Mastering Middle Grade

New Year’s Writerly Goals

Happy 2021, my MG friends!

Anyone else excited about having a fresh, clean, slate of months ahead in which to write? There’s nothing quite like looking at the calendar and thinking about all the possibilities a new year has in store.

Now that the holidays have subsided, many of us take time to plan our personal and professional goals for the year ahead.

Here are a few goals I’ve made for my writing in 2021. I’d love to hear yours if you want to add them to the comments below or connect with us on Instagram and share them there. Either way, having a supportive group to hold you accountable goes a long way toward achieving your goals.

2021 Goal #1: Set regular writing time, protect it, and keep it.

Discipline was my friend in 2019. I made a ton of progress in my writerly life. But amidst the general craziness that was last year, my schedule went haywire and momentum went south. Now is the perfect time to re-establish a writing rhythm.

Protecting my writing time boils down to prioritizing. When I worked 8-5, I set aside an hour in the evenings after family time to write. Now, I let my freelance clients know at the beginning of the week what my available “office hours” are and I stick to them.

Having the whole family home 24/7 made boundaries a little challenging at first. Fortunately, that “available office hours” practice I applied to my freelance clients also worked with my husband and son. Obviously if there were an emergency, I would punt work and tend to my family first. (To my son if you’re reading this: Wanting a snack is not an emergency)

In the new year, weekly planning – and sticking to that plan – will be a high priority.

2021 Goal #2: Reconnect with other writers.

Not too long into 2020, I noticed that the more time I spent online and on social media, the more my sense of well-being suffered. As thankful as I am for the technology that allowed me to stay in touch with my family and friends, I reached my limit quickly. By the end of 2020, my practice became to set a timer and check in on a handful of accounts- no scrolling for me.

The downside of this is that the community I’d worked so hard to cultivate on social media began to fall apart. Connection with other writers is important both to learn about our craft and to give and receive encouragement along the journey.

This year, I will include social media time in my weekly plan (see Goal #1), with the aim of rebuilding my community.

2021 Goal #3: Finish the edits and query the books.

This one is straight forward. I have some fun work just sitting here, waiting for those final polishes and queries. It’s past time for me to finish.

2021 Goal #4: Try new things.

I’ve been writing nonfiction for a living in the form of business-to-business marketing and ad writing. When I write books, they’re all middle grade fiction. Nonfiction for kids might be a good fit for me, but I’ve never tried it before. Now is as good a time as any to try it.

So, there you have it, friends. If you are setting writing goals, I’d love the opportunity to support you and encourage you this year.

Here’s to a peaceful, productive 2021.

Kell McKinney earned a B.A. in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.S. in documentary studies from the University of North Texas. She’s a part-time copywriter, double-time mom and wife, and spends every free minute writing and/or hunting for her car keys. Connect with her on Twitter @Kell_McK or

Writing with a Disability (Different Ability)

Keep It Going

Last month I shared I was emotionally struggling with writing; I hope my post encouraged others to keep pressing on.

Since it’s the beginning of the year and everyone is focusing on health goals after the holidays, I want to address how it affects the writing community: We need to be physically healthy to do what we do.

A drained body can suck the creativity out of us as easily as a rejection letter. Living with a traumatic brain injury shapes every facet of my life, from what I eat and drink to how and when I sleep.

  • Too much caffeine can overload my nervous system and cause a stroke or I may become dehydrated and have seizures.
  • Not enough sleep leaves me foggy or I can possibly blackout.

One of the biggest risks for TBI survivors is atrophy.  This is a wasting away of a body part or tissue – it results from lack of use or movement due to complications of a brain injury.

For me, the entire left side of my body is numb and has a lack of sensation. I’ve lost all fine-tuned motor skills in my left hand. Perhaps you’ve noticed stroke survivors not using limbs or leaning to one side. That is because part of the brain has been affected, which in turn affects that side or limb.

