Courting the Muse

Why Stealing Characters from History Isn’t Just for Historical Fiction

As writers, we’re generally in the business of creating our own inspiration. When it does strike us unbidden, we know it’s a rare gift that can’t be squandered.

The problem is, even when our muses turn suddenly, spontaneously generous, they rarely shower us with all the inspiration we need to produce a complete work. Some fragment of a story might flare lightning across our minds — a striking premise or a single, unforgettable scene. But in that same Eureka moment, we don’t always get the setting, the conflict, or the characters we need to turn that inner prompt into a rich and powerful story.

If you’re in need of characters to anchor a compelling concept and give it a human touch, you can always opt for the stereotypical solution — writing what you know and transforming all your friends and loved ones into thinly veiled fiction. But if you want a wider, wilder range of characters to play with, why not turn to historical figures?

As a PhD student in history, I got into the discipline for the characters I encountered in textbooks. There was the mystic who wept her way through the Holy Land, disturbing her fellow pilgrims. The historian who chose castration over death, so he could finish the work his father started. The emperor who turned rulership into theater, demanding his subjects applaud him when he sang.

Any of these real-life figures would add depth and color to a novel or short story — whether or not it’s set in their native time and place. In my opinion, writers who don’t specialize in historical fiction can steal characters from history to tremendous effect. They’re not beholden to the strictures of fact, and they can even mix and match — welding, for instance, a famous painter’s precocious childhood to a rakish scientist’s turbulent marriage. Think of this as an act of narrative collage: piecing together, from a rich store of existing materials, the perfect character for your narrative needs.

Some of my favorite, non-historical novels have leaned on characters inspired by history — plucked from our past and transported to new worlds of the author’s creation. Ken Liu’s Nebula-nominated fantasy novel The Grace of Kings, for instance, rewrites material I studied extensively in grad school: an early Chinese historical account of the turbulent transition between the Qin and Han dynasties. (The author of the source text? The castrato-historian I mentioned earlier!)

In Liu’s vivid, imaginative retelling, Liu Bang — the brash and charismatic man who would become the first Han emperor — becomes Kuni Garu. He’s a hard-drinking, fast-talking charmer who shares the historical Liu’s contradictions: beneath each man’s loutish, workaday exterior lurks the potential for majesty.

As my example suggests, historically inspired character development works especially well for speculative fiction — we’ve seen plenty of sci-fi novels in recent years with settings modeled on, say, imperial Rome or the Byzantine Empire. Still, this technique should work just as well for other genres. Can you imagine a contemporary novel that transposes Virginia Woolf onto the world of digital media? Or a mystery series where the sleuth is based on Tanaquil LeClercq, the ballerina whose stage career was cut short by polio — and who reinvented herself as a dance teacher, demonstrating combinations with her arms and hands?

In the end, the figures you’ll encounter in history are more than lists of dates. They were human beings, with formative influences and inner conflicts, immortal longings and deferred dreams. Let them into the world of your story, and they just might surprise you with what they do.

Lucia Tang is a writer for Reedsy, a marketplace that connects self-publishing authors with the book industry’s best editors, designers, and marketers. To work on the site’s free historical character name generators, she draws on her knowledge of Chinese, Latin, and Old Irish —  learned as a PhD candidate in history at UC Berkeley. You can read more of her work on the Reedsy Discovery blog, or follow her on Twitter at @lqtang.

History in the Making

Rebecca Lee Crumpler−Pioneer

Rebecca Lee Crumpler was a pioneer, but not the sort who climbed a weather-beaten prairie wagon, wrapped her work-worn fingers around the reins of a team of horses and then drove the rig across rushing rivers.

This 19th century trailblazer broke the barriers of race and gender to become the first female Black physician in the United States.

