Writers Chat

Writers Chat Recap for August Part 2

Writers Chat, hosted by Johnnie Alexander, Brandy Brow, and Melissa Stroh, is the show where we talk about all things writing, by writers and for writers!

“Because talking about writing is more fun than actually doing it.”

How Bookstagram Helps Authors with Jill Lancour

Because writers and readers share a collaborative relationship, Bookstagrammer Jillian Lancour shares tips on how Christian writers can build an Instagram community.

Watch the August 20th replay

Jillian Lancour is an avid reader of inspirational historical fiction, a homeschool mom, and a fan of all things vintage. Check out her Instagram account at She Reads Christian Fiction.

Leveraging Manuscript Wish Lists for Queries and Publishing Trends with Bethany Jett

Literary agent and marketing strategist Bethany Jett shares tips on how to strategically use literary agents’ manuscript wish lists (#MSWL) to tailor our queries and maximize our chances of success. This workshop guides writers in interpreting what agents are looking for, aligning their manuscripts with current demands, and spotting key trends in the publishing industry. For the second half of the episode, we had an open forum where our community members asked Bethany questions about writing, platform, and specific genre expectations.

Watch the July 27th replay

Bethany Jett is an associate literary agent with the C.Y.L.E. agency, as well as a multi-award-winning author, and a marketing strategist who earned top honors in her master’s program, where she earned her MFA in Communications focusing on Marketing and PR. Her motto is “Teach as you go,” which she lives out as the co-owner of Serious Writer, a company that teaches and empowers writers and authors. Bethany is married to her college sweetheart, and together they’re raising 3 teen/tween sons and their Pomeranian, Sadie.

Writers Chat is hosted live each Tuesday for an hour starting at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET
on Zoom. The permanent Zoom room link is:

Mastering Middle Grade

Getting Started on Instagram, part 2

Part one of this two-part article covered how to get started on Instagram. This second part explores growing your audience. I offer my advice from my own experience—as one who is not particularly proficient in technology and approached Instagram with trepidation.

Growing Your Audience

In a year and a half, my followers went from zero to over 8,400. Some authors build faster using Reels, but I’m happy with my progress. Here are some tips I learned.

  • Remember, in the end, social media is about relationship and community, not about you. If you support, love, and encourage others, they will, in turn, do the same for you. So be real. Share your hopes and dreams, triumphs and disappointments, fears and hobbies. Besides making new friends, you’ll discover people who will root for your success.
  • Post great content. Although this was covered in the last article, it cannot be emphasized enough. Stay true to your brand with your posts. You can use the stories feature of Instagram to put out information that your followers might find interesting but does not fit into your overall brand you want your profile to promote. Like Snapchat, it disappears in 24 hours.
  • Post consistently at a regular time. In general, the best time is between 10:00 and 3:00 during the week. I post at 7:00 a.m., prior to the start of my workday, and during my lunch break. My followers know this and are more likely to look for me at those times. Many authors plan media in advance using an Instagram scheduling tool. Or this video shows you how to schedule from your desktop for free.
  • Interact with people. Liking their post is great but leaving a comment of at least five words has more impact. Always respond to those who comment on your posts and return the favor by commenting on one of their posts. Sometimes these interactions help build a relationship. Sometimes they give you a chance to promote your book. Sometimes it’s just plain fun. No matter your motivation, this small investment can reap big benefits.
  • Join an author challenge—daily writing prompts on a variety of topics, such as science fiction, poetry, romance, and other genres. It provides you with material to post. Plus, if you follow the challenge hashtag, you will find like-minded people to connect with. This mutual interest builds community.
  • Follow trains can bring in a large number of followers very quickly. Anyone can create a one. Most include specific rules, such as following the host or certain accounts, in order to join. Select one that fits your audience profile. If you follow someone on a train, let them know by leaving a comment. Otherwise, it’s easy to get overlooked, and they might not follow back. Take a snapshot of the accounts you follow too. Then check on them in week to see if they followed back. If they didn’t, feel free to unfollow them since they did not, in good faith, fulfill the purpose of the event. (A good train host will be alert to this abuse, but many rely on you not to be fooled.)
  • Use hashtags reach your target audience. For example, if I use the hashtag #embersgram, which is geared for Christian writers, I can find posts by anyone using it and, even better, they can find me. Instagram automatically provides hashtag choices when you start typing, similar to how a search engine operates. Here are some middle grade book and writing tags to get you started, but research to find more: #middlegrade #bookstagram #middlegradebooks #middlegradefiction #mglit #middlegradereads #middleschool #authorsofinstagram #middlegradefantasy #mgbooks #middlegradeauthor #middlegradebook #mg #christianwriter #christianauthor #authorlife #writersofig #writinglife #writingcommunity #igwriters