This is where Newton’s law of inertia comes into play. The basic idea is objects and people will stay at rest until something or someone causes movement and as long as there’s movement the item or person will keep moving.

Keep it going!

Now that the holidays are over and we are trying to stir from our winter slumber, even writing can seem problematic, no matter how disciplined we are in the craft.

We’ve tried to write every day. But the beginning of the year is an uphill battle. So let’s try applying some of the counter tactics to fight atrophy in our writing lives.

  1. Exercise regularly: walking is okay, but cardio is better. Cardiovascular exercise works our heart and makes it stronger for when we’re not able to work out or take a break from our computers.
  2. Schedule breaks to rest your brain (literally) and spur creativity: I have a daybed in my home office so I can lie down when I can’t focus on my writing. I also try to do physical activities after I eat. This helps to keep my body from storing food as fat and helps it break food down for energy.
  3. Never eat at your computer: we’ll be tempted to sit long periods of time mindlessly eating and racking up calories.
  4. Never skip meals: coffee is a quick fix, not the long-term nourishment our bodies and minds need.
  5. Drink plenty of water: coffee does not count; it actually counters the benefits of water since it is a diuretic; water helps nourish our brains and hydrates our organs. Imagine water being the conduit that helps move our creativity. I shoot for a minimum of 1 gallon/day.
  6. Get a good office chair with support: We sit a lot and need good posture.

One of the first lessons I learned through the Christian Writers Guild was to invest in a good desk and chair. I was taught that “carpal tunnel syndrome is the bane of writers.”[i] 

And “Keep the  90-90-90 rule: keep your elbows, hips, and knees at 90° angles.” [ii]

The right stuff!

At some point this year it will be time for me to once again purchase an office chair.  I decided to do some research on what to look for in an ideal office chair for writers. Below are a few factors to consider for committing to a key the only tool writers physically depend on to be productive.

  • Seat height: an office chair should be easily adjustable, pneumatic levers are the easiest. Height ranges from 16 to 21 inches work for most people. You should be able to have both feet flat on the floor with your thighs horizontal and your arms even with the height of the desk, without bending over.
  • Seat width and depth: you should have enough width and depth to support you comfortably, typically 17 to 20 inches wide.
  • Lumbar support: lower back support is key to optimal spine support and keeps it from curving.
  • Backrest: 12 to 19 inches and also adjustable.
  • Seat material: there should be enough padding to keep you comfortable during long periods of sitting. Cloth fabric that breathes is better than hard surfaces.
  • Adjustable armrests: your arms should be able to rest comfortably with your shoulders relaxed.
  • Swivel: I used to consider this a luxury, but swivel chairs allow users more freedom in moving without having to strain to reach high areas of a work desk.

And moving is the name of the game for staying healthy and keeping our hearts strong. During my research for this article, I discovered a new product endorsed by the Mayo Clinic to help sedative workers be more active while at work. Both Apple and Orbitz have utilized the HOVR system in their offices.

I am planning on purchasing the product this year myself as I spend more time working from home and doing what I enjoy, hopefully, this should help keep it going.

[i] Jenkins, Jerry Writing Essentials (2010) p 6.

[ii] Jenkins, Jerry Writing Essentials (2010) p 6.

Martin Johnson survived a severe car accident with a (T.B.I.) Truamatic brain injury which left him legally blind and partially paralyzed on the left side. He is an award-winning Christian screenwriter who has recently finished his first Christian nonfiction book. Martin has spent the last nine years volunteering as an ambassador and promoter for Promise Keepers ministries. While speaking to local men’s ministries he shares his testimony. He explains The Jesus Paradigm and how following Jesus changes what matters most in our lives. Martin lives in a Georgia and connects with readers at Spiritual Perspectives of Da Single Guy and on Twitter at mtjohnson51.

Writer Encouragement


Ever feel uninspired?

I do. Frequently. Especially if I have a headache. Or didn’t sleep well. Or have the cares of the world weighing on my mind.

