Lots of people aspire to be writers. Not so many do the work to become one. The fact that you are visiting a writing website means you are serious enough to do something about your writing dream.
Good for you! Keep it up.
Writing, like any creative endeavor, can be a lonely, frustrating struggle. To move from daydreaming about being a writer to actually becoming one, you and I need to be intentional about what we do and why we do it.
Intentional: done with intention or on purpose; intended; deliberate
An intentional writer approaches writing with purpose
- They know who they are in Christ.
- They know writing is part of their calling .
- They understand that they have a unique message and a unique voice—no matter how mundane the content or unglamorous the genre.
- They ponder why they write and who they write for.
- They choose to be courageous about putting their experiences and life-passions into words and then sharing those words with others.
- They are wise stewards of their writing abilities, always learning, improving, and seeking new ways to share their words.
An intentional writer makes deliberate choices about things like:
- Attitudes
- Habits
- Writing goals
- How to spend their writing time
- How they talk about themselves and their work
- Every element of their craft, from overall theme to individual word choice.
- When to follow the rules and when to break them
- Pursuing critique partners who give helpful (and sometimes painful) feedback
An intentional writer knows success is not measured in dollars, fame, or total pages published.
- They understand the ultimate goal of writing to honor God, whether that means writing an entertaining romance or a thought-provoking theology book.
- They trust God to use their efforts to challenge, encourage, or otherwise touch people, wherever, whenever, and however he chooses.
- They are generous with their writing and their knowledge, eager to encourage fellow writers.
Please don’t think this intentional stuff is way too serious for you.
Every aspiring writer can become an intentional writer. All it takes is a decision to be intentional about the how, why and what of your writing.
What one small step can you take to be more intentional about your writing today?
Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a story to tell the world. She loves to encourage fellow writers to be intentional about their craft and courageous in sharing their words with others. Lisa shares her words through dramas, Bible studies, historical mysteries, and her blog about intentional living. You can find her on Facebook LisaEBetzWriter and Twitter @LisaEBetz