There is much more to learn about this fast-growing social media tool. Now that you know how to get started, you can grow the platform you need to improve your chances of getting published. Follow me too at @Lori.Z.Scott. I’ll follow you right back!

Elementary school teacher Lori Z. Scott usually writes fiction because, like an atom, she makes up everything. Her down time is filled with two quirky habits: chronic doodling and inventing lames jokes. Neither one impresses her principal (or friends/parents/casual strangers), but they do help inspire her writing.

Somehow, her odd musings led her to accidentally write a ten-title bestselling chapter book series and on purpose write over 150 short stories, articles, essays, poems, and devotions. Lori also contributed to over a dozen books, mostly so she would have an excuse to give people for not folding her laundry. (Hey! Busy writing here!)

Lori loves speaking and leading workshops and enjoys visiting local elementary schools to share her writing journey. Follow her on Instagram @Lori.Z.Scott.

Mastering Middle Grade

Getting Started on Instagram Part 1: Sign Up, Bio, and Engaging Posts

Today’s authors must have a platform to market their books. In addition to a personal website, email lists, speaking engagements, and traditional book signing events, publishers expect to see your presence on social media. The bigger the numbers of people you have following your account, the better chance you have of a publisher considering your proposal. They want those contacts to turn into sales.

One of the top places to develop platform is Instagram, a popular photo and video networking service. Instagram has millions of active users across the globe on a daily basis. Many of those viewers make purchases based on someone they encountered on Instagram. Those are two compelling reasons to get started!

I’m not tech savvy, so I approached the whole project with trepidation. However, knowing the role it played in my overall writing journey, I kept at it. Step by step, I learned mistakes to avoid and techniques to succeed.

I came to love my Instagram community. And I’ve enjoyed benefits from it. I got hired as an article writer for Story Embers through an Instagram ad. I conduct interviews with authors through Instagram. I’ve paired with other authors to promote their books. I even met Kelli McKinney, the writer I’m guest blogging for today, through Instagram! Best of all, when I put a book proposal together, my followers are a cornerstone for the marketing section.

But what if you don’t know the basics of Instagram? Where do you start? And how do you build momentum? In this part one of a two part article, I will explore how to get started.

You’ve Got to Actually Sign Up

This seems like an obvious first step, but for those not familiar with the service, the whole process can be intimidating. However, YouTube provides many practical ‘how-to’ videos to guide you through the sign-up process. I used this link. Just remember, authors need a public business account. It provides a breakdown of statistics, including new followers, profile views, number and reach of your posts, and more.

Your Username and Bio

When you sign up, you’ll need a username. And writers, YOU are the brand, so using your name is perfect. If possible, keep the same username across all your social media platforms.

Next, create a short bio. Instagram limits the word count. Many authors use a catchphrase that sums up what they are all about. Mine is love, laugh, learn. That makes sense since I post positive affirmations, write humor, and teach. Along with the catchphrase, you can include who represents you, what you write, or book titles. Always include a link to your website.

