Devotions for Writers

Mighty Writer

“The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

Judges 6:12 (NIV) 

Did you know Gideon is listed in the Hall of Fame? Yep, he’s right there in Hebrews 11:32. It was a surprise to me. When we find him first mentioned in the Bible, we have to hunt for him, because Gideon was hiding in the shade of a big oak tree. He was threshing wheat in an unlikely place to protect it from foragers.

So, why am I surprised Gideon was a Hall of Famer? He repeatedly questioned his calling from God to champion God’s people. Do you, too, question your call? The Lord is looking for writers to spread His message of salvation. He offers hope, healing and help to those who reach out to Him, and does so through willing servants all around the world.

Gideon also questioned how God addressed him. Maybe he thought God was making fun of the way he was hiding. The Lord has a special name for you as His beloved child and it isn’t one meant to mock you but to mold you into His character. (Revelation 2:17)

Do you feel like God isn’t speaking anymore? Gideon did, too. Judges 6:13

Do you feel like an unknown? Gideon did, too. Judges 6:15

Do you question what God says to you? Gideon did, too. Judges 6:17

Are you afraid of what your family and community will say? Gideon was, too. Judges 6:27

Every time Gideon asked, “how?” God said, “I will.”

Do you need a reminder of what the Lord is willing to do in your life? Look up the following verses and personalize them in your journal.


  1. What does God call you? Judges 6:12
  1. What is God doing? Judges 6:14
  1. Where will God be? Judges 6:16
  1. What does the Lord say to you? Judges 6:23a
  1. By whose authority do you write? Judges 6:34
  1. What has God done for you? Judges 8:34

What name would God give to you, mighty writer? Would you live as His beloved, depending on His wisdom (James 1:5)? Write out a prayer of commitment to the Lord’s call to write, noting His promise to provide the strength and the words (Psalm 22:25).

Remember where we found Gideon under the big oak tree? The unlikely vessel he used was a winepress. When you hide your gift, it may taste like sour grapes!

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

My Writing Journey

The Wavering Writer

Doubts assailed me as I stood on the mountain anticipating my first Christian writers conference. Fear tainted my excitement, and I wondered if coming was a mistake.

Was this God’s plan or just my idea? I’ve dreamed of this venture for years. Friends deem my efforts as publication-worthy, but will an agent agree?

Writing for God. Wow, what a blessing! But did He choose me for this kingdom work? Surely not. I’m a fair judge of writing and mine is okay—well, maybe good—but not excellent.

With thoughts swirling, I recalled some self-talk and prayer that had occurred after I’d accepted what I believed to be God’s call to write. Shortly after I began to study and practice the craft, I read articles authored by friends and silently declared, That’s it. I won’t do it! Their writing is great, but mine isn’t. God certainly didn’t call me to write.

The Lord interrupted my internal tirade and asked, “Jeannie, are you willing to write with the gift I gave you even if it doesn’t appear as profound as someone else’s?”

His question dissolved me into a puddle of tears and I cried, Yes, Lord, I will. I offer this gift back to You.

As God reminded me of that encounter in prayer, my paralysis on the mountain turned into grateful obedience.

During the two years following that first conference, I contracted to write devotions for two compilations, contributed to a Selah award finalist, started writing for Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and published a poem. What amazing blessings and confirmation for this wavering writer!

Last year, when Beebe and Katy Kauffman envisioned the Bible study compilation, Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character, I shunned fear, trusted God, and joined the team as a new Bible study writer. Then, this past spring, I established what I call “my fledgling blog” to try my wings at encouraging readers. With each opportunity, God helps me grow as a Christian and a writer.

Doubts still sneak in, but when they do, a heavenly shoulder tap reminds me of God’s call. Recently, after reading a friend’s blog post, those doubts resurfaced.  

Dena’s post has a great format and clear focus. Mine, not so much. Maybe I shouldn’t even . . . Wait. Stop! I’m comparing again and finding myself lacking.

Father, transform me into the writer You want me to become. I pray, “Teach me the way in which I should walk; for to You I lift up my soul” (Psalm 143:8b NASB).

Praying and reading Scripture redirect my thoughts to God’s plan and produce peace and assurance. I’m thankful God walks with me through “Doubt Valley” and sets my feet on the mountain of His grace while teaching me to serve Him through writing. God doesn’t always call people who are experts, but He continues to prepare those He calls.

Do self-talk and doubts hinder your writing? If so, what gets you back on track?

Jeannie Waters adores family time and cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs. She teaches English as a Second Language part-time and leads an English/Bible study. Jeannie writes for Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and she contributed to these compilations: Breaking the Chains and Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character (Lighthouse Bible Studies), as well as Just Breathe and Let the Earth Rejoice (Worthy). Visit her at or @jeanniewaters44 on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Create. Motivate. Inspire. Support

On Writing: Breaking Through Doubt and Fear

Please Lord, please…could I possibly get an honorable mention? Just one of those beautiful folders with a certificate inside. Please, Lord? My mom liked my story. She said it made her cry. That counts for something, doesn’t it?

