Proofed and Polished

Common Mistakes I See When Proofreading: Vocabulary, Part 2

To Hyphenate or Not to Hyphenate…

How do you feel about hyphens? Do you use them a lot? Never? Do you sort of close your eyes and randomly stick them in between a couple of words because you think maybe once you saw it written that way?

Hyphens are confusing for many people when they write, because we don’t really understand the rules for using them. Here are a few sets of words with and without hyphens. Can you spot the differences?

  • Resign vs. re-sign
  • Extracurricular vs. extra-curricular
  • Low grade vs. low-grade

…Or, How to Avoid Miscommunicating Your Meaning

Resign vs. Re-sign.

  • “Resign” means to give up a position. I resigned from my teaching job because of COVID.
  • “Re-sign” means to sign again. I had to re-sign the documents because the agent lost the originals.

You can see how a missing hyphen could really mess up the meaning of your sentence.

All of the ballots had to be resigned because they were rained on and the ink ran.

Wait, the ballots were resigned? Does that mean that they were thrown out? What about my vote?!

Oh, you mean they need to be re-signed, as in signed again. Phew! A much easier solution.

Extracurricular vs. extra-curricular

With extracurricular vs. extra-curricular, the hyphen is just unnecessary. The prefix “extra” can be added to words without using a hyphen. In fact, the majority of prefixes and suffixes don’t require the use of a hyphen. Here’s a list.

Low grade vs. low-grade

Let’s look at that last example in a sentence.

  1. The baby had a low grade fever, so his mom decided to keep him home from day care.
  2. The baby had a low-grade fever, so his mom decided to keep him home from day care.

While this may not seem that confusing because people often know what you mean when you say a “low-grade” fever, the hyphen here is necessary, because you are describing the fever, not the grade. Without the hyphen, it seems like you’re describing the grade and saying that that is what is low; what you mean is that the fever grade is low.

Hyphen Rules

1. Use a hyphen to join two words that are meant to function as a single adjective before a noun (like with “low-grade fever”).

Ex. He gave me chocolate-covered peanuts for Valentine’s Day.

(* The adjective “chocolate-covered” describes the peanuts.)

1a. Unless, however, your adjective comes after the noun in your sentence. Then you don’t need a hyphen.

Ex. The peanuts were chocolate covered so I didn’t know what they were. Unfortunately, I’m allergic to peanuts.

(* Because “chocolate covered” comes after the noun it describes, the hyphen isn’t needed.) 

1b. Don’t use hyphens with “very” or with adverbs that end in “-ly.”

Incorrect: I prefer a very-hot soup when it’s cold outside.

Incorrect: His extremely-strict policies caused the students to dislike him.

2. Don’t use hyphens with prefixes or suffixes.

2a. Except with these prefixes: “ex-“, “self-“, and “all-“.

Ex. The rookie was very self-conscious about her performance on her first day. 

2b. And with the suffix “-elect.”

Ex. The mayor-elect celebrated a victory over their rival. 

2c. And always with a prefix + a capitalized word, or a prefix + digits/letters.

Ex. We would like school to start in mid-September, but it often begins before Labor Day.

Ex. In the mid-1960s, the hippie style was popular with many young people, which included tie-dye t-shirts.

3. Use hyphens when you spell out numbers.

Ex. Our two-year-old child is really into dinosaurs.

(*But no hyphen in: Our child is two years old.) 

Ex. After forty-seven years, we finally discovered the treasure our grandparents promised was hidden in the house.

4. Use hyphens to resolve potential confusion in a sentence.

Ex. He had a concealed weapons permit. vs. He had a concealed-weapons permit.

(Was the weapons permit concealed or did he have a permit for a concealed weapon? Neither is wrong, but this is where hyphens help to clarify your meaning.)

5. Don’t guess with hyphen use! Look it up in your favorite dictionary or in a style guide, such as The Chicago Manual of Style.

How About You?

Do you struggle with hyphens? Is there a word that you always hyphenate (or never hyphenate), and now you’re confused? I used to hyphenate “e-mail” all the time, but apparently “email” is more common. Although Merriam-Webster recognizes both, they put the hyphen in as the default. Hmmm. Hyphens are tricky!

Dayna Betz is a full-time freelancer providing proofreading and editing services to help writers put their best foot forward. She also enjoys reading and writing book reviews. Head over to her site to learn more:

The Picky Pen

Punctuation Series: How to Edit Hyphens

In the world of grammar and punctuation, there are three types of dash (hyphen, en dash, and em dash). “So what?” you say. “Ah,” but I say, “presentation is everything, especially when it comes to the publishing world. And your presentation of such a small thing as a dash is crucial to your book’s success.”

Working with the dash can be tricky, boring, and downright distressing at times. As a writer and an editor, I completely understand your frustration with grammar and punctuation altogether.

You’d rather write, right? Right! So let’s continue our focus on a simple, easy-to-understand punctuation series that I hope will be a help and encouragement to you—allowing you more time to write well.

If you feel like you’re back in grammar school, please take heart—and know that this isn’t going to be a boring, stuffy ‘nother grammar lesson.

It may seem like the dash is not important, but they are, especially if you use a lot of extra information in your prose or poetry. And that’s nearly every piece of writing, so I invite you to stay for this little journey. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but merely to give you a tool to use in your self-editing journey, should you choose to do so.

