Blogging Basics

Five Key Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging

Beginning bloggers face a steep learning curve that can seem overwhelming. Because there’s so much to learn, it’s easy to begin blogging without a clear plan and purpose. Really, it’s enough to make your head spin: SEO, format, technical, style, social media, length, graphics, and more. The list seems endless.

When I started blogging, I didn’t have a clear vision of I wanted to accomplish. I had a general topic, but lacked a well-developed focus. Over time, I’ve learned through mistakes, training, and example. Start out strong with five key things I wish I knew when I started blogging.

[bctt tweet=”Five Key Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging”]

  1. Give yourself permission to grow over time.
  • Fight the temptation to be overwhelmed with all the details.
  • Let go of perfectionism and remember everyone walks one step at a time.
  • Refuse to negatively compare your blog or traffic with others.
  • Subscribe to writing blogs for practical tips and tutorials for ongoing development.


  1. Know your why. Take time to think through the reasons you’re blogging. Examine your motivation with prayer. You need a stronger why than building a platform and generating high traffic. Platform and traffic are good goals, but writing for the numbers can be discouraging.  Consider these questions:
  • How does God want to use your writing?
  • What is your purpose for blogging?
  • What do you hope to do?
  • Why is this important to you?
  • How do your experiences, knowledge, and passions fit with your calling to write?


  1. Focus your blog.  A well-focused blog makes it easy readers to know your passion at a glance. The average reader decides within 30 seconds if content is relevant to their interests. Use these tips to focus your blog.
  • Craft a strong mission or brand statement you can work with long term.
  • Choose 3-6 main topics that relate to your purpose.
  • Brainstorm ideas that fall under each topic.
  • Keep your mission statement in mind when you write.
  • Make your focus clear at first glance with structure and graphics that present your topic.


  1. Understand the difference between a category and a tag. Categories and tags can sort content by subject rather than chronological order. Categories are broad topics supporting your why, or your mission statement. “Your blog’s categories are like its elevator speech. Make it happen without excess,” explains Julie R. Neidlinger.  Tags are more specific than categories and relate to specific details of your post.
  • Be strategic in choosing your categories.
  • Use categories and tags to make it easy for the reader to find content.
  • The use of tags is optional and not limited in number.
  • Don’t overuse tags; WordPress recommends less than 15 in a post. 


  1. Aim for brand consistency.  Refer to your brand statement in most of your posts for a cohesive, focused site. Brand statement, categories, and blog content should all work together.
  • Place your mission statement in a visible spot to remind you to tie your post to your brand.
  • Keep a list of words, phrases, and concepts that support each category. Use these consistently in your posts whenever possible.
  • Before publishing, double check each post for a clear connection to your why or your mission statement.

[bctt tweet=”Refer to your brand statement in most blog posts for a cohesive, focused website.”]

These tips will help you quickly overcome many of the content and organizational challenges new bloggers face. Stay focused on the purpose of your blog, the why that motivates and energizes you. Share your passion with the world with an organized and clearly structured site. Be patient, aim for steady growth and celebrate each new skill mastered. Understanding how to write a clear mission statement and organize your blog will but you ahead of many beginning bloggers.


Blogging Basics

Three Problems With Comparison for New Bloggers

Particularly for new writers beginning the blogging journey, comparison can kill confidence and create problems.

New bloggers often struggle with comparison, much like my youngest child who said, “I’m a slow runner. I don’t want to play soccer.” When I asked her why she thought she was a slow runner, she mentioned how much faster her older brother and sister ran. She struggled with confidence, not realizing she was unfairly comparing herself to her older siblings. She couldn’t see this was not a realistic comparison. Bloggers often struggle with comparison creating problems with confidence and negative thinking.

Comparison Creates Competition

Resist the scarcity lie that the success of others crowds out your own opportunity.

Comparison can cause significant set-backs when it comes to writing. All too easily, it can create competition when we allow the success of another to diminish our writing or sabotage our confidence. Choose to celebrate the achievements of others. Learn from their skill and experience.

New bloggers, blogging, writing, comparison, problems of comparison

Comparison Breeds Negative Thinking

Comparison opens the door to the problem of negative thinking. Comparative thinking leads to other forms of negativity—pride, envy, jealousy, resentment, discouragement, and criticism.  What can begin as comparison and negative feelings can quickly ignite destructive thoughts and actions.