Engaging Posts

Engaging posts will do much to boost your followers. But a word of caution: don’t push your product too much. Instagrammers often lose interest in authors who post picture after picture of their book. Instead, share more authentic posts—your crazy pet, a funny poem, a favorite Scripture verse, or an emotional hardship/victory. Be real. That’s what readers crave.

But I’m an author. That is true. So of course, you want to share projects you’re working on or the good news about an award you won. But couch that in the broader picture of the everyday you. Because if your audience doesn’t know you, they won’t be interested in what you have to sell.

What else?

  • Post an attractive feed. Use quality pictures with your brand in mind. Try free photo based apps like Unsplash or Pixaby.
  • Put words on your image. I use an app called Phonto to add text to my images.
  • Use filters to create a custom color scheme for your posts. Think branding.
  • Videos (Reels). Readers have short attention spans. Cater to that by recording and posting a Reel, which is a 15-second multi-clip video with audio tracks and other features. This short guide on YouTube might be helpful.
  • Stories. Like Snapchat, the images disappear after 24 hours. Interested follows access your stories by clicking on your profile picture. Here is a how-to guide.

Now you know enough to get started on Instagram. In part two of this article, I will tackle how to grow your audience.

Elementary school teacher Lori Z. Scott usually writes fiction because, like an atom, she makes up everything. Her down time is filled with two quirky habits: chronic doodling and inventing lames jokes. Neither one impresses her principal (or friends/parents/casual strangers), but they do help inspire her writing.

Somehow, her odd musings led her to accidentally write a ten-title bestselling chapter book series and on purpose write over 150 short stories, articles, essays, poems, and devotions. Lori also contributed to over a dozen books, mostly so she would have an excuse to give people for not folding her laundry. (Hey! Busy writing here!)

Lori enjoys speaking, leading workshops, and visiting local elementary schools to share her writing journey. Follow her on Instagram @Lori.Z.Scott.

Guest Posts

7 Unique Instagram Marketing Tips For Beginners


Are you looking for the perfect guide to improve your marketing strategy on Instagram? Follow these 7 effective steps that will help you to enhance your business. 

Before we enter into the main topic, a quick look about Instagram marketing. 

Instagram is one of the most popular and influential social networks in the world. As more and more people use Instagram to update their valuable information. Instagram is an excellent platform for publishing your visual thoughts. 

Instagram marketing is the process of promoting your brand among Instagram users. It helps you to reach a large & new audience, increase brand visibility, build strong brand & customer relationships, and generate more sales and revenue for your business. 

Okay, shall we move to our main topic: 7 unique Instagram marketing tips for beginners:

Tip 1: Make A Great Profile 

When someone enters your profile, the first thing they see your profile picture, short bio, and your most recent posts. Your Instagram profile clearly explains who you are and what your business does. It can help to show your brand personality and get people to notice your actions. 

Here are some important parts of your Instagram profile:

  • Profile Image: The image that you use should be relevant to your brand or business. 
  • Username: Add the right username that is searchable. 
  • Bio: You have 150 characters to write an effective bio. So, spend some time making the right impression. 
  • Clickable Links: Bio is an excellent place to take people to your product page directly. 
  • Call to action: You can insert additional call to action buttons such as call, email, etc. 

Tip 2: Follow A Unique Content Strategy 

A solid content strategy is essential to succeed on Instagram marketing. Without useful and relevant content, it is hard to grab the attention of your target audience. 

So, you should analyze what type of content is best to gain more potential followers to your account. 

But, how to find & improve your content strategy?

  1. You should upload more photos and videos that are relevant to your brand/products. 
  2. You can make videos that show your company culture and give a behind the scene look. 
  3. Create a mixture of contents with different formats. 
  4. Focus on high quality and subject matter contents. 
  5. Post one or two times per day when your followers are more active. 

