Writing with a Disability (Different Ability)

I’m a Superstar!

Living with a disability is never an easy thing, but there are times when it is more difficult than other times. I’m wired to be an outdoors person and try not to let my disability keep me from being active.

I learned years ago that I can’t live a life based on my feelings or limitations. To be honest, if I lived that way I would never accomplish anything. Especially this time a year, the shorter days and cooler temperatures sometimes suck the energy out of me.

The last few months have been particularly difficult this year. I’ve had a lot of writing projects I’ve been working on. Then the weather in the South decided to skip fall and go straight to winter in a matter a few days.

I’m not sure if it was shellshock or winter shock, but one morning I woke up to a cold winter rain pounding against my roof and windows. As I lay in bed, the thought of tackling my projects almost sent me into hibernation.

When I finally pulled myself from the black hole of my bed, I was sucked into the currents of a hurricane as I sat at my desk and tried to write. For almost an hour I sat there motionless as I stared at the blank monitor and I wondered if I actually had what it takes to make it as a writer. The endless fears and thoughts paralyzed me more than my brain injury.

  • What if I never get an agent and I’ve wasted all these years chasing a selfish dream?
  • What if I lose my passion for writing?
  • What if I am too old or too young to write what I write?
  • What if I’m pursuing the wrong kind of writing and I never sell anything?
  • What if I run out of ideas to write about?

I know we all have doubts at some point and many give up on pursuing a writing career. However, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and work with a number of outstanding writers who managed to break free from the black holes and hurricanes to become not only professionals but superstars in their own right.


In 2013 the Huffington Post noted 145,900 American “writers and authors” counted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.[i] That’s almost a quarter of 1 million Americans who make a living as a writer. But what does it take to be a writing superstar?  I spent some time talking to some of my writing friends to get an idea of what disciplines they practice.

  1. Keep writing.
  2. Keep learning the craft.
  3. Network (writers conferences, social media)
  4. Be consistent and meet deadlines.
  5. Be a fierce self-editor or get a professional one.
  6. Manage your time wisely.

One of the luxuries of being a writer is making your own schedules for the most part. We still have deadlines to meet. A schedule is still a schedule. Get things done when they need to be done.

Get it done!

As 2018 comes to an end have you accomplished everything you set out to? I know I haven’t, I’ve spent this last few weeks focusing on other projects when I really wanted to be working on rewriting my screenplay.

Perhaps it is just my brain injury that gives me tunnel vision, but here are six mindsets I’m learning to help keep me focused and encouraged for the new year.

  • Expect rejection.
  • Write, even if you don’t feel like it.
  • Timing is everything.
  • Our timing isn’t God’s.
  • A roadblock isn’t the end of the road, just a detour.
  • All writers have to start somewhere.

As the holidays interrupt our writing schedules and plans, disappointments will come and I hope you return to this post to find some encouragement on your path to becoming a superstar.


Martin Johnson survived a severe car accident with a (T.B.I.) Truamatic brain injury which left him legally blind and partially paralyzed on the left side. He is an award-winning Christian screenwriter who has recently finished his first Christian nonfiction book. Martin has spent the last nine years volunteering as an ambassador and promoter for Promise Keepers ministries. While speaking to local men’s ministries he shares his testimony. He explains The Jesus Paradigm and how following Jesus changes what matters most in our lives. Martin lives in a Georgia and connects with readers at Spiritual Perspectives of Da Single Guy and on Twitter at mtjohnson51.

Mastering Middle Grade

Preachy or Peachy

My critique group says my MG fiction is preachy. Now what?

First let me say that I love my critique group. I’m not writing about y’all. We’re solid.

Getting productive feedback on your work is a lifeline. It’s critical to have fresh eyes to review your words and point out where things are working, where they can be improved, and what should be thrown out.

Now, unless you’re a pastor, you probably don’t want people to react with “that chapter/section/story is a bit preachy.

If your first response to this kind of criticism is like mine (i.e., hackles raised and shields up), may I share with you something I’ve learned that might ease the sting?

Many people feel a calling to write for kids because they want to share their love of Christ. As one of my sisters would say, “ain’t no shame in that.” It’s only natural for that love and enthusiasm with sharing the message seep into our writing (okay, maybe for some of us it’s less of a seep and more of a flood).

At the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference Children’s workshop, one of the faculty reminded us that our primary target audience is between eight and twelve years old. Our audience is soaked in a learning environment six to eight hours a day, five days a week.

This means they can smell a lesson from 500 yards away. If you come at them with teaching wrapped in a cute main character, they will put your book down.

Like us, kids read fiction to be entertained, escape their troubles, and explore the world. Who can blame them?

Do you have a lesson or a story?