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. James 3:16

Comparison Demotivates Passion

Comparison can stifle passion to fulfill the writing desires God places in our hearts.

Have you ever compared yourself with a more experienced writer and thought, “Why bother…I’ll never be as good as ________.” The power to demotivate passion is one of the greatest problems of comparison.

Resist the temptation to measure the gap between where you are and where someone else is. We often see this gap as a diminishing, devaluing thing rather than embracing the growth process of our own writing.

Problems of comparison, blogging, writing, new bloggers

I have hung over the edge of motivation, wanting to quit because the journey to “success” is steep and difficult. Maybe you have too. Comparison saps passion and energy when we forget that God is with us in the process.

[bctt tweet=”Distracting us from God’s call and purpose, comparison makes the process about personal success rather than obedience to God’s call to write.”]

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:4-5 MSG

Choose to celebrate and learn from successful and experience writers, rather than give into comparison. Give yourself permission to grow through the process and develop skill at the pace that is right for you. 

Don’t let comparison rob you of confidence and joy in writing. [bctt tweet=”Comparison is a choice you don’t have to make. “]

At the end of it all, comparison asks the wrong question.

The right question is this: what does God want to do through my writing?

Blogging Basics

Three Ways Comparison Can Kill Your Blogging Confidence

Blogging requires a balanced combination of vision, passion, craft, and energy. Comparison can quickly squelch your energy and derail your passion for writing. Whether you are new to blogging or a seasoned pro, comparison can kill your blogging confidence.

One of the great temptations for writers and bloggers involves the trap of comparison. We constantly see the success of other writers through social media, conferences, and networks. Traffic stats and social media engagement are inescapable even when you try to ignore them. Comparison can creep into your thoughts in many different forms.

For me, one of the greatest challenges in blogging has been learning craft and building a following without falling into the pit of comparison. When I read a great post and see high stats of likes and shares, I often compare my writing and engagement. I can leave the website feeling discouraged rather than benefitting from the great content I’ve just read. When this happens, my thoughts are about me rather than appreciating the gifts and skills of the other person.

Have you struggled with the problem of comparison in your writing?

Three Ways Comparison can kill your blogging confidence:

Comparison Drowns Creativity

Creativity thrives on being different and original. When we compare our content to other writers, it can be easy to try to emulate what works for someone else.

The blogging world is enamored with How-to content and numbered lists. Most of this is aimed at increasing reach, but it can also kill creativity. One look at Pinterest demonstrates this point. Most pins of blog posts now use successful formulas for titles. Success is great, but now too many blog posts look and sound the same. I’ve followed the formulas and written much of this kind of content. This post is a numbered list because it was a clear way to communicate my message.

The artist in me rebels as creativity bows to comparison and the desire to be as successful as others. The key here is balance. Don’t disdain formats that work, but be creative and personable with in the template. Also, write a variety of content that doesn’t adhere to formulaic structure.

[bctt tweet=”Is copying the new creativity?”]

Comparison Fuels Discouragement

Comparison fuels discouragement much like throwing gasoline on a fire. It can ignite quickly and be very destructive.

Recently I was thrilled to have a post featured on the popular devotional site, (in)courage. Like it or not, the social media stats are prominently displayed. You can’t not look at them.

My joy deflated as I realized the stats were not anywhere close to the regular bloggers on the site. It was hard not to receive that as a message that my writing wasn’t as good as others. For a short time, I let comparison steal the delight of success in posting on an well-known website. Rather than growing in confidence, I struggled with discouragement because my post didn’t draw the same amount of engagement as others.

Believe me, comparison is a nasty friend.

Comparison Feeds Pride

Comparison is also a fickle friend. When we are on the short end of comparison, we can wallow in “Not Good Enough” thinking. However, if we rate our work or performance higher than others, we can teeter into the “Better Than” territory of pride. Pride can create divisions and puff up egos, as well as spark criticism. Pride can kill confidence from the other direction, prideful thinking is just as destructive to confidence in that it warps a realistic perception of ourselves.