Tip 3: Collaborate With Target Influencers 

Influencer marketing is the best strategy to reach out to your potential customers and gain followers on Instagram within a short time. Partners with the right influencers can show your brand in front of a wider audience. 

According to the research, more and more people purchase products based on the content of influencers. 

Usually, Instagram influencers have a large and loyal follower base. So, most people trust their recommendations to make a successful campaign. 

Ensure that you should choose to partner with those who have a highly relevant audience based on your product and services. 

If you partner with the right influencers, you can easily build strong brand awareness with your target audiences. 

Tip 4: Take Advantage Of Instagram Stories 

Instagram stories are similar to Snapchat posts, and it is a great way to keep your followers engaged and get more engagement. 

Instagram stories are easy to create and get more user attention when compared to Instagram photos. Because Instagram stories appear at the top of your followers feed. So, your followers can easily notice your stories and expose your content to a lot of people. Moreover, stories are a great feature to get more views on your profile page. 

When you boost Instagram story views, you get a chance to increase organic views for your stories. It can also help to drive traffic to your profile and expand popularity within a short period. It even encourages people to share more of your content with others. 

Tip 5: Use Powerful Hashtags 

Hashtags play an important role on Instagram, and you can use up to 30 hashtags per post. Hashtags can help you get more people to see your content and connect your brand with a wider audience. 

There are two types of Instagram hashtags that can get more visibility:

  1. Brand Hashtags 

A brand hashtag is basically your company name or the name of your marketing campaign. You can create branded hashtags to promote your business on Instagram easily. But, make sure your hashtags are easy to remember, unique and trending. 

  1. Content Hashtags 

The content hashtag is essential for getting more and more people to discover your content. You can use these hashtags within your content when it is relevant to it. 

If your content wants to become popular on Instagram, using a content hashtag can help you to show your content in front of your target audience. 

Tip 6: Leverage Instagram Ads 

Most marketers use Instagram advertising to enhance their brand to a huge audience. On average, there are 2 million users who use Instagram as an advertising platform. 

Here are few strong reasons for you to use Instagram advertising:

  • You can introduce your brand to a target audience through Instagram ads. 
  • Instagram ads are more engaging, which can help you to get a better conversation rate. 
  • It provides huge creative features for both images and videos when promoting your products. 
  • Instagram ads increase the chance of generating more sales and getting revenue. 

Tip 7: Access Right Metrics

Understanding your metric performance is the first step to improve your marketing strategy. Instagram provides a free inbuilt analytics tool to measure the success of your profile, content, audience demographic and more. 

These include: 

  • Follower Growth Rate:  The number of followers you have in the last 7 days.
  • Engagement Rate: It includes likes, comments, and shares per post. 
  • Click Through Rate: You can know how many people are clicking through to your URL. 

The above metrics will help you to market your business more effectively on Instagram. 


Instagram marketing strategies are the best marketing strategies in the digital world! You can use the above mentioned 7 marketing tips that can develop your marketing level and help to move the next! As a beginner, you must know the importance of Instagram marketing and their stats. 

Good luck for your business! 

Caterina Taylor is an experienced social media marketer and writer who works at She loves to work on content creation for social media blogs and has the potential to deliver engaging content on various platforms and networks.

Guest Posts

How To Promote Your Writing On Instagram

In 2020, social media is a vital part of our lives. We use it to communicate, to share stories, and for entertainment. However, studies show that businesses that want to promote their brands use social media the most.

Instagram is a social and marketing platform that can help you grow your brand. In this article, you’ll find how to promote your writing on Instagram and become a successful writer.

Create An Appropriate Profile

If you want to promote your writing efficiently, you might want to improve the marketing aspect of your artistry. Start treating your work as part of your brand. So, complete your bio and profile with the following elements:

1. A good and catchy name. Since you’re trying to create a brand for yourself, you need a name that is easy to remember. Try using one of your names and pair it with a word that reflects your artistry. For example, if your name is Alexandra, your brand username can be “Alexandra’s Writing” or “Alexandra’s (adjective) Blog.” Form different word combinations and find the one that sounds best. Alternatively, you don’t need to put your name in your brand. It can be something witty, that stands out, and in the formula of “(adjective) (pertinent keyword)” such as “The Honest Blogger ” or “Unknown Author’s Commentary.”

