One of the most beautiful passages in Scripture that expresses God’s providence, as well as, being one of the most challenging passages to me is Esther 4:14,
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
I am sure you are familiar with the story, but Esther who is a Jew is providentially brought into the position to be the Queen of Persia. Esther’s uncle receives word that a plan was underway to exterminate all of the Jews. He approaches Esther and requests that she speak to the King and intervene on behalf of her people. The words recorded in verse fourteen are the words her uncle used the encourage her. He tells her that God has placed her in her position at the right time for the very purpose of saving her people.
Esther’s privileged position as Queen now is a double-edged sword. She has a dreaded and difficult task of approaching the King. The buck could not be passed she had to be the one to do this, and to cut the suspense — she did it.
But what if Esther had drug her feet?
What if she continued to question God, asking if it really was what He wanted her to do?
What if she lingered praying to make sure she was hearing God right?
What if she spent time waiting on the right words?
What if she didn’t think her speech was good enough and never spoke to the King?
What if she just put the task off?
If she had procrastinated for any period of time, regardless of how good her reason would have been then her people would have perished. Esther had been given a task. It was difficult. It could be considered unfair. She faced it alone. She was in unprecedented territory. She might be mocked. She might even be killed. Esther’s God-given task was vitally important, and so are the words God has told you to write down.
It is easy to feel as if our writing is no big deal and that we have valid excuses, but [bctt tweet=”souls hang in the balance in need of the words we have not put on paper.”]
I just finished a blog post I was “given” over a month ago. Heck, I just began taking writing serious three years ago when I have felt I needed to for fifteen years. I am the chief of procrastinators. I also have good excuses.
- I am not the best writer.
- I need to become better at my craft.
- I am busy as a pastor. I am already doing ministry.
- My family needs me.
I could go on. All valid excuses. All reasons to procrastinate. All causes for souls to perish.
If God has given you something to say, then it is important.
He gave it to you. Therefore it is your responsibility. At the minimum if you don’t do it, someone else will get that chance.
But even at that souls will perish in the meantime.
But it could be that the message is not given to someone else.
Our procrastination in writing is costly.
Souls hang in the balance. You better get to writing because “who knows but that you have [been given this story or message] for such a time as this.”