Born a free Black woman in 1831, Ms. Crumpler grew up in Pennsylvania where she dogged the steps of her aunt, the neighborhood healer. While her little-girl-ears heard moans of pain and discomfort, her little-girl-eyes watched her aunt bring relief and healing. In this community classroom Ms. Crumpler developed medical skills, which then led her to Massachusetts where she worked as a nurse for eight years. Her medical aptitude caught the attention of her supervising doctor who encouraged her to attend the New England Female Medical College. She began her studies in 1861 and concluded them in 1864, becoming the first Black female doctor in the United States.

This amazing feat earned Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler a place in history. But it was not the end of her story.

In 1865, the Civil War now over, Dr. Crumpler became aware that newly-freed poor Blacks needed medical services in the South. Nudged by her desire to ease their suffering, she moved to Virginia where she worked with the Freedmen’s Bureau. Though the title “M.D.” opened more doors of opportunity to use her healing skills, she was still Black, and still a woman, and thus her efforts were hindered by non-Black administrators, physicians and druggists. Yet cords of courage and threads of tenacity wove throughout her days, compelling her to battle through these challenges for five years.

Upon returning to Boston, Dr. Crumpler continued to practice medicine in the Black community of Beacon Hill, both outside and inside her home on Joy Street. She focused on women and children, without regard to their ability to pay. The house on Joy Street has been included on the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail.

In 1883, Dr. Crumpler became one of the first Blacks to publish a medical book. Entitled A Book of Medical Discourse, this two volume set stemmed from the extensive medical notes she had kept over the years, and focused on medical care for women and children.

These feats earned Dr. Crumpler a place in history, but her story still speaks to this generation, including those in the writing community. Writers of historical fiction set in this time period might find Dr. Crumpler−whether as a child, nurse, medical student, doctor or author−a stimulating real life personality for a hero or heroine to meet during the unfolding of their own fictional story.

Moving beyond the possibilities of weaving historical events and people into our fictional works, today’s writer can look to Dr. Crumpler as an example of pluck and persistence. She invested years honing her skill, yet still faced criticism and rejection. Did she ever feel like quitting? We can only speculate. But tempted or not, her life’s testimony says she did not give in to the resistance and conflicts she met along the way. Instead, she persevered, and ultimately achieved what others in her lifetime likely thought an impossible dream.

A writer’s takeaway?

Dream on.


Jeannine Brummett lives in South Carolina with her husband of nineteen years, Don, who shares his three adult sons and three grandchildren with her. Reading is big on her list of things to do, but she also thrives on TV crime dramas, NBA basketball, and marvels at the critters and fowl life that live at the pond behind their house. She loves to sing praise songs, attend Bible Study, and help at a local food pantry.

History in the Making

Discovering Personalities of Historical Characters with the Enneagram

My recent novels are about two women who lived four thousand years ago, Hagar and Sarah. Their stories are told in the Bible, and I believe I will meet them in heaven someday. Looking at it like that, you realize the responsibility you incur, as a historical novelist, to portray your characters as close to right as possible.

[bctt tweet=”How do you identify the personality of a character who existed? #writers” username=””]

I use a personality profile called the Enneagram, a set of nine distinct personality types, with each number on the Enneagram denoting one type. Each type has exceptional talents and foreseeable difficulties in being who they are. Nine different ways to approach your character arc. I use the Enneagram as a map to the internal journey and transformation of my characters. It shows me what motivates them, what their basic fear is, their desire (what they want), and how they respond to conflict.

  • Type One: The Reformer. Leads with integrity but hindered by demanding perfectionism.
  • Type Two: The Helper. Generous and positive but can be people-pleasing and possessive.
  • Type Three: The Achiever. Inspiring and successful but status conscious and materialistic.
  • Type Four: The Individualist. Creative and intuitive but moody and self-conscious.
  • Type Five: The Investigator. Visionary and intellectual but isolated and distant.
  • Type Six: The Loyalist. Courageous and committed but defensive and anxious.
  • Type Seven: The Enthusiast. Adventurous and spirited but impulsive and unfocused.
  • Type Eight: The Challenger. Self-reliant and strong but controlling and intimidating.
  • Type Nine: The Peacemaker. They bring people together but can be stubborn or passive.


