Guest post archive

Five Ways to Balance School and Writing-Caroline Hadley

Being a teenager is hard. Especially a teenager striving to be a published author. It’s stressful finding time to write. When I’m stressed, I talk myself through the anxiety – aloud. After these steps to balancing school and writing, I sound much less crazy. I hope they help you keep your sanity, too.

I use the following steps to balance school and writing, I sound less crazy. I hope they help you keep your sanity, too.

  1. Pray. Every morning I pray. I ask God for time to write and if I should write for a career. I ask Him to infuse my words with His power and sneak ideas into the work. Matthew 7:7-8 says when we ask we will receive. God will give you time to write if you ask and if it’s in His will.
  2. Prioritize. God comes first and school comes before your work-in-progress. However, decide what writing means to you. Is it something to do for fun? To make a career out of? Is it worth the time and effort you put in? I make writing a priority by reassessing what it means to me or by turning it into an extra credit opportunity with my teacher’s permission. [bctt tweet=”Turn writing into an extra credit opportunity” username=””]
  3. Schedule Wisely. We don’t have all day to write, so we must manage our time carefully. Throughout the day, I create a list of tasks I must complete and use it to plan my free time during and after school. Next, I carve writing sessions from that schedule. I place sessions within study halls and lunches or at home if I use those times to do homework. Your sessions can be short, maybe ten to fifteen minutes, but they help. Word sprints are a great way to utilize time. Write as fast as you can without stopping.  Brainstorm on the bus, between classes, in bed at night, or during class when you’re bored out of your mind. When life gets hard, think about your story instead.
  4. Sacrifice. Students must choose between hanging with friends and writing. I feel like a recluse because I often choose to be with my work-in-progress rather than my friends at the movie theater. But when I’m too stressed or need family time, I enjoy being with the people I love. Decide when to cancel or cut plans short. If you feel social but need to write, find some book-loving buddies and go to a library or a cafe with them to write.
  5. Give Yourself Grace. Being a student is hard. People expect perfection of us and we expect it of ourselves. Perfection is impossible. If you have too much homework or need downtime, don’t beat yourself up for missing a writing session. Writing is important, but not as important as your well-being. If it overwhelms you, take a break. 

After praying, prioritizing, scheduling, deciding when to sacrifice, and giving myself grace, I make time to write during the school year. With the help of God and these steps, you can, too.

How do you balance school and writing? If you don’t know if God wants you to write for a career, send me a prayer request!


Caroline Hadley writes young adult Christian speculative fiction to help other teens feel God’s love in a meaningful way. She has won a Silver Key and a national Gold Key for her short stories in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Currently, she is adapting one of those stories into a novel. She is involved in a teen writing group at her local library and is working for her high school literary magazine. She enjoys maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reading, and being with her family. If you want to connect with her and chat, visit her blog,  ​

The Ministry of Writing

Profiling God — Seminary in 5: Systematic Theology

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effectively. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

To be able to know how surprising this experience was for me, you have to understand the blessed, strong foundation I had in the Bible and church. I was blessed to grow up in church — there every time the doors were open and even when they were closed. My pastor preached the truth, we had all kinds of things to teach us kids. Then I began to preach while in high school, and studied the Bible for myself.

But sitting in that 2:00 pm college course my freshman year; my head was spinning. I felt I had parachuted into another country, and had no idea the language they were speaking. Each day I left with a splitting headache. There was a literal fog around me. It wasn’t until mid-semester that the headaches stopped.

The course was Systematic Theology I. Theology is simple to define — it’s the study of God. Systematic Theology means that all that the Bible says about God explicitly and indirect, all of the views in history, and the multiple doctrines concerning God is taught collectively so that one can form the best understanding of the Infinite that we can.

I had heard Bible stories taught, verses read, and life applicational lessons; but, never had I considered God’s existence or wrestled with His nature. It was foreign and challenging, but in the end beautiful. Like how Mr. Geisel wrote in the philosophical work, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, that the Grinch’s heart grew three times that day, and later it strengthened to “ten Grinchs plus two”; my understanding of God grew exponentially. God became so much bigger than I had even once imagined.

I believe everyone should spend time working through a course or book on Systematic Theology. My favorite is Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. J.I. Packer’s Knowing God is another must read on the nature of God.

