies are on different clocks. I even feel now like I just woke up and I’ve been awake for three or four hours. And I’ll feel this way until seven o’clock tonight when I’ll start to pick up and then by nine it will be O.K. to start writing. My favorite hours are from 12:00 to 3:00 A.M. for writing.‘”


George Gershwin

“‘To me, George was a little sad all the time because he had this compulsion to work,’ Ira Gershwin said of his brother. ‘He never relaxed.’ Indeed, Gershwin typically worked for twelve hours or more a day, beginning in the late morning and going until past midnight. He started the day with a breakfast of eggs, toast, coffee, and orange juice, then immediately began composing, sitting at the piano in his pajamas, bathrobe, and slippers. He was dismissive of inspiration, saying that if he waited for the muse he would compose at most three songs a year. It was better to work every day. ‘Like the pugilist,’ Gershwin said, ‘the songwriter must always keep in training.'”


How about you?

  • Do you have writing idiosyncrasies like Hemingway?
  • Are you a “night” person like Ann Beattie or are you a “day” person? {And I saved the best question for last.}
  • Do you wait for your muse to appear or, like Gershwin, do you plug away every day whether you sense it’s there or not?

Please share your answer to one or all of the above questions. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for stopping by.

The Creative Tool Kit

3 Time-Saving Strategies To Up Your Writing Game

Three Time Saving Strategies to Up Your WritingYou may ask what the following three strategies have to do with creativity.

I think we can all agree that time is our greatest natural resource so when the minutes of our days can be saved, the hours will take care of themselves, freeing up our time and energy to put towards more creative endeavors.

Below are three practical but sometimes missed opportunities to make the most of our time.

  • Refuse to Cave to the Comparison Trap. Sylvia Path said, “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” When other writers are gaining traction that sticks like glue while we’re still spinning our wheels it’s tempting to start second guessing our skills, sometimes to the point of questioning our very calling to writing. Michele Cushatt recently published a post, Enough, that speaks to the beauty of dropping our competitive guard in order to embrace a bigger and more meaningful picture in the world of writing. Comparing ourselves to others depletes our confidence, time, and energy. And who has time for that?
  • Take Advantage of In-Between Moments. Many successful authors became so while working at least one full-time job, raising a family, volunteering at church, etc. One of my favorite contributor’s on this subject is Brian Hutcheson of The Positive Writer. His post How To Become A Prolific Writer While Holding Down A Day Job is superb. You’ll rarely find me without a pen and tiny moleskin notebook in the front pocket of my purse. I know, I know. I can also use Notes on my iPhone, and I do, but there’s something about the scratching sound of a pen on paper that lights my fire.

Your turn! What’s one time-saving tip you can share with the rest of us?

Thanks for stopping by!


Cathy Baker // Cultivating Creativity