 Look for clues in your research.

 Before I began writing about Sarah, I searched the Bible for clues regarding her personality. Sarah was loyal to God, her husband, and known for hospitality. But also doubting and lashed out at Hagar when she perceived her as an enemy.

Sarah fit Type Six, the Loyalist. Ironically, and what made her arc interesting, the biggest fear of a Type Six is abandonment. As a writer, that gave me inner conflict for Sarah when her husband abandoned her to two kings.

Healthy sixes are warm and friendly, traits needed for hospitality. But the unhealthy side of their personality make them hysterical, suspicious, and paranoid. Acting out from anxiety, they blame others and complain to third parties about people they are frustrated with. Exactly what Sarah did when she complained to Abraham about Hagar. Given Abraham’s permission to do whatever she wanted with the haughty handmaid, Sarai mistreated Hagar, so Hagar ran away.

Perfect for a writer’s toolbox.

The Enneagram is a helpful tool for identifying the personalities of real-life historical people. Because you make them deep and real. It also works when you want to craft memorable characters from scratch that readers relate to. How they react in the world, grow, learn, and change, gives a writer genuine conflict to keep booklovers turning pages.

For more information visit my Facebook page: @authorkdholmberg.

KD Holmberg is an author, blogger, and freelance writer. She is a member of ACFW, Word Weavers International, and a founding member of the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild. She is represented by Hartline Literary Agency. A retired flight attendant, she has traveled and lived all over the globe. She and her husband, Keith, love to golf and live in South Carolina. You can find more about her: Facebook @authorkdholmberg, twitter @kdeniseholmberg, and


The Perfect Blend of History and Fantasy

Historical fantasy is a genre growing in popularity. Many famous historical figures have earned themselves a retelling of their story, with a fantastical twist to set the story apart from other historical fiction.

My Lady Jane is a fun retelling of the life of Lady Jane Grey, the Nine Days’ Queen who replaced King Edward VI in 1553. Although a tragic tale in reality, authors Ashton, Hand, and Meadows were able to create an interesting, magical tale to please a young adult audience. Readers otherwise unfamiliar with Jane Grey’s story have been captivated by the mystery of her very short reign as Queen of England, along with a the unique idea that the entire plot was influenced by shape-shifters.

Earlier this year, Nadine Brandes released her novel, Fawkes, which tells the true story of Guy Fawkes and his involvement in the Gun Powder Plot of 1605. In place of the tension between the Catholic and Protestant faiths, the main struggle within this narrative revolves around White magic and Color magic. Despite the fantastical change, the story is quite historically accurate.

Bookstores have seen an increase in sales of historical novels that have that fantasy spin. So, what is the best way for an author to go about writing a historical fantasy?

First decide which historical figure or event is right for your story. Not all historical events will lend themselves to a fantasy retelling. Evaluate the person you’ve chosen and pinpoint what event(s) in his/her life will make for the book’s climax, then work backwards to decide at what point in their life you will begin telling the story. Too much backstory can slow the story down, so be sure to drop the reader into the tale just as tension develops, sending the main character on the road towards the climax.

The next step is research. Regardless which time period you choose or which historical figure you pick to highlight, knowing the true story of the event is crucial. Understand not only the culture the person lived in, but also the build-up of social and political tensions, as well as any other influences that might make the story unique. Once you know the true history of the event or person, you can begin to piece together which elements can be stretched or changed for the fantasy addition.

Ask yourself what fantasy element fits nicely within their history? The fantasy element you choose should draw the reader in and keep them interested in the history of the story, as well. Keep as much of the history as accurate as possible, while being true to the new fantasy twist. This will impress the reader and keep them reading as they seek to learn the new fictional tale of this very real historical figure or event.