In theology, all that can be understood of God gathered from direct statements and His acts create a growing picture of Him. In these five points, I want to point out five aspects of God.

  1. God has always been and will always be.

I believe one of the most necessary aspects of God we need to solidify in our hearts and mind goes beyond the starting point of theology. Theology has to start with the question of God’s existence. The Bible never argues that He exists, it picks up the story with assumption that He does. For one, until the last few centuries God’s existence had never really been challenged. Theologians and philosophers have sought to provide an argument that proves God exists. There is a list of such arguments like the cosmological, teleological, anthropological, and many others. But if you are reading an article from a column on ministry through writing then I imagine God’s existence is something you have confirmed in your mind.

So, let’s go a step further. We need to solidify in our understanding that God has always existed and always will exist. Such an idea is mind-blowing, but God did not have a beginning. In terms of theories on motion, we must realize an “ummoved” mover must exist. This is God.

Although this concept can be deciphered throughout the Bible, God explicitly states this in Genesis 3 when He told Moses his personal name. God stated He was Yahwah, which meant “I am”. God has always been and will always be. Some might feel by stating He is “eternal” that this concept is explained, but I believe even in our minds “eternal” has a starting point.

  1. God is transcendent.

This statement basically states that God is “out of this world.” Which is probably obvious to us, but I feel its important that we let it sink in. God is beyond everything that exists. He is unimaginable. Anything that we can find greatness in merely pales in the shadow of God.

I like how this nature of God is stated in Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

We can not put God in a box for nothing could contain Him.

[bctt tweet=”We can not put God in a Box for nothing could contain Him” username=””]

This term also points to how that God is self-existence. Unlike all other living beings, God does not rely on anything. He doesn’t need us, but rather He loves us in spite.

  1. God is Creator, Sustainer, and Sovereign.

Yes, I cheated and combined multiple aspects of God in one point, but these all go together. In the opening lines of revelation of Himself that God gave we see that He created all things. Nothing exists that did not have its genesis apart from God. We spend so much time arguing over the time span of Creation we miss out all that God’s work reveals about Him. When I visit a zoo with my daughters I am reminded of the Creativity of God.

Not only did He create all things, but He continually sustains it. The two acts, creation and sustaining, reveal that God is Sovereign. God’s sovereignty means that He controls all things.  I love one of the ways Pastor John Piper has stated this. He preached, “God does all that He pleases, and nothing can derail his ultimate purposes.”

I also love how theologian R.C. Sproul explained the sovereignty of God, “Nothing escapes God’s notice; nothing oversteps the boundaries of His power. God is authoritative in all things.” At another point, Sproul stated that in the universe there is no “maverick molecule.”

Many questions arise about human will and salvation through the topic of God’s sovereignty, but regardless of what battle we want to fight there — we must know that God is clearly sovereign.

  1. God is Triune.

I’m not going to pretend to act as if I have the concept of the Trinity down! I don’t understand how it works or how it can be, but I do recognize the need for such a philosophical concept of God. The Bible is very clear that there is Only One God (Isaiah 43:10, 44:6, 45:22), but the Bible also makes clear that Jesus is God, as well as, the Holy Spirit. In Genesis 1:26 God refers to Himself as “us”. We find God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit present at Creation, the Inspiration of Scripture, the Incarnation, the baptism of Jesus, the resurrection, and at salvation.

The balance is mind-boggling. The early church found themselves in the same situation. In seeking to wrestle with how it all worked much heresy was born. The false teachings caused by the confusion led to the gathering of Christian leader in 325 AD in what is known as the Council of Nicaea. From this conference, a standard understanding was given to the mysterious. The Nicene Creed and especially the later Athanasian Creed spelled out how that was somehow three in one.

Again, the Trinity is difficult to navigate, but the creation of an orthodox stance has been essential for the Christian church. I struggle with how to explain how that God is one, but is three persons. Yet, I believe the best way to handle it is in the footsteps of my 5-year-old. Regularly, she interchanges Jesus and God. It might be that Jesus created the world, or God died on the cross.

