A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

Quitting: Not an Option

I quit.

Ever been there?

I’ll admit it: there are times when I think I want to give up writing. This confession will come as no shock to other writers (and to some of my editors).

Many people think writing is the easiest thing in the world, that we just sit down at the keyboard and the words flow effortlessly from our fingertips.

Yeah, right.

Writing is hard. Sitting at a computer, summoning creativity, rewriting. Condensing, expanding (see my last post), self-editing. Sending out query letters, waiting, trying to get published. Not to mention trying to figure out how to pronounce “query” and how to write one. On and on. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it.

God, do you REALLY want me to continue this writing thing?

I recently heard Natalie Grant’s song King of the World, and it rocked my world. I purchased it and have played it too many times to count. The words of this song hit me where I live:

When did I forget that You’ve always been the King of the World? I try to take life back right out of the hands of the King of the World.

Sometimes I second-guess God when it comes to my calling. And why? He’s the King of the World, and He knows what He’s doing when He calls me (or you) to do something. It might be writing, it might be speaking, it might even be cleaning the church toilets. Whatever it is, I need to dive in and do it.

Sure, there are times when the words do come fast and furious, and I appreciate those moments. On the other hand, the times I feel like quitting are the times God’s power can be more evident if I just forge on. I’m living proof He doesn’t always call the equipped but He does equip the called.

Here I go, at the keyboard again. So help me, God.