This verse from the message motivates me to avoid comparison:

That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. Galatians 5:26 MSG

Particularly for new writers beginning the blogging journey, comparison can kill confidence. Choose to celebrate and learn from successful and experience writers, rather than give into comparison. Give yourself permission to grow through the process and develop skill at the pace that is right for you.

Blogging Basics

How to Supercharge Your Blog with a Portfolio of Post Types


Med How to Supercharge Your Blog with a Portfolio of Post Types

You sit down at your computer to write a new blog post. A blank screen is all you can see. Drumming your fingers on the desk, you wrack your brain for something to write about.

Sound familiar?

Author Lori Roeleveld teaches that blogs are hungry beasts that need constant care and feeding. In blogging, we regularly need to write new content, which can be challenging. There are days it can make you want to run screaming into next week!

[bctt tweet=”Incorporating a variety of shareable content and blog styles will supercharge your writing. #blogging #poststyles”] Successful bloggers generate new content by incorporating a variety of post formats. When it comes to formulas for blog posts, there are many to choose from, but not all will be a good fit for your style and focus. Experimenting with a variety of post types, I have found a selection that fits my inspirational niche. Consider a few of my favorite styles of posts, and try a few to invigorate your blogging to add to your portfolio.

The Tell-a-Story Post

Everyone has a story to tell, and story brings your reader directly into the experience. We all love a good tale that engages heart and imagination.  From big moments to the small, mundane details, life is filled with meaningful stories to share.

How can story can make your message come alive with the authenticity of personal experience? Engaging anecdotes can stand alone—the joy of simply telling a story. They can also introduce concepts, engage readers, inspire action, or teach lessons—to name just a few ways story can add impact to writing.

Try opening your post with a story or use a short tale to illustrate a point.

The Inspirational Post

Inspirational bloggers have a wealth of content available in the pages of the Bible. Compelling  devotional content shares truth and impacts readers. Choose one short passage or topic so you have a clear purpose. Be sure to consider the context when writing about Scripture, and don’t take verses out of context simply to illustrate a point. Combining story and inspiration can take a Biblical post from didactic to relational with a few words.

The How-To or Tutorial Post

How-to posts are both popular and shareable content. Simply take a look at Pinterest and survey the titles of posts. Instructional posts provide information on topics of interest to readers, increasing interest and engagement. Knowing the needs and interests of your audience will increase your ability to create meaningful how-to articles.

Areas of expertise and experience provide additional ideas for tutorial content. How-to posts that teach, train, or guide establish authority and credibility in your subject matter.

Try brainstorming a list of how-to posts that relate to your blog focus.

The List Post

List posts can cover a variety of topics and are highly shareable content. Lists posts can teach, inspire, motivate, encourage. They can curate content and share resources as well. Content that reveals secrets (5 Secrets of ___), inspires action (3 Reasons You Should…), solves problems draw readers searching for specific topics or content.

Use this list to brainstorm ideas for list posts.

Number + Noun + Topic

10 formulas for effective list blog posts

Save this list for added inspiration.

The Solve-a-Problem Post

Choose content that provides a solution to a common need of your audience. Addressing needs with practical solutions, helpful advice, or relevant resources creates value and influence with your readers. Solving a problem can also be presented as a story or experience. Encourage your readers by sharing how you have overcome odds, beat challenges, or achieved success.

What is one experience that solved a problem in your life? Write about it!

The Provide-a-Bonus Post

[bctt tweet=”Mixing media and providing value keeps things fresh on your blog. #blogging “]Incorporate visuals, printable graphics, video, links, or audio to create a strong impact. Try building a list of ideas you can use to create a benefit or takeaway for your audience. Begin adding variety over time, paying attention reader response. Short eBooks, printable lists, resource lists, pdf documents, or contest giveaways are additional ways to add extra value for your audience.

Which bonus could you most easily accomplish this week? Go ahead and try it.

Which types of post do you normally write? Which type of post will you try this week? Leave a comment and let me know.


Blogging Basics

What’s Your Blogging Personality?

Remember the insecure days of adolescence? We changed looks, styles, and personalities as we tried to figure out this important question: Who am I?

Back in the day my hair styles vacillated from straight to curly and from Farrah-Fawcett wings to teased up bangs. Some days I was the outgoing cheerleader and other days the quiet bookworm.

