Child's Craft

Tips for Getting Published

I’ve been asked multiple times by others hoping to get published what tips I had for getting published. Here they are:

  1. Get it written. Got an idea for a story? Write it! I know a guy who has told me multiple times that he’s got a great story to write but he was still researching how to write it. He bought several books on writing that he wanted to read first. That’s great, but he doesn’t have a story if he doesn’t write it. Write it first, then let the other half of the brain edit it, rewrite it and improve it. Read books but get your idea on paper.
  2. Have it critiqued. Ask others to read it and offer their opinion. And these others should be people besides your mother and your spouse. You may ask English majors or pastors to offer their opinions but I suggest getting involved in a critique group. Look for Word Weaver groups in your area. You can check if there is one on This site will also lead you in finding an online critique group if you prefer. Or if you know other writers, begin a critique group in your area. Vow to be honest but encouraging in your critiquing as you want to help make each other’s work more publishable without slamming the manuscripts and dashing hopes.
  3. Attend a writers’ conference. There are many Christian Writers Conferences around the country. I found this list online offered by Westbowpress: If you write nonfiction, fiction, children’s books, devotions, Bible studies, etc., there are conferences and classes available. At these events, editors from publishing houses, agents looking for new clients, and authors who have lots of experience are there teaching classes on how to get published, how to hone your writing skills, how to write better, how to write proposals that sell, how to format your manuscript. Anything you need to know can be learned at these conferences. Not only do you gain a wealth of knowledge you meet these editors and agents who may be interested in your work. You meet other writers going through the same heartaches, jubilation, and confusion as you. It’s networking at its best. Attending a conference is a must for anyone hoping to get published.
  4. Get your work in the proper format. Children’s proposals are different from nonfiction proposals which are different from fiction proposals. Apply what you’ve learned at the conference to get your manuscript and proposal with the correct font, margins, and layout. You want it to look like you know what you’re doing (even if you don’t). Try to make it look professional. Read other posts in this Almostanauthor website to learn the best ways to format your projects.
  5. Get your hands on a Writers Market Guide appropriate for your genre. A Christian Market Guide ( includes all Christian publishers. There are Children’s Market Guides as well as others. Find one. Pick out publishers or agents that accept your genre and send them what is accepted according to the guide.
  6. Cover it in prayer and submit! This is where people get shy. Manuscripts don’t get published if they never leave your hands. You’ve worked hard, you’ve perfected your baby as best as you can, you’ve re-written it to perfection! Now send it out.
  7. Be patient. Responses don’t generally come quickly from publishing houses. Keep in mind they may be receiving hundreds of proposals each day from others, just like you, hoping to get contracts. Give it time. Don’t pester the publishing houses for responses. If they like your manuscript it will take longer to receive a response. Be patient. All good things are worth waiting for.
  8. Celebrate and give God the glory when you get your contract! Best wishes my friend and share your successes with us below! We can’t wait to hear!
Child's Craft

One Author’s Story

I frequently get asked the question of how I got published. Okay. I’ll tell.

God placed the notion on me to write a book but I had no idea what to write. When an idea of a Children’s devotional came to me I was excited but had no time to write. I worked and had 2 small children. I told the Lord if He wanted me to write, He’d have to help me find the time. I wondered what the Good Lord had in store for me.

He woke me up every morning on my days off before He woke the sun. I made myself a cup of coffee, sat on my couch and hand wrote the whole thing. This was such a precious time with the Lord. Took me 6 months. This was before I had a computer and knew how to use one. Yes, I’m that old.

I took a computer class and learned how to use a Word program since my husband refused to type it up for me. I typed the whole thing and realized I had no idea of how to get it published. I bought a book on how to get published, followed it step by step. It seriously took me two weeks to write my first query letter and longer to perfect my first proposal.

I bought the Children’s Writers Market guide and begin sending out my proposal to publishers and waiting. Back in the day, publishers used to send out rejection letters. When I’d receive one, I’d send my proposal to another publisher. During this waiting period I wrote a bunch of stories that came to mind. I had a whole year’s worth of rejection letters on this one proposal before I received a positive nibble and subsequent contract. I tweaked my final manuscript in the hospital between contractions when I was in labor with my third child. My son’s first outing was to the post office to send off my completed manuscript.

A few things have changed since then. That third child is now in college. We didn’t have the internet back then with all the info at our finger tips like we do today. Publishers have come and gone. Less children’s editors attend conferences than they used to. Independent book stores have practically disappeared and publishers are pursuing less books than previously. EBooks have appeared further dwindling the number of hard copy books. Online bookstores have escalated, self-publishing has skyrocketed, and the media outlets have multiplied. This has all worked together to change the publishing business significantly. But, publishers still need great new manuscripts and the Lord still calls people to write!

It’s our job as writers to supply publishers with great new manuscripts and to do what God has called us to do.

The number of Writers conferences have increased dramatically through the years. I didn’t even find out about Writers Conferences until after my first book was published. I’ve pretty much attended a conference or taught every year since then. The industry changes and attending conferences is one way to stay in the ‘know’. It’s a way to meet with editors and agents and hear what they are looking for. It’s a place to take classes and hone your writing skills. It’s a place to network with authors and learn from them, to meet other writers, and share your writing woes and joys. It’s a great place to offer encouragement to each other and be surrounded by so many others who feel called by the Lord to write. There’s truly nothing like it.

Getting published can be a long sometimes painful process. It’s not for the meek nor thin-skinned souls. But writing is rewarding, rejuvenating, fulfilling. It’s a whole new world, filled with great people, new experiences. If God has placed it on your heart to write, then do your best to be obedient. Vow to give Him your best by learning the craft, and submitting great manuscripts then see what God has in store for you.