Ask yourself – and honestly answer – if you are trying to impart a lesson or tell a story. Knowing your objective is half the battle. If your heart is telling you to teach children about Christ’s love, as important as that is – it’s not a story.  If your heart has named a character who has a unique adventure, you have a story.

If you have a story, go back through your manuscript and find ways to let the story shine. Bring it to life with realistic characters, imperfect allies, obstacles to overcome and plenty of excitement.  Doubt that it will be “Christian” enough? Don’t. Because you’re you and you love Christ, your world view will show up in the telling of it, I promise. And you never know how God is going to use your words.

Maybe you feel like you have less of a story and more of a lesson.  That’s a great thing to know. If this is the case, writing a nonfiction book may bring you more success. In nonfiction, you still have freedom to use more direct language, cite more Scripture, conduct interviews and collect data that will bring your lesson home in a very real and accessible way for kids. Instead of trying to force a tale around a message, just bring the message.

Most importantly, when you receive feedback that shakes your gut a little bit, know that you’re not alone. We’ve all been there (multiple times, probably) and lived to tell the tale. Use it for good and know your Father sees you and is working for your benefit.

Oh- and if this post comes off a little preachy, know that I hear you and I’m working on it.

Kell McKinney earned a B.A. in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.S. in documentary studies from the University of North Texas. She’s a part-time copywriter, double-time mom and wife, and spends every free minute writing and/or hunting for her car keys. Connect with her on Twitter @Kell_McK or

A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

Gotta Have Goals

It’s a new year, and we all know what that means: resolutions! Love them or hate them, we all make them.

I have resolved to lose weight for the last 45 or so New Years. I’ve had success here and there, but I am reminded of my favorite quote from Erma Bombeck:

“In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.”

Pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?

I have been thinking about resolutions as a writer and have decided to call them “goals” instead. That might give me more of an incentive to complete them:

GOAL ONE: Establish a better writing routine. I tend to be one of those “pantsers,” who writes by the seat of my pants without a plan. I’m still that way, but I hope to be more consistent with daily/weekly writing.

GOAL TWO: Finish what I started. I have a few projects that have been stuck in limbo, and I need to finish those. My agent and collaborators will applaud this one.

GOAL THREE: Pray over my projects. Sometimes I try to push through, forgetting the spiritual side. Without God, my writing will go nowhere. What’s the point if He’s not in the center?

GOAL FOUR: Eat less, exercise more. WHOOPS—wrong set of goals! However, the healthier I am, the better everything goes.

There they are, my goals in black and white. Maybe having them in print, in public, will motivate me. Now watch me as I write while avoiding Hershey Bars.

Carlton Hughes is a professor of communication at Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, children’s pastor at Lynch Church of God, freelance writer, husband to Kathy, and father to Noah and Ethan. He enjoys long walks on the beach (He really does!), photography, and classic sitcoms like I Love Lucy. Hughes has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Simple Little Words, and several devotional books from Worthy Publishing–The Wonders of Nature, Just Breathe, So God Made a Dog, Let the Earth Rejoice, and the forthcoming Everyday Grace for Men. He is on the planning committee and serves as a faculty member for Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. Hughes is a true blue fan of Kentucky Wildcats Basketball and loves to cook and bake, especially anything involving chocolate.

Talking Character

What Does Your Protagonist Want? (And Why Can’t He Have It?)

A protagonist without a clear goal has nothing to figure out and nowhere to go. Lisa Cron in Wired for Story

All protagonists need a goal—some force that drives them onward no matter what obstacles the story throws at them. And that goal is driven by some deep inner need—the why that motivates all they do to achieve their goal.

Since stories are not about the plot, but about how the plot affects the characters, it is really the why behind the goal that keeps us reading.

If we don’t know what the protagonist’s goal is, or why it matters to him, we can’t anticipate how the plot events affect him, or what he might do about them. Which means we will quickly stop caring, toss that book aside, and watch silly cat videos instead.

Two kinds of goals

First of all, a protagonist needs an external goal—something she wants to achieve by the end of the book. She might want a promotion, she may hope to find the guy of her dreams, or she might be determined to solve the crime and nail the bad guy.

But the external goal isn’t enough to make a great story. Our protagonist needs an internal goal, too—some deep-seated need she believes will be satisfied if she achieves her external goal.  In other words, the inner goal is the why that motivates the external goal.

Two kinds of obstacles

What keeps your protagonist from her external goal? Typically, the kind of  plot-driven obstacles that writers love to make up: Rivals, misinformation, invading warlords, sudden storms, bad luck, traitors, or the kid next door. What keeps the protagonist from her internal goal? Her very own self. Some hang-up, fear, or stubbornly held belief that is part of who she is.

And this is one of the keys of a great story: In order to achieve her external story goal, the protagonist must be forced to come face-to-face with that deep inner issue she would much rather avoid.