When it comes to blogging, it is important to choose a personality that fits you. Your topics may vary, but readers depend on your persona to remain consistent.

[bctt tweet=”A well-developed blogging personality fosters loyalty from your readers.”]

What’s Your Blogging Personality?

Which one of these personalities best fits your purpose and writing voice?

The Expert

Is your blog tied to expertise you have in a subject? Are you an authority with experience and knowledge to share? Are most of your posts informational? Are people coming to your for answers and information?

The Reporter

The reporter conveys facts and information in a journalistic style. Do you comment on current events? Is your focus to share information about what’s happening?

The Friend

The friend comes along side with a conversational tone. Friendly and empathetic, do you share confidences and build relationships?

The Storyteller

The storyteller master’s the art of story. Posts have a narrative influence and pull the reader into the midst of something happening. Stories are an effective way to entertain, to evoke emotion, illustrate points, teach lessons, inspire changes, and even to sell ideas or products.

The Helper

The helper shares a wealth of practical information and how-to details. Filled with ideas and tips, the helper becomes a go-to source for projects and advice. Generally, the Helper has a friendly, you-can-do-this tone.

The Motivator

The Motivator has the ability to move people to action and change. Motivators build energy and create movement in readers. Flavored with positivism and inspiration, these personalities are popular with blog readers.

The Cheerleader

Cheerleader’s create enthusiasm and build confidence in readers. We’re in this together and You can do it are trademarks of the cheerleader’s influence. Similar to motivators, cheerleaders help readers achieve success and reap practical benefit.

The Marketer

Presenting information and benefits, marketer’s engage audiences with the aim to sell a product or  build an organization. Today’s marketing bloggers cultivate relationships, offer free incentives, and build loyalty in order to effectively convert traffic into sales.

The Analyzer

Similar to the Reporter and the Expert, Analyzers fall more into the informational vein of blogging. Opinions, surveys, reviews, and research are a few of the tools preferred in this style of blogging.

Not sure what your blogging personality is?

New bloggers often try out different personalities and styles before settling into a consistent voice. This is a natural part of the development of a writer. Give yourself time to discover your blogging personality. If you aren’t sure about your blogging persona, ask for feedback from people you trust to give an honest opinion.

Another helpful tip is to evaluate the personality and style of your favorite bloggers. Can you pinpoint a consistent personality? How do they convey personality–through attitude, tone, language, topic, emotion, information? As you learn how other writers show personality, you will learn new ways of sharing your unique voice.

Effective bloggers develop their personality, voice, and style with consistency. A well-developed blogging voice builds trust with readers who have chosen to follow your blog. [bctt tweet=”People read blogs for a variety of reasons, but a strong, consistent personality keeps them coming back.”]


What’s your blogging personality? What blogging personalities do you enjoy reading?


Blogging Basics

Six Questions for Effective Blogging

Very few people take a trip without a destination in mind. When we travel, good planning makes for a good trip. When it comes to blogging, there are key questions to planning an effective blog.

[bctt tweet=”Defining purpose, audience, and style creates a foundation for successful blogging.”]

Purpose and niche keeps bloggers focused and consistent with content.

When I started blogging, my purpose was to discover voice, learn craft, and share inspirational thoughts. As I got started, I learned the value of having a plan and a focus.

I would have benefitted from understanding the value of defining purpose and audience. With today’s massive volume of how-to information on blogging, it is worthwhile to do some research and planning before you get started.

Six questions to build a strong foundation for your blog:

1. Why am I blogging?

Begin with the why. Effective blogging requires commitment, time, and effort. If you don’t have strong reason for writing, you won’t stick with it. Answering the why, is the cornerstone of a purposeful blog.

2. What is the purpose of my blog?

Purpose gives focus to blogging. Are you creating a community, teaching ideas, inspiring action, selling a product, encouraging hope, sharing truth, swaying opinion, expressing passion, or exploring ideas? A strong purpose attracts an audience. Purpose also provides motivation to keep writing on the hard days.

3. What is my niche? 

Motivation and purpose relates to the niche, or the topic of your blog. What are you knowledgeable about? What are your interests? Passions? Needs? In today’s world you can find a blog on nearly any topic, so choose something that you  enjoy writing about.