2. A professional bio. Social media management is about helping people reach you without any difficulty. So, when you write your bio, try to keep it simple yet interesting. Start with a short description of what you write about and who you are. Whether you’re a blogger, a writer for an online assignment help service, or a novel author, specify your work. Then, add your contact info such as email, blog, and other social media accounts. Remember that, on Instagram, the only place you can post a hyperlink is in your bio. So make sure to update the link every time you post.

3. A high-quality profile picture. The profile photo should have you in it or the emblem of your blog. People like to associate a blog to a face, so don’t forget to show yourself on posts even if your profile picture is about your blog.

Create A Story Of Your Work

The key to reaching your audience is storytelling. People like to follow a story with a message and a constant flow. Think of your posts as chapters of a book. Each one talks about an episode, but they all connect to form a novel. Therefore, when you start posting, try to follow a guiding line.

For example, begin by telling your audience about how you started writing. Then talk to your followers about how you posted your first blog entry. Share knowledge and fun facts about you, all while you subtly advertise your artistry.

Don’t be too persistent with promoting your brand. For example, try adding a “new article on my blog (link in bio)” at the bottom of every post. This way, you encourage your followers to read your blog, without being pushy.

Lastly, make sure your posts are coherent, and don’t forget about the editing and proofreading of your captions.

Perfect The Aesthetic Side Of Your Brand

Instagram is an incredibly visual app. The majority of the content on the app is photos, videos, boomerangs, and stories. Therefore, you might want to create an aesthetic page that invites people to check it out. Here are the visual elements you should consider on your Instagram profile:

  • Post high-quality pictures. Try to use a good camera when you take photos. Having clear images on your feed is crucial because people understand that you are putting effort into your work, and you deliver top-notch content. From a marketing stance, clear photos show that your business is real and professional.
  • Use consistent filters. When you edit pictures, try to maintain the same look. Find the most flattering filters for you. If you are a novel writer, maybe you need a vintage filter. On the other hand, if you’re a freelance writer at college reviews, you may need a slightly blue, clear filter. Moreso, use the same filters in your stories.
  • Use consistent fonts. When you’re posting a story, use the same colors and fonts. This way, people will recognize your brand.
  • Don’t post just one type of content. You should try to post photos, pictures, and videos. Take advantage of the full range of things you can put up. For example, you can post a photo of yourself holding your book. The next day, you can post a visually pleasing image of a word definition. Experiment with Instagram tools like IGTV, boomerangs, and stories.

Engage With The People Who Support You

As mentioned before, Instagram is a social platform. So, you need to keep people engaged in your content. You can do that by communicating with them through the social tools of Instagram.

For example, stories are a quintessential way to make people engage in your writing. You can show sneak peeks of your work, and anticipate posts. This way, you encourage people to click on your “Swipe Up” link and read your blog.

Don’t forget about the tags and hashtags. Try to learn SEO tactics: use pertinent hashtags that describe your work and add keywords in your caption.

Additionally, you can make a Q&A every couple of weeks. Your followers can ask questions about you and your work. So, people get to know the author behind the artistry.

Lastly, remember that you can increase your chances to stay relevant by posting regularly.

Try Marketing Methods

The business part of your work involves marketing. You may want to employ social media management strategies to invite more followers on your page.

The first method is to collaborate with other influencers. This way, you can mutually promote yourselves and grow your following. It’s a win-win situation, and you can come up with creative ways to collaborate. For example, you can work with other types of writers: creative authors, custom papers writers, or travel bloggers. You could create a series of Instagram stories where you ask each other questions and compare your work schedules.