The climax of the story hinges on her willingness to face her inner issue. Only then can she have the revelation that will enable her to achieve the goal that will bring her what she really wants (which may or may not be what she thought she wanted this whole time).

If you know what your character wants, why she wants it, and what inner issue might keep her from achieving it, you are on the way to a great story.

[bctt tweet=”Do you know what your protagonist really wants, and why she can’t have it? #amwriting” username=””]

Child's Craft

Goals for the New Year from A to Z

So the new year has come! Did you make resolutions of things to do or not to do? Will you eat less? Eat better? Walk more, work out more, complain less, pray more? Try harder? Spend less?

In searching the internet for why resolutions fail, I found an article on that states we would rather continue doing something that doesn’t work rather than try something new that COULD work — but also could fail. He goes on to say that “failing at our resolutions has implications…we start to distrust ourselves. If you’ve set the same resolutions for 5 years, and you never follow through, what makes you think you’ll be different this year?”

He encourages breaking down your goal into steps to improve chances of success. But all of that seems so secular, so ‘me’ oriented. It’s all about what I can do to try to achieve what I want to achieve. I don’t know about you, but I want to be less about me and more about Jesus. I know I can do nothing on my own. I don’t even want to set my own goals this year.  But what if we tried to be more the person God created us to be? To use our gifts wiser, better, to glorify Him? And what if we asked Him to help us achieve this? Maybe as writers, our goals for the year would look something like this: (I had to start with the letters of the alphabet because you know, I’m a writer and like the alphabet.)  Enjoy!

 Appreciate your writing gift.

Believe what God can do.

Count your blessings every day,

Draw closer to him too.


Enjoy the ride, the course, the view.

Find peaceful nooks to write,

Go freely where the Lord may lead.

Hold on to His hand tight.


Invest in workshops, conferences.

Join writers for critiques.

Keep focusing on Jesus Christ

Listen for when He speaks.


Make choices to be well and strong.

Nourish your soul and mind

Opt for healthy food to eat.

Pray for all mankind.


Quest for quite times with God.

Rest in His love each day.

Seek His perfect plan for you.

Trust His Perfect Way.


Use the gifts He given to you.

Volunteer and walk the walk.

Write what you’ve been inspired to write

X-out all harmful talk.


Yell words of kind encouragement.

Zone in with God’s name praised.

Let God direct your life this year.

Stand back and be amazed.

Have a great year! May God have His way with each of us this year and may He be glorified in all of our writing!

Write Justified

Look Back to Move Ahead

A few days before the deadline for this blog I had some time to begin thinking about the next year and the goals I would set for myself as a writer in 2016. Naturally, I looked at the goals I’d set for 2015 as a starting point. True confessions, here. I didn’t do great at achieving the goals I’d set for myself last year.

Oh, I can rationalize that personally last year held more drama and transition than I could have foreseen. Job loss and a major move count for something, don’t they? Who wouldn’t have abandoned some goals in the face of that kind of upheaval.

Yet, honesty compels me to acknowledge that one of the primary reasons I didn’t meet more of my goals is fear. I know I’m not alone as a writer in struggling with fear. I’ve read enough other writers’ blogs and published authors to know that all of us who aspire to put ourselves out there in print for the world to see cringe at the prospect of being misunderstood, ridiculed, or both. It’s much easier for me to wield an editor’s pen than to submit my own prose to others probing, critical eyes.

I could continue to berate myself for not blogging regularly, not attempting to submit more articles for publication, or not joining the professional editor’s group I’ve considered joining for three years, but still haven’t invested the funds. It may be more helpful, however, to recall the small steps I’ve taken in the last year:

  • I took the Goodreads Book Challenge and set a modest goal of reading 15 books in 2015. By early summer I had reached that number. By year’s end I’d read more than 30.
  • Included in those 30 reads of 2015 are a few that took me outside my usual nonfiction genre of history, biography-memoir, spirituality. I dipped a toe into horror with Stephen King’s The Shining and magic realism with Eowyn Ivey’s The Snow Child. Though reading outside my usual interests wasn’t a goal I’d specifically set for myself, I claim it as a small step of progress in expanding my awareness of what constitutes good writing—an essential element in being a good writer.
  • Connecting with other writers was at the top of my list when making the adjustment to our new home. I’m grateful to have found A3 this year, as well as a local chapter of Word Weavers, a Christian critique group.  The friendship and sounding board these writers provide are a sweet blessing on my journey.
  • I submitted two pieces for publication in 2015; one was accepted. That’s an acceptance rate I can live with. The challenge in the year ahead is to be a bit more productive than that.

[bctt tweet=”Setting goals is essential to realizing our hopes and aspirations.”] Michael Hyatt says they are a prerequisite to happiness and offers five principles for goal setting. To these I would add, [bctt tweet=”…celebrate small accomplishments. For small successes are a great antidote to fear.”]