4. Who is my audience?

Designate your audience. Who are you writing to? Why should they be interested in your blog? Audience relates to topic, tone, and perspective. Are you writing to men, women, or a mixed group? What is the demographic and age range of your target audience? What are their needs and interests? What will compel them to read? Understanding your audience is key to creating relevant content for your reader.

5. What 3-5 topics will I write about?

Choose 3-5 main categories for your blog. Choose topics broad enough that there are plenty of ideas in each topic. Understanding your audience is helpful in refining the scope of your content. People who read mommy blogs are not reading for technology how-to’s or stock market tips. They are looking for content that relates to parenting. Audiences of food bloggers don’t want to read political opinion or unrelated book reviews.

Brainstorm ideas that relate to your topics and are of interest to your audience. Keep a running list of possible ideas and prompts. Use your list to plan content. It can also be a resource list to overcome writer’s block. I frequently use my list of ideas to inspire my writing when I struggle with what to write about.

6. How will I present myself (voice/personality/tone)?

What is your voice? What persona will you use? Think through the personality you will present to your audience. Are you an expert on your topic? Do you want to come across as a friend or confidante? Are you marketing a product?

Whether you are starting or refining your blog, take time to build a strong foundation. [bctt tweet=”Purpose, topic, audience, and personality are crucial to good blogging that appeals to readers.”]

Which of these questions will be most helpful for you?


Blogging Basics

38 Ways to Write Meaningful Blog Posts

We’ve all heard the cliche, “Content is King.” The power of blogging depends on meaningful content. With the increasing numbers of blogs on the Internet, quality content is a must. Good blogging includes quality writing, compelling content, interesting graphics, and an effective format.

Make Your Words Matter

What do you have to say? There is only one you, and you have something to unique to share. That said, there are plenty of “slice of my life,” “ramble through my day,” and “vent on my pet peeves” types of blogs on the web. You’re welcome to add one more to the pile of “blah-blah-blah” posts that ramble without focus. No one’s going to stop you, but without meaningful content, few people will read your posts.

However, if you’re blogging to communicate with a specific purpose, take the time to use a variety of successful formats to enhance your message.

Building a list of effective content is key for every blogger.

Create a list of types of blog posts that fit with your subject matter and blog niche. A content list enables you to write with variety and still stay focused in your brand.  Use your list to break through writer’s block on those frustrating days when you don’t know what to write about. Challenge yourself to practice a variety of types of formats, noting how your audience responds.

[bctt tweet=”A clear purpose gives clarity and focus to your writing.”]

Utilize the following list to write meaningful blog posts.

38 Ways to Write Meaningful Blog Posts

Blogging is an effective way to share ideas that matter. Use this list of benefits and purposes to inspire your writing.

Meaningful content…

  1. Guides us to handle challenges or new situations.
  2. Grabs our attention.
  3. Instructs how to do something.
  4. Comforts our sorrows.
  5. Empathizes with our problems.
  6. Shares a meaningful message.
  7. Challenges our perspective.
  8. Teaches us something new.
  9. Inspires faith.
  10. Tells a story.
  11. Reminds us of the important things.
  12. Surprises us with an unexpected angle, twist, or outcome.
  13. Encourages us in our struggles and disappointments.
  14. Provokes a response.
  15. Gives a fresh perspective.
  16. Makes us think.
  17. Gives practical tips
  18. Entertains us.
  19. Explains why something is important.
  20. Strengthens a weakness.
  21. Shares a unique point of view.
  22. Cheers us on when we want to quit.
  23. Makes us smile.
  24. Affirms that we matter.
  25. Eases our pain.
  26. Compels us to action.
  27. Teaches a lesson.
  28. Helps us make decisions.
  29. Appeals to our emotions.
  30. Upholds truth.
  31. Creates community.
  32. Captivates our imagination.
  33. Exposes a problem.
  34. Instills wonder.
  35. Convinces us to change.
  36. Provides a benefit.
  37. Lists resources.
  38. Reflects on a meaningful message.

Format and purpose are two important ways to engage your reader with a powerful message. Enjoy blogging and experiment with form and purpose to increase the impact of your posts.

What can you add to the list?

[bctt tweet=”Blogging is an effective way to share ideas that matter. #blogging #writer” via=”no”]