Obstacles. Disguised in various ways, they reveal the same evil – blocks to what we want to achieve or to where we want to go.
When I first began running, I recall my first 5K race. As I struggled up a grueling hill, an old woman (probably younger than I am today, but old to my young eyes back then…) flew up next to me, slowed her pace even with mine for long enough to say, “Child, lift your knees just a little bit higher to get up the hills and focus on the pavement, not the top of the hill.” With that, she soared on past.
Since that day, I lift my knees just a little bit higher and focus on the pavement with every hill I face. That was over 30 years ago. Hills are not grueling obstacles for me anymore. While I can’t say I enjoy them, I know how to manage them.
I wondered if I could apply this sage advice to other obstacles in my life. So I broke down the elements of her tactic.
Lift knees higher. This might equate to working harder. Seriously? Sometimes I work like crazy and still face obstacles. I can’t work any harder. Maybe it equates with trying something different. If the same stride isn’t working, try something new.
Focus on the pavement. Perhaps I should stay focused on the task at hand. Don’t keep my eyes on the seemingly impossible goal and all the hard work it takes to get there, but enjoy every step of the way and I’ll eventually get there.
So, what obstacles are you facing in your writing? What prevents you from getting to your finish line? Do you have writers block? Impossible deadlines? Can’t find the right word to fit your cadence? Can’t find the time? Too many words for your children’s book? Having trouble finding an agent or a publisher? Today I’ll offer a few suggestions.
Run. I think running fixes just about everything, but if you don’t run, then try walking, biking, or exercise to get your positive endorphins flowing. There are numerous studies backing up God’s amazing endorphins and the creativity linked with them. Here is one you can read. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/10491702/Lacking-inspiration-Exercise-found-to-boost-creativity.html. Some of my best writing ideas were inspired during my runs. Check with your doctor first if you haven’t exercised in a while.
Get away from your computer and get out into God’s world. Sit outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Running outside takes care of this one too. Get the fresh oxygen flowing through your veins to fuel your body and your brain. This change of scenery, may ignite the imagination and get your creative juices flowing. It may clear the mind to start fresh when you return to your task. Even if you’re struggling with making a deadline, getting fresh air and exercise may be just what you need.
Write in a different place. Don’t trap yourself in your office, no matter how peaceful or productive it has been in the past. If it isn’t working for you at the moment, try a different location. Go to another room in your house, Starbucks, or Panera.
Keep writing. Thankfully that lady didn’t tell me to quit running and go home. She wanted to help me through the obstacle of what I was already doing. So keep writing.
In future blogs, we’ll discuss other ways to manage the obstacles we face with writing. But for now, keep lifting those knees a bit higher and focus on the pavement, not the obstacle looming before you.
Share what obstacles you may be facing below and if you have the solution for another’s obstacle, share that below as well.