Why Paying Attention to the Dash Is Important

  • Appearance is everything, appearance is everything, appearance . . . yeah
  • The difference is subtle, like missing the road sign on the highway
  • Using the dash correctly shows you care about your story, your editor, and your readers

In this blog post, let’s look at one of the dashes, the hyphen. The plain and simple hyphen. And my text for today is The Chicago Manual of Style, chapter six.

The hyphen is part of the Dash Family, which you can read about em dashes and en dashes here.

Let’s differentiate the hyphen and the dashes, as I’m sure it gets confusing. I know you’d rather not focus on them at all, but it’s super easy once you have the tools! (Chicago Manual of Style 6.75).

  • Hyphen is one little tic: –
  • En dash is two little tics –
  • Em dash is three little tics —
  • *But you can find the dashes in the Symbols box in the Home ribbon.
    Don’t make the mistake and insert two hyphens (–) for the en dash and three hyphens for the em dash (—). It. Does. Not. Work. That. Way. 😊 If you want to know how, then finish reading this blog post and head on over the other two articles that talk about how to find and insert the en and em dashes . . . you’ll be glad you did!

Use hyphens with compound words. (Chicago Manual of Style 6.76).

  • Chicago 5.92 uses these hyphenated compound words and calls them phrasal adjectives.
  • Yep, this is where grammar tips collide with other grammar tips! So that means
  • Two hyphenated adjectives before a noun to describe it.
  • Like, yellow-bellied toads, slick-sliver rats, purple-tongued snakes. . .

A few rules about using phrasal adjectives . . .

  1. If the phrase comes before the noun, then hyphenate the words to avoid misreading or misunderstanding. Clarity is key!
  2. If the phrase is connected to a compound noun, then the entire phrase is hyphenated, such as chocolate-coffee-infused writers. This makes the relationship between the words clear, not to mention that commas would not work between the words at all.
  3. If there are more than one phrasal adjectives that describes the noun, then each phrasal adjective needs to be hyphenated because each element is super important: twentieth-century historical-element writing; state-inspected assisted-living home.
  4. For two phrasal adjectives that share the same noun, each phrase needs a hyphen between, showing that both phrases are related to the same noun. For instance, middle- and upper-classmen students (middle-classmen and upper-classmen); lower- and upper-elementary readers (lower-elementary and upper-elementary). 
  5. If the phrasal adjective includes reference to amount or duration, then don’t use the plural. For example, toddler stage is about two years, but for the phrasal adjective, two-year toddler stage. Or a bookstore that is open 24 hours a day would have a 24-hour-day schedule.
  6. Have a confusing phrasal adjective? Don’t fret—just rewrite the sentence! There’s no pressure or misunderstanding or going round the Merry-Go-Round when you simply rewrite the sentence. And it might even sound better too!

Exceptions, exceptions, exceptions! (Chicago Manual of Style 5.93).

If the phrasal adjective is after a linking verb, then the phrase is *not hyphenated because then that phrasal adjective is acting as a noun.

  • The athlete is well trained.
  • My writers’ group is a mix and match of genres and skills.

If the phrasal adjective begins with a Proper adjective, do not hyphenate!

  • Glouster Beach goers.
  • Clinton Anderson horse trainers.

If the two-word phrasal adjective includes an adverb, don’t use a hyphen.

  • A timely appointed meeting.
  • A roughly made coffee table.

Use Hyphens as Separators (Chicago Manual of Style 6.77).

  • Separate numbers that are not inclusive. Telephone numbers, social security numbers, or ISBNs.
  • Separate words and spelling out words.

    This is also helpful when your character is dictating over the phone. Or with spelling out words if a character uses American Sign Language.

    For example,
  • Your number is 123-555-4321
  • Tomorrow we hike Mountain R-a-n-i-e-r. (American Sign Language fingerspelling.)
  • My name is Tisha, that’s Tisha with an i, no r. Spelled T-i-s-h-a.

How’s that for a very brief introductory into using the hyphen that’s widely used but so often tricky to use?

Using the well-placed hyphen is important because your overall presentation makes a world of difference to your editor, agent, publisher, and readers. That may seem counterintuitive because the writing is equally important, but it’s the presentation that tends to enhance your credibility as a writer. (Especially if you self-publish and are doing your own first-draft editing.)

Pro Tip : I’m creating a few cheat sheets on some of the topics I’ve covered so far, and if you’d like to be in the loop for when they’ll be ready, just go to my website and email me, letting me know you’d like to be added to my Grammar List!! I look forward to seeing you!

Please take a minute and join in the discussion! I’d love to hear from you!

Conversation Time!!

Of the three Dash articles, which has been your favorite, and why?

(If you haven’t read the other two articles, go read them!! You might find them useful. Click here.)

Tisha Martin writes historical fiction and nonfiction but also edits and proofreads for beginning and best-selling writers, professional editing agencies, and publishing houses. She has a BA in Professional Writing, an MS in English Education, and an editing certificate from the PEN Institute, affordable continuing education for editors. Active in American Christian Fiction Writers and The PEN, she appreciates the writing and editing communities. As Assistant Director of PENCON, a conference for editors, she enjoys travel marketing and updating PENCON’s Facebook Page. Connect with Tisha on her website and engage in the conversation.