The second method is to collaborate with brands because, after all, Instagram is an advertising platform. You can contact businesses and sign a deal: you promote them while they pay you. Also, the company can help with exposure if they have social media.

The third method is to advertise yourself. If you’d like to grow your following, consider paying for ads. This way, Instagram shows your posts on the feeds of potential followers. This technique is not cheap, but it’s effective, especially when you just started your account.


If you wish to promote your work with the help of Instagram, try to treat your work as a brand. Use a catchy name and write a good description. Next, write posts that tell your story. Don’t forget to put up photos regularly and to maintain your brand’s aesthetic. Lastly, engage with followers, other writers, and businesses.

Remember that even if you’re a comic book writer, a paper service freelancer, or a journalist, the world is your oyster. So, now that you know how to promote yourself, start posting.

Kurt Walker is a skilled freelancer and editor at a professional writer service in London. He is one of the many UK essay writers specialized in essay writing and assignment help. In his spare time, Kurt plays the guitar and takes his dog Shay for a walk.

Writers Chat

Writers Chat Recap Featuring Bethany Jett and Shalon Ironroad

Writers Chat, hosted by Jean Wise, Johnnie Alexander, and Bethany Jett, is the show where we talk about all things writing, by writers and for writers!

“Because talking about writing is more fun than actually doing it.”

Instagram’s IGTV with Bethany Jett

The latest trend on Instagram is IGTV. Yes, you can now create your own video channel on Instagram! It’s like YouTube…only on Instagram! Serious Writer’s Bethany Jett, showed how we can make this latest innovation work for us on Utilizing Instagram’s IGTV.

Watch the July 17th replay.

Show Notes & Live Chat Link

Bethany Jett is the Founder and Co-Owner of Serious Writer, Inc., and Vice President of Platinum Literary Services where she specializes in marketing, nonfiction proposal creation, ghostwriting, and developmental editing. Her love for marketing and social media led to her pursuing her Master of Fine Arts degree in Communication: New Media and Marketing. She also holds a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies: Behavioral Social Science and Humanities with a Criminal Justice minor.


Super Organized Planning for Business with Shalon Ironroad

Writing is a business. If you want your business to succeed, becoming organized is essential. Fortunately for us, consultant extraordinaire, Shalon Ironroad, knows the tricks of the trade, and she shared some great tips in Super Organized Business Planning.

Check out the July 24th replay.

Show Notes & Live Chat Link

Shalon Ironroad teaches that work-life balance is possible, but not sustainable. Instead, she focuses on the idea of work+life harmony, helping business owners and corporate teams see the value of building supporting pieces into their lives and their work, rather than having constant tension between the activities and people they love.

A veteran Virtual Assistant, Shalon Ironroad has spent the past decade supporting entrepreneurs, thought leaders, investors, and nonprofit organizations to reduce stress and improve operations so they can continue their great work without sacrificing the relationships that matter most (with themselves included). She loves helping business owners prepare to successfully automate and delegate the tasks that keep them from the work that truly matters.

In addition to her consulting work, she is a military wife, mother of three (+ 1 on the way!), and the author of The Tale of Little Tree: A Fable About Courage.

To learn more about how to build work + life harmony into your business, or to get in touch with Shalon, please visit Gain access to the business tools mentioned in the show via the Show Notes and Live Chat Links.


Writers Chat is hosted live each Tuesday for an hour starting at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET on Zoom. Here’s the permanent Zoom room link.

Participants mute their audio and video during the filming, then we open up
the room for anyone who wishes to participate with our guests. The “After Party” is fifteen-minutes of off-the-record sharing and conversation.

Additionally, you can grow your network and add to the conversation by joining our Writers Chat Facebook Group.

