A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

Win Friends, Impress People, Choke Up

In this space before, I have mentioned the importance of meeting new people and developing new relationships at writers conferences. Where else can you find people like you—grownups who listen to the voices in their heads, write down what they say, and then try to publish it? You want to get to know these people, right? Or should that be write

First impressions are important but are seldom 100% accurate. After all, many of us try to “put on the dog” to impress people at these events. Trust me, that doesn’t work.

Several years ago, I attended a “Meet and Greet” at a conference. There were many friends in attendance, as well as guest speakers, editors, and faculty members. Definitely a place to put your best foot forward, and definitely not a place to embarrass yourself.

Well, I am always going to be . . .  me.

The event was held in a huge meeting room. One side featured tables and couches for “fellowship,” with the bookstore on the other side. A snack table full of finger foods and other goodies was located in the middle.

I first looked for bargains at the book tables, as my “mad book money” was extremely limited. One book that looked interesting was only $3—practically the only thing in my price range. The author had a box on his table for a giveaway of the book, so I entered my name, although, in these situations, I either (1) don’t win anything or (2) win something but I’m in the hallway talking and miss my name being called. I’m talented like that.

I made my way to the “fellowship” area and divided my time between groups of friends and editors and the publishers I wanted to impress. I looked over to the bookstore area and noticed people at the table with the book I wanted, so I figured I had better “seize the day” and push people out of the way to get my bargain. Not really, but, hey, I needed to get my book. I passed the snack table on my way and had to stop.

I’ve never been able to walk by a snack table and not partake of the treats. I scooped some peanuts onto one of the tiny plates and started munching as someone got on the P.A. system to announce the winner of the book giveaway. As a name was drawn, I started choking on a peanut.

I was hacking and coughing so hard a fellow nearby asked if I needed the Heimlich. I waved him off, right at the moment the winner was announced.

“Carlton Hughes!” I had finally won something, was finally present to hear my name—while I was coughing up a lung.

I walked (and hacked) to the makeshift stage to get my book and returned to the garbage can near the snack table, thinking that lung might come up any time. Someone told the book’s author I was a college professor, which was also the author’s profession, so he came over to ask numerous questions about my work. The conversation went something like this:

Him: “What courses do you teach?”

Me: “(Cough) Communications (Hack) and journalism.”

Him: “How long have you been teaching?”

Me: “(Hack) Over (Cough) 20 (Hack) years.”

Somehow, I don’t think I impressed him.

Some wise advice I learned the hard way: in writing or at writers conferences, don’t work so hard to impress others. Be yourself, have fun, and avoid the peanuts.

And you must be present to win.


The Stage for Your First Page

There’s a video floating around somewhere online (numerous, probably!) of J.K. Rowling reading her first pages to eager readers. I remember listening and thinking how naturally the words flowed, how it seemed like if she’d written the page any other way it would be wrong.

That’s how our every page needs to be, but especially our first page. So, other than impersonating J.K. Rowing, how do we do so?

Start in the middle of a scene.

For instance, in Harry Potter, readers don’t need to wait more than a few sentences to realize they’ve been thrust into something “strange or mysterious.” Rowling doesn’t start with Harry waking up (a cliché we should all avoid), but tosses us straight into learning about the boy who lived. Another term for this would be starting in media res. Dare to start in the middle of a scene, trust the reader to pick up the details you layer in, and you’ll be surprised how fast you captivate your audience.

Mesh the Unknown with the Known 

A reader is always a little disoriented when starting a new book. That’s the nature of plunging into a new setting with no warning about what’s going on. (Tip: A location tag can help lessen readers’ disorientation.) To combat this and draw a reader in, combine your unique story idea with concrete details readers can connect with.

For instance, if you’re plunging your protagonist into terrible trouble, maybe include their friend offering help in a way that’s relatable to your target audience. This will give readers an anchor point as they dive deeper into your story idea.

Even in the Harry Potter movies, the director included a scene where Harry draws himself a birthday cake and candles in the dust and blows out the candles. Birthday cake is something most readers can connect with, even in a wizarding world.

Give Your Protagonist a Distinct Voice

Readers want to connect with a character in a personal way. The faster you can make readers connect with your protagonist, the more likely they’ll hold on for the whole ride. A good way to do this this by giving your character a distinct voice.

Creating a distinct voice demands knowing your audience and what type of voice they’re most likely to connect with. This takes effort, but it’s effort well spent. One reason Harry Potter did so well is because Harry had a distinct voice. He was just a school kid put in a very unique situation. But school kids around the world connected with his voice because it was their voice.

If you want to write a gripping first page, start in the middle of the action (in media res), mesh the unknown with the known, and give your protagonist a distinct voice.

Do this, and you’re well on your way to success!

Sarah Rexford is a Marketing Content Writer, working with brands to grow their audience reach. She studied Strategic Communications at Cornerstone University and focused on writing during her time there, completing two full-length manuscripts while a full-time student. Currently she trains under best-selling author Jerry Jenkins in his Your Novel Blueprint course and is actively seeking publication for two books.

Instagram: @sarahjrexford
Twitter: @sarahjrexford

Book Proposals

Your Overview Must Grab Attention

Editors are searching for good writing and submissions. How do they find it? Several years ago I asked another acquisitions editor how he finds a good submission. He told me the straight story saying,

“Terry, I read the first sentence and if it is a good sentence I read the next sentence. If it is a good paragraph, I read the next paragraph and if it is a good page, I read the next page.”

By implication, this editor revealed if it is a poor sentence or paragraph or page, he stops and goes on to the next submission. You can hear the full interview and other tips from this Christian acquisitions editor at:

What is “good” is subjective but this editor showed me your best writing must be poured into the overview or opening of your proposal. If it is buried then the editor may never read that section.

“Don’t Bury the Lead” is a common instruction to new writers. Also this insight is taught in journalism schools. Literary agents and editors receive high volumes of email and physical submissions. If your prime material is over on page six, it may never be read.

There are many ways to capture positive attention from these professionals. Almost every element of a book proposal is important but every writer should give their opening paragraph a little bit of extra polish before sending it.

Here’s a number of ways to engage your reader:

  1. Begin with a startling statistic related to your book or yourself. If you have millions of potential readers for your topic, beginning with this statistic captures attention. Also if you have a large email list or a social media following, this statistic can kick start the reading process.
  2. Ask an intriguing question. A thought-provoking question is another great beginning to a proposal.
  3. Open with an engaging story. Everyone loves a moving story. If you can tell this story in a few words with intrigue or entertainment, you pull the editor or agent into your proposal.

Whatever method you use, it is important to get the editor or agent reading your submission. Writers have confided to me their key material in the eighth chapter. My advice: don’t do it. Your reader may never get there. Start the overview of your proposal with a bang.

Terry Whalin is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written over 60 books and for more than 50 magazines including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams. Get his free Book Proposal Checklist at: Also Terry is the author of the bestselling Book Propoals That $ell which has over 130 Five Star reviews. Terry has discounted the book and has all of the remaining copies at: He has over 220,000 followers on twitter.

Polishing Your Message

“Hi Their” – First Impressions

“Hi Their [sic]” were the two words I read. “Bye There!” was the instant reply in my head.

Really? Someone sent “Hi Their [sic]” popping onto my screen?

Only two words had travelled from his electronic dating profile to mine.  It took one second for them to occupy their chat box space, and it took two seconds for me to decide his fate.