But here’s the deal—I’m a writer. And all of writing is not just inspiration. It’s the “d” word—discipline.

Part of discipline involves taking care of oneself so that, when it’s time to write, you’re not battling fatigue or headaches or any assorted other reasons that can leave you feeling uninspired.


Here are a few tips for others who face the struggle:

-Turn off Netfix and get some sleep at night. You can watch the next episode tomorrow evening. After you’ve done you’re writing.

-Keep headache medicine on hand in case that pounding begins.

-If you get frequent headaches, it might be time for an appointment with your eye doctor. Give him or her a call.

-Eat healthy and on a regular schedule so you keep your energy up. Your brain power needs glucose (i.e. sugar).

-Drink caffeine but not in excess. A little goes a long way. 😉

-Remove distractions. Dog barking too much at passersby? Into the kennel she goes! Music too loud? Turn it down or off. Some writers love music in the background, especially just the tune without any lyrics.

-Dress in comfort (Jammies anyone?)

-Shut off Facebook or other social media sites while you’re working. Too tempting. Turn your phone on buzz. (Or “stun” as my Trekkie husband and I like to call it)

-Sit down. Write.

I know it sounds simple enough but we live in a world of distractions. But they only control us if we let them.

Did I mention “PRAY?” I encourage you to pray for wisdom for inspiration that travels through your fingertips, onto the Word doc, and hopefully, into the hands of an editor who loves it.

Carry on. 😉

Elaine Marie Cooper is the award-winning author of Fields of the Fatherless and Bethany’s Calendar. Her latest release (Saratoga Letters) was finalist in Historical Romance in both the Selah Awards and Next Generation Indie Book Awards. She penned the three-book Deer Run Saga and has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies. She freely admits to being a history geek. She has recently signed a four-book contract with Burnett Young Books. The series is set in Connecticut during the American Revolution. You can visit her site at




Photos courtesy of

Via Gualberto107 (typing hands)

Via Marin (woman on the couch)


When an Asset Becomes a Liability

The setting sold us. A property with mature trees and a creek running behind it. Even in March, with the trees still bare, we saw what could be: morning coffee on a shaded deck serenaded by a chorus of birds. We were confident that deer and other wildlife would be frequent guests.

The ink was barely dry on the mortgage papers when we learned about the special assessment. Built on private property to avoid city code restrictions, our home and several other structures in the development were built too close to the waterway. Erosion threatens to undermine their stability. What we considered our new home’s finest asset has become a $100,000+ liability

The thing we love has become the thing that costs—dearly. Or as my father likes to say, “Anticipation exceeded reality.” I hated hearing that as a child. It seemed to be setting us up for disappointment. I suspect he was trying to instill a life truth. For those of us who choose to spend all or a good portion of our life writing, it’s probably a good aphorism to keep in mind.

I doubt few writers expect to make the New York Times best seller list with their debut novel. Success stories like this are the exception rather than the rule. I believe most of us write, even if it’s only journaling, because it’s something we can’t not do. Whether we take pen in hand or type on a computer keyboard, putting ideas and thoughts on paper fulfills a longing. It satisfies something deep inside. Ed Cyzewski says in Write, Pray, Grow, “… writing provides a way to process and think deeply about difficult topics.” [bctt tweet=”Even if we only write to sort out our thoughts or ideas, there’s great value in it.” username=””]

Even so, the call to write for publication comes with certain assets and liabilities.