Dear Young Scribes

Insta-Savvy for the Socials: 5 Tips for Boosting Instagram Growth – Guest Post by Caroline George

Social media provides a new frontier ready for settlers. We gaze at its complex landscape of influencers, followers, and likes, and we often elect to spend our time at a coffeehouse, lost in the dip of an overused lounge chair and writing session than develop our online presence.

Writing matters most, right?

Spoiler alert: Publishers want authors with platforms.

Due to changes within the publishing industry, authors bear the responsibility of marketing their work. If they don’t have an audience for their marketing endeavors, they won’t sell their books. And if they don’t sell their books, they risk losing future publishing opportunities.

Most social-savvy individuals agree Instagram dominates the media world. With its diverse methods of content delivery and communication, the platform offers users the chance to engage with their audiences and expand their reach.

Authors, we need to take inventory of our social media tool-belts and decide which instruments best suit our target audience. For example, each social media platform caters to a specific demographic. Facebook tends to reach more users over the age of 30. Twitter also houses a mature demographic and presents business-geared content. Other platforms (Snapchat, Pinterest, etc.) inhabit the social media world, however, in this post, I aim to provide tips to help you boost your Instagram growth.

Some Instagram features to note . . .

  • Insta-Stories: Temporary posts that appear when a user clicks on an illuminated profile image. Each post lasts 24 hours.
  • Highlight Reel: Insta-Stories saved on a profile’s page, beneath the bio. These posts do not expire.
  • Profile: A user’s main page that houses images, highlights, and stories.
  • Business Profile Analytics: Information stored in a profile’s upper right-hand corner. Shares demographic, best times for posting, content engagement, and more.
  • Linked Accounts: Other social media platforms connected to the Instagram page. Linked accounts share content with each other.

These features combine the experiences of Snapchat and Facebook, which is why, according to Statista, Instagram currently has over 1 billion active users. The platform welcomes various age groups and focuses on engaging audiences with image-centered content.

What does this mean for authors?

  • Potential for tremendous reach.
  • Ability to grow platform with self-curated content.
  • Chance to connect with readers and build community.

I write for young adults, so Instagram helps me share my content with a teen and millennial audience, book-bloggers, fan girls, and other authors. Using the following 5 tips, I managed to boost my Instagram @authorcarolinegeorge from 500 followers to over 12 thousand followers in 2 years.

5 Tips for Boosting Instagram Growth . . .

Find your niche.

The first step of growing your audience is knowing your audience. What’s their age range? What type of content do they like? How do you reach them in a unique way?

Create your brand.

A brand can simply include color scheme, type of content posted, and overall message.

Know your voice.

Determine how you want to sound on social media. Are you fun and friendly? Do you write blog-style captions or share puns? Will users recognize your writing style? Consistency is key, so once you find your social media voice, stick with it.

Use Instagram’s tools.

To reach your target audience and grow your following, harness the power of hashtags. Sites like share the most popular hashtags for the type of content you publish. More ways to garner engagement:

  • Use the Business Profile Analytics to pinpoint the best posting time for your account,
  • Follow accounts like yours,
  • Add gifs, polls, and such to your Insta-Story. The more Instagram features you use, the more likely your content will appear in users’ feeds.


Team up with similar accounts to boost your following! Idea for a collaboration: Offer bloggers a free copy of your book in exchange for a book-themed photo and honest review.

Anyone can become Insta-Savvy with these 5 steps!

Want to know more about social media marketing for authors? Follow me on Instagram @authorcarolinegeorge and Twitter @CarolineGeorge_ for more platform tips.

About Caroline:

A 2017 Belmont University graduate with a double-major in publishing and public relations, Caroline aims to pursue a career committed to helping authors, publishers and organizations project their stories to their publics. She spends her time blogging, writing for various magazines and authoring young adult fiction books (her current publications include “The Prime Way Trilogy” and “The Vestige”). She considers herself a not-so-southern Georgia peach, coffee-junkie and delights in being best known for writing the phrase, “Coffee first. Save the world later.”