  1. God is love.

In these few points I barely scratched the surface of all Scripture reveals about the nature of God. Stephen Charnock produced an absolute beast of a book that lists these attributes of God. He lists a ton. The study is fascinating, but one attribute that must be listed is that God is love. 1 John 4:8 explicitly states that God is love, but the passage I really like to go to is found in Exodus. In Exodus, God tells Moses that He will pass in front of him. During this “pass-by” God revealed one-thing about Himself. He could have listed anything, but when God had the chance to declare something about Himself, He chose to remind Moses that He was a God of love. Listen to what God revealed about Himself in Exodus 34:6-7, “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.’”

I also chose to share this point because it was in the fog of that systematic theology class that I finally begun to taste the depth of God’s love. With each attribute learned about God, He rose higher and higher. When His transcendence and sovereignty come into focus, then we see how big He is, but we also see how much He stoops to love little ole us.

Jake McCandless is the executive director and lead speaker for Prophecy Simplified. A long-time pastor, Jake has a B.A. in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Central Baptist College, and an Advanced Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a contributor to WND News, The Baptist Press, Almost an Author, Inspire a Fire,, and

A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

Quitting: Not an Option

I quit.

Ever been there?

I’ll admit it: there are times when I think I want to give up writing. This confession will come as no shock to other writers (and to some of my editors).

Many people think writing is the easiest thing in the world, that we just sit down at the keyboard and the words flow effortlessly from our fingertips.

Yeah, right.

Writing is hard. Sitting at a computer, summoning creativity, rewriting. Condensing, expanding (see my last post), self-editing. Sending out query letters, waiting, trying to get published. Not to mention trying to figure out how to pronounce “query” and how to write one. On and on. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it.

God, do you REALLY want me to continue this writing thing?

I recently heard Natalie Grant’s song King of the World, and it rocked my world. I purchased it and have played it too many times to count. The words of this song hit me where I live:

When did I forget that You’ve always been the King of the World? I try to take life back right out of the hands of the King of the World.

Sometimes I second-guess God when it comes to my calling. And why? He’s the King of the World, and He knows what He’s doing when He calls me (or you) to do something. It might be writing, it might be speaking, it might even be cleaning the church toilets. Whatever it is, I need to dive in and do it.

Sure, there are times when the words do come fast and furious, and I appreciate those moments. On the other hand, the times I feel like quitting are the times God’s power can be more evident if I just forge on. I’m living proof He doesn’t always call the equipped but He does equip the called.

Here I go, at the keyboard again. So help me, God.

The Writerly Cafe

What’s Your Favorite Summer Writing Place?

A HEARTYWELCOMEYesterday I decided to move to the back deck of our house to set up my “summer writing office”. I made several trips with computer, notebooks, pens and pencils, all balanced precariously in my arms. Of course I brought a tall glass of sweet tea and a small snack. Trust me, the snack idea lead to an unhappy writing event! Within fifteen minutes of getting organized I was fighting a small army of various bugs intent on having my fair skin as their snack.

After a quick move to the front porch I met the kith and kin of the back-deck killer bugs. I returned inside and called my neighbor who is blessed with a screened-in porch that overlooks a beautiful view of the Appalachian Mountains. I explained my dilemma and she graciously invited me to use her porch for my writing efforts. I gathered my writing paraphernalia and went to the neighbor’s house. An hour passed and I had not written a word, but had immensely enjoyed the nature I watched, and the conversation I had with my neighbor.

Feeling defeated I returned home and settled at my desk in front of an opened window that overlooks a peaceful pasture and delivers wonderful mountain breezes. Ah…this was the summer writing spot my soul needed. I wrote for two hours and feeling very proud of myself, I went to the back deck and announced my feat to the destroyer-bug population.

My question to you café members is…where do you prefer to write during the summer? D.H. Lawrence enjoyed writing beneath the shade of a tree. Jan Karon, author of the popular The Mitford series, writes in a cottage on the grounds of her plantation. Well known author Elin Hilderbrand rides her bike a mile to the beach each day and writes sitting in the sand. I realize not all of us have the beach close by or a writing cottage, but I feel sure some of you move out onto porches, decks and poolside.

I pray the start of summer is treating you with hot sunny days on which to write. I look forward to receiving your answers to this post’s summer question. Remember to stop by the café often and bring along your comments and questions.


Every Summer has a story”-Unknown Author