The urgent prayer pounded in my heart and mind as I strained to hear the voice of the contest coordinator during the writers conference awards dinner. A hundred conversations swirled around the banquet room but my attention was riveted on center stage.

Please, Lord…

For this girl, 2014 was not just another conference. After running from God’s purposes for close to a decade, I stepped onto the conference campus with a heart of fear and trembling and a suitcase packed with dreams.

Alone and not knowing anyone in attendance, I gripped the Lord’s hand so tightly I half-expected to hear a Holy Ghost ouch!

But with great compassion and long-suffering, God carried me as I clung and held me as I wept.

First, I cried through my critique session. Then I cried from the embarrassment of crying. I sobbed after workshops from hearing God’s call in the encouragement and teaching of the faculty. The tears flowed each evening as I praised God for new friendships with other writerly souls.

My time of wandering in the desert, fighting the call to write, was ending—and it wasn’t comfortable. Thrilling, maybe. Terrifying, without a doubt. But comfortable? Not even a little bit. (I guess the Lord thought my desert needed watering because I think of that week as the Great Flood.)

By Wednesday evening and the awards banquet, I was a sopping mess. I had the “gall” to enter two contests. The short story category passed me by and now I was pleading my case for flash fiction.

Please, Lord…I need something tangible to affirm your voice.

The announcer stepped to the podium. “Flash fiction, honorable mention…”

The name called wasn’t mine.

Third place, Lord? Would that be possible?

As the third and second place winners were called and applause filled the room for other writers, the strangest thing happened. I took a deep breath and realized that my soul was infused with joy—and peace and hope and excitement for the future. Whatever happened, God brought me to this place.

The moment was the culmination of a heart’s surrender and a life’s redirection. No matter what, I was a writer.

And yes, I wanted to cry.

I glanced up, surprised that the announcer was still talking. “Flash fiction, first place…

In the most surreal of moments, my name floated from the stage.

I’m sure I gave those around me a good chuckle. My hands flew to my mouth, I gasped, and my thoughts were screaming, I want to thank my mama, my papa, and the good Lord above (the CMA awards would have been proud).

The award was more than “winning.” A gracious God affirmed His call and design. He brought life back to my barrenness.

A year later, the 2015 conference was amazing. More affirmation. New doors of opportunity. But do you know what hangs front and center on my office bulletin board?

The award for my little piece of flash fiction. The one that I hoped to reach an honorable mention.

For a loving Father gave me more than I dreamed or imagined.

We serve a God who restores and turns ashes into beauty. He reaches through fear and tugs—fearfully and gently—come, child…trust Me.

If fear is preventing you from attending a conference or entering a contest, remember this:

There is joy, peace, and passion in doing what you were created to do.

The time is now.

Reach. Write. Live.


As you seek to put pen to paper, how do you battle the voices of doubt and insecurity? What will you do this year to break through any fear or hesitation in your writing?


[bctt tweet=”There is joy, peace, and passion in doing what you were created to do. @A3forMe @lthomaswrites #amwriting #ampublishing” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”We serve a God who restores and turns ashes into beauty. @A3forM3 @lthomaswrites #amwriting #write #restore” via=”no”]

Create. Motivate. Inspire.

Come Out Swinging: Fighting Fear as a Writer

The writer’s life is not for the faint of heart. There are moments that are downright scary.

That first writer’s conference, critiques, contest entries, appointments with an editor/publisher, the blank page—all potentially terrifying.

If you’re like me, you’ve wasted precious writing time paralyzed by fears and insecurities. But enough is enough. Here are three ways to face our fears head-on:

1—Fight with prayer and the Word of God

Someone once told me: Don’t use the Lord, grow in Him. I took the advice to heart and over the years I realized that my writing flows out of my relationship to God. When my heart is not in tune with His or I’m running from His plans, the words become hollow.

When we are in steady communion with the One who created us—seeking His heart and purposes—we are compelled to use our gifts as an offering. And what joy, to feel His pleasure when putting pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard).

2—Fight with hard work

Nike may have trademarked the phrase, Just Do It, but they didn’t corner the market on good ‘ole hard work. We must sit down and apply pressure to the little keys with letters on them. We must string the letters together to form words and sentences. It takes time. It’s rarely comfortable.

But the adrenaline rush after a completed page? Pure joy.

3—Fight with a humble heart

We are not the greatest writers who ever lived. The world doesn’t wait with baited breath to hear from us—Oh, if only she/he would put pen to paper, our lives would be complete…    

But…God is waiting to see if we will use our gifts and abilities for His glory. We are accountable to Him for how we spend our time and resources.

Also, we cannot survive on a writing-island. We need other writers. We learn and grow through how God is working in the lives of others.

A quick way to check our writer’s pulse: Are we excited when others succeed or do we resent their progress?

Being an encouragement to other writers is a great way to feed our own souls.


Overcoming fear as we put pen to paper is a daily battle—but with God’s help, the victory is ours!

How do you fight fear in your writing life?


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[bctt tweet=”How do you fight fear in your writing life?”]