Embrace the Wait

Survival Tips for the Waiting Part of Writing Tip #18 – Keep your social media posts social

As a writer, Christian, and citizen I have made a purposeful choice to keep my social media posts social. What does that mean? Now more than ever social media has become a hotbed for debate. Debate can be good when there is mutual sharing of ideas and opinions for the purpose of learning from each other or understanding one another better. But for that goal to be accomplished, the people involved in the discussion must be willing to listen and treat others with respect. Here are some reasons why social media may not be a great forum for that.

1) If there’s an issue we are passionate about or feel the need to stand up for–social media is the least effective place to make a difference. If we’re simply trying to vent to likeminded people and get them to hop aboard our rant train, posting a passive-aggressive meme or a long-winded post will accomplish that easily. But in the process, what do we forfeit? No one has ever changed anyone’s mind about an issue by simply posting about it. The best place to have these important discussions is face-to-face. For more information about how science backs up this theory, see the links below.

2) We don’t want to alienate the very audience we hope to impact. We all have beliefs and issues that touch our very core. Our calling, as Christian writers, compels us to express those beliefs and issues with words. But we must remain mindful of the platform we choose as a vehicle for those words. One indiscriminate post, that feeds a divisive issue, may ruin our ability to reach a lost and hurting world that needs the hope the lies within us.

3) Our brand and our calling should draw people in, not divide and conquer. We find ourselves at a time in history where we are divided in every way—physically divided because of the quarantine, politically divided, spiritually divided, divided on issues of health, education etc. Although social media has become a tool for further division, we have the potential to use it as place to bring people together. With every post, meme, video, or thought, we have the ability to strengthen the weary, shine light on truth, and provide a haven for those who need rest. May God help us do this, as we seek Him for direction and purpose during these unprecedented days.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 25:11,

Fun Fact or Helpful Resource:
Resources for why it’s better to leave weighty and debatable issues to face-to-face conversation:

Why You Should Never Argue with Anyone on Facebook

Annette Marie Griffin is a award-winning writer who speaks at local women’s group meetings and women’s retreats on the topic of biblical womanhood and finding our identity in Christ. She is the Operations and Events Coordinator at a private school for special needs students and is the editor of their quarterly newsletter. She has written custom curriculum for women’s retreats and children’s church curriculum for Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas where she served as Children’s Ministry Director and Family Program Director for over twenty years. She and her husband John have five amazing children and two adorable grands. She’s a member of Word Weavers International, ACFW, SCBWI, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Creative Writing Institute.

Becoming an Author

5 Ways to Practice Good Virtual Etiquette for Authors

As an aspiring author, you might be aware of how to professionally submit to an agent or editor. But did you know these agents and editors aren’t likely to evaluate your level of professionalism by your email presentation alone?

Agents/editors search for writers online. Not just to evaluate your platform and brand, but also to see how you portray yourself virtually. We want to discover if you are the kind of writer of which we would like to develop a professional relationship.  

So if you hope to remain professional and keep a clean online reputation, here are 5 admirable practices you may want to develop:

1. Refrain from over-sharing.

Sure, you may be tempted to vent about how your day was ruined because of a careless driver. But do you really want your emotions to be broadcasted on social media for the world to see? We don’t always think straight when we’re angry. Later, you may come back to that post and regret the words you used.

2. Be careful about how you handle the naysayers. 

In this virtual world, we can’t exactly escape the bullies, nor can we please everyone who views our posts. When someone pushes your buttons, choose your response carefully. Model Jesus by the way you are “slow to speak and slow to anger” (see James 1:19). The way you respond to these rude comments will say a lot about your character.

3. Avoid being a naysayer yourself!

There are some people who write posts for the sole purpose of striking virtual arguments with others. I’d hope you aren’t a naysayer yourself, because this would definitely serve as a red flag for agents and editors.

4. Don’t bash another book—especially if it’s the genre you write.

There’s a difference between politely sharing your opinion about a particular book and ranting about how that book should’ve never been published. Doing this will not exactly give you a reputation as one who respects authors and the book industry.

Besides, once you’re published, what if you want to seek an endorsement from that author? And you never know—you could end up having your own book evaluated by that author’s agent or editor. Wouldn’t it be terrible if they discovered this harsh post you wrote about their client’s project?

5. Support other authors.

Agents and editors love to see writers who are active in the online book and writing community. These are the writers who are not too prideful to brag about the genius work of another writer. When you give to the community in some way, you are planting seeds of generosity. That old saying is true … “What comes around goes around.” Don’t be surprised if these authors take note of your generosity and return the favor.

The bottom line is this: Think twice before hitting “post.” The words or photos you drop into cyberspace could possibly remain there forever, whether you like it or not.

So after you write each post, read over it and ask yourself, “Would I be ashamed for an agent or editor to see this? Would it taint my author reputation or brand in any way?” Use your manners in social media just like you would in a job interview.

And if you don’t want your reputation attached to a post, then, well—don’t post it in the first place.

Tessa Emily Hall writes inspirational yet authentic YA fiction to show teens they’re not alone. Her passion for shedding light on clean entertainment and media for teens led her to a career as an Associate Agent at Hartline Literary Agency, YA Acquisitions Editor for Illuminate YA (LPC Imprint), and Founder/Editor of Tessa’s first teen devotional, COFFEE SHOP DEVOS, will release with Bethany House in 2018. She’s guilty of making way too many lattes and never finishing her to-read list. When her fingers aren’t flying 116 WPM across the keyboard, she can be found speaking to teens, decorating her insulin pump, and acting in Christian films. Her favorite way to procrastinate is by connecting with readers on her blog, mailing list, social media (@tessaemilyhall), and website: