Writer Encouragement

Fixing the “Flat Tires” In Our Writing

There it was—the flat tire we dreaded finding. After discovering it flat twice that week, the expected deflation was not a total surprise.

It was an otherwise beautiful fall morning with enough chill in the air to be refreshing and not so many leaves collecting on the ground that they’d stir our conscience to take out the rake. But the flat tire on my husband’s aging Subaru definitely added clouds to this Saturday morning.

We knew it was time to visit the tire store.

The news there was worse than we imagined: Not only did that tire need complete replacing, but every tire on this vintage Subie needed an immediate sounding of the taps. It was time to give them all an honorable burial after years of faithful service.

Inhaling bravely, I nodded to my distraught husband. “Just do it. Buy four new ones.”


In similar bleak scenarios, writers can struggle with such ominous news about their work: “It’s got too many holes. It can’t be saved like it is.”


The analysis might come from a critique partner, an editor, an agent, a publisher. The kinder ones will gently tell you your work needs improvement. Others will perhaps give you a more blunt analysis: It’s flat. It’s hopeless. Start over. Sound the taps.

Words of discouragement can set a writer back, thinking they’ll throw out the original idea all together. But sometimes the core of the story is still a good one. It just needs a retread. A do-over. New life. Fresh opening. More likable characters, perhaps?

I can think of a few stories that I’ve read that could have used an evaluation that challenged the author to do just that. Put the story up on the rack in the repair store and throw out the bad parts. Edit, edit, and edit some more.

You’ll notice that, when we got the new tires, we didn’t get rid of the car. Although ancient, it has served my family for many years now. It still runs, even quite well at times!

So if I could encourage writers who have been given some serious news and suggestions about changing their story or manuscript, I would say, “Take a deep breath. Pray for inspiration. And just do it.”


Typewriter image courtesy of Just2Shutter via

Changing a car tire courtesy of Stoonn via