Those who see only the “glamour” of writing: the ability to set your own hours, work from anywhere, and the thrill of seeing your name in print, ought to be aware of the realities of the writing life:

  • Writers block is real. Many is the time I’ve sat down to write and came up empty. The perfectly worded phrase or concept I “wrote” as I drifted off to sleep the previous night is gone. My internal editor criticizes every word before it hits the paper—and I continue to stare at a blank screen wondering why I thought I could do this. Every writer experiences periods where the words and ideas vanish. Acknowledge it, call it by name, and walk away for a time. In fact, many writers suggest a walk or another type of diversion to get your mind working in other ways. The change of scenery and thought processes often triggers creativity.
  • Expect rejection. Unless or until you secure a book contract with a major publisher, you’ll be submitting book proposals or magazine articles with no assurance they will be accepted for publication. But you’re in good company. Kathryn Stockett submitted The Help 60 times before it was published; Stephen King’s Carrie was rejected 30 times; Beatrix Potter self-published The Tale of Peter Rabbit—before self-publishing was as easy as it is today. Persevere through rejection and learn not to take it personally.
  • Writing is a discipline. Some consider it a spiritual discipline like prayer. A discipline requires that you do something even when you don’t feel like it. Once it becomes a habit missing a day puts you off kilter. Certainly independent writers have more flexibility in setting a schedule than 9–5 employees, but they do need to discipline themselves to put in the time necessary to produce. For those still working the day job it likely means making time in an already fully-scheduled day to write. For some that’s early mornings. Others find they are more productive after everyone else in the household has gone to bed. Stay-at-home parents, like Cyzewski, have learned to make the most of down times in their children’s schedules and write in short blocks of time throughout the day. Learning what works for you and then cultivating the discipline to stick to it is critical to a writer’s success.

We’re still absorbing the blow of an unexpected expense. The good news is that because we are part of a homeowners association, the cost of the stabilization project will be shared equally by all members. Such is the value of community. Writers, too, need the encouragement and support of a writing community. A mentor, a critique group—in person or online—not only helps hone writing skills, but can serve as a counterpoint to the discouragement and self-doubt that often plague a writer. A writing community like A3 or Word Weavers just may be the greatest asset a writer has.



Dear Young Scribes Genre

How to Set Writing Goals and Finish Your Book


[bctt tweet=”How to Set Writing Goals and Finish Your Book #writingtips @tessaemilyhall “]

As a teen, you have plenty of time to continue to grow in your craft and finish your book. But even though you aren’t in a rush to achieve publication, you can decrease chances of procrastination and distractions by setting writing goals.

Here’s how:

  • Time yourself as you write and calculate how many words, on average, you write in an hour. (For example: Let’s say it takes me 1 hour to write 1,000 words.)
  • Decide on an amount of hours you are able to work on your book weekly. (If I can find time to write for 2 hours a day and five days a week, then I would be able to work on my book for 10 hours per week.)
  • Calculate the estimated amount of words you could write per week if you stick to this plan. (In the above example, I could write 10,000 words per week.)
  • Then, calculate how long it will take you to complete your book. (If I had only 20,000 more words to write of my book, then I could finish it within two weeks if I stuck with this plan.)

You could also do this process in reverse.

For example, if you hope to finish your book within four weeks and you still have 40,000 more words to write, you could:

  • Decide on the amount of words you would like to complete in one week. (In this example, let’s say that you chose to set a goal for 10,000 words per week. That way, you would reach your goal of 40,000 words within four weeks.)
  • Calculate how many words you can write in an hour. (Let’s say you wrote 500 words per hour.)
  • Then, calculate how many hours per day you should devote to writing in order to meet your weekly goal. (You would be able to write 2,000 words per day if you wrote for 4 hours a day. If you wrote five days a week, then you would reach your weekly goal. And if you meet your weekly goal four weeks in a row, then you would have reached your ultimate goal of 40,000 words in one month.)

By breaking down your writing goals, you reduce chances of becoming overwhelmed at the idea of writing a book. Instead, you’ll discover how the process of writing a book is simple: It is achieved through the daily discipline of writing the same amount of words that could compose a blog post.

[bctt tweet=”By breaking down your writing goals, you reduce chances of becoming overwhelmed at the idea of writing a book. #amwriting @tessaemilyhall”]

Stick with this, and eventually, your book will be complete!

Do you set writing goals? If so, has it helped you finish your book?

(PS: From now until the end of December, you can receive a discount off of my teen writing program, WRITE NOW! Click here to find out more.)