The Ministry of Writing

God Will Bring the Pieces of Your Writing Calling Together

So God has called you to write. You have a “writing calling”.

He has burdened your heart to share a particular message, to tell your story, to tell someone else’s story, or to create a powerful creative piece.

The Holy Spirit has guided you to use your gift, talent, or love of writing to glorify the Father.

You know typing away on your laptop merging creativity and craft places you in the center of God’s perfect Will.

Therefore you have pushed through. You have been obedient to write. You are obedient in continuing to write. You know you are doing what the Lord wants you to do.


The project is overwhelming and you feel like it will never end.

The critique was brutal — you have so much to learn.

After receiving your work back from the editor there is so much left to be done.

You are on your eight rejection letter.

It has been three months since the agent’s last email, but he seemed so interested.

You have been writing for six years and nothing has been published.

So did you hear God right? Is writing really what He wants you to do? I believe so. And I know that if you are doing what God has called you to do and are following the Spirit’s guidance that God will come through. I completely trust that God provides and equips us to fulfill whatever he has called us to do.

I believe it because that is what Scripture teaches:

From Hebrews 13:20–21:

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Don’t give up. God will come through. That impossible project will get done. You will grow and develop into the writer He needs you to be. He is going to open that door. [bctt tweet=”God will answer your prayers. He is going to accomplish through you what He purposes.”]

One day it will come together.

Being an 80’s kid I have had my share of Rubik’s Cubes. None of them have ever been completed. I also never followed through with my idea to bypass the work and repaint the squares.

I’m sure you are familiar with one of these devices of torture. It is a cube so there are six sides. Within this cube there are nine squares on each side. Those squares can be one of six colors. The goal is to maneuver them in such a way that one whole side of the cube becomes a solid color.

A Rubik’s Cube being conquered is a pipe dream for me. Its completion is in the realm of capturing a unicorn or finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to me, but it has been done.

Interestingly in his book, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, author and pastor Mark Batterson wrote that God working in our lives can be like a Rubik’s Cube. Like someone beginning to be victorious with the cube it can appear the task God has placed on our hearts will never come to pass. But eventually those random pieces begin to line up and finally a complete picture comes into view.

Again I have never accomplished this task, but I have seen it done. It’s amazing to see. For a while it looks as if the one working the cube has no clue what they are doing. Everything is a mess — nothing lines up. Then eventually — boom — the colors begin to line up. The cube begins to take shape. It appears that the task may actually be accomplished. Then it happens — the cube is done.

Once it’s done one wonders why it was so hard to do in the first place.

This is how God will work in your writing.

Right now, in your current situation you may feel your writing is going nowhere. You may feel like all the little pieces will never line up, but don’t give up. Over the horizon the puzzle of your calling will come together, and you will wonder why it ever seemed so hard.

It is then you will know with certainty that God Will Bring the Pieces of Your Writing Calling Together.