Don’t forget to have fun with your story! Regardless what historical figure you choose to write about, or which part of history they hail from, enjoy the fantasy world you create around the history of your story. A reader that chooses to pick up a fantasy retelling is likely looking for a new, unique twist to enjoy. So, focus on the character and the story they want to tell, and let the fantasy elements take your novel to a whole new level.

Laura L. Zimmerman is a homeschooling mama to three daughters and a doting wife to one husband. Besides writing, she is passionate about loving Jesus, singing, drinking coffee and anything Star Wars. You can connect with her through Facebook and Twitter @lauralzimm and at her website Caffeinated Fiction.

Talking Character

Writing Historical Characters

Sometimes fiction authors write about real people. Especially those who write historical fiction.

Real historical characters can add a sense of credibility or realism to a story. But they must be handled carefully, because your readers will know when you stray from the truth.

Well-known figures

If you are writing about a well-known figure, such as George Washington or Thomas Edison, you will need to do extensive research to ensure you have your facts straight. The good news is that someone so well known already has a lot written about them, so the facts are readily available. The bad news is that someone so well known already has a lot written about them, so your readers already know the facts and will notice your mistakes.

On the positive side, you already know their family history, their physical description, how they talked, what their voice sounded like, the name of their favorite pet, and a myriad of other details. Your job is to choose the details that are important for your story, without ignoring or twisting the facts you don’t mention.

On the negative side, you are stuck with whatever details are known about a person, even if those facts are inconvenient. Also, you must take care, because without doing sufficient research you can easily misrepresent the truth by making false assumptions, adding details carelessly, or promulgating the commonly-held-but-incorrect legends of the person’s history (such as George Washington and the cherry tree). Also, you risk annoying readers if you choose to invoke artistic license for the sake of your plot.

Other things to consider

The larger the role a well-known figure has in a story, the more research and care the writer must take in presenting them. Bringing George Washington into a scene or two is much easier to pull off than making him one of the main characters.

However you use well-known figures, don’t cheat your readers by making historical characters two-dimensional. Don’t be tempted to fall into lazy writing, assuming the reader already knows about the character so you don’t have to bother describing them. Historical characters deserve as much attention to description and characterization as fictional characters. Use the known details to your advantage. Which details would your POV character notice, and how would she feel about them?

Little-known historical people

Lesser-known historical figures can add the same note of credibility to your writing without the problems that come with using more well-known persons. There are plenty of real historical people who lived interesting lives, but for whom we now have only a handful of facts. That lack of information might frustrate a biographer, but it creates a prime opportunity for a fiction writer. The door is wide open to fill in all those blanks in whatever way suits your story.

Just take care that you stay within the boundaries of the facts that are known. You must honor the few details that are all that is left of the person’s legacy. When there are only a handful of details to keep track of, you have no excuse for getting them wrong.

Fictional characters based on real people

Sometimes a writer uncovers a fascinating historical person that would make a great story—except for a few bothersome details. If you cannot reconcile the facts with the story you want to write, or if the person’s story includes aspects you don’t want to face for one reason or another, there is another option: Create a completely fictional character based on the real one.

This technique allows you to start with the inspiration that a real person gives but then to develop a character that has the flaws, goals, attitudes and beliefs that suits your story, your themes, and your worldview.

Just be sure to play fair. If your fictional character bears more than a passing resemblance to a real person, don’t skew the character so far from the true story that it feels slanderous. Also, if a character is based significantly on a real person, give that person credit in an author’s note.

Bottom line: Don’t be afraid of including real historical characters in your story, but do your homework and don’t forget that real people need to be developed as much as fictional ones.

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Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a story to tell the world. She loves to encourage fellow writers to be intentional about their craft and courageous in sharing their words with others. Lisa shares her words through dramas, Bible studies, historical fiction and her blog about intentional living.

Connect with her:

